Monday, December 26, 2005

IMM: I, Me, Myself

"Hey, its my turn!", "May you excuse me?", "I wanna see this!"... well, these 3 phrases are extremely familiar, and many a times, it comes from our mouth. Yes, I admit that I always say this. All of us uses these phrases. But does it mean that we are selfish? No, I didn't even mention the word selfish untill now. In fact, many of us are just "ALL ABOUT OURSELVES".
You see, almost everybody thinks that this world revolves around them. They tend to think that people will notice them wherever they go. When they get on the train, they think that everybody is noticing them. Well, I am not blaming anybody here, it is just our nature to think this way. We are created this way. No choice.
Let me give some examples. When you go out with a friend, and have a very very wonderful day of activites, do you go home, go online, and then go to your friend's blog and check if he/she has written about the day, and in particular, about you? Lol, no need to answer, I can expect pretty much "Yes" here. You see, this proves that we really pay alot of attention to what others think of us. When we hear people talking about us, we really want to know what they talk about. We want people to think highly of us. This is alright, its great to think this way, but we need to be careful here.
IF we are not careful, we might fall into the trap of wearing masks. We are start having 2 personalities, 2 lifestyles, double standard living. One is the wonderful self that you put up front for people to see and blog about, and the other is the true you that hides in your room.
It is best if we really show our true personality to other people. If everybody starts acting to be Mr.Nice Guy in front of everybody, it would be disastrous. Everybody will be the same! The true you is still the best. Yes, flaws here and there, but its alright. We are created with imperfections, nobody is perfect. Ok, don't give me your "Nobody is perfect, I am nobody, thats why I am perfect". Thats crap. That is totally stupid. You know what we should do, we should just accept our imperfections and just improve on these flaws. We shouldn't try to twist words and try to make ourselves look like we are perfect. Keep on improving ourselves and we might just be near to perfect, not perfect. In fact, all of us has a different definition of perfection, so I don't think perfection is something that can be applied to anybody.
And oh, sorry couldn't blog these few days as the modem isn't really happy. But anyway, wish all a merry christmas =)

Monday, November 28, 2005

Santa Claus Science?

Came by this article from a science magazine. Santa Claus true or false? You decide.
  1. No known species of reindeer can fly. BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.
  2. According to Population Reference Bureau. At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good child in each.
  3. Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical). This works out to 822.6 visits per second.This is to say that for each household with good children, Santa has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house.Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false, but for the purposes of our calculations, we will accept), we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75-1/2 million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours, plus feeding and etc. This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound. For purposes of comparison, the fastest manmade vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second--a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.
  4. The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element. Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized lego set (2 pounds), the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight. On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see point #1) could pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine. We need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload--not even counting the weight of the sleigh--to 353,430 tons. Again, for comparison, this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth.
  5. 353,000 tons traveling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance - this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as a spacecraft reentering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy. Per second. Each. In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centripetal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity. A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.

In conclusion--If Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's dead now.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Its a fear I cannot understand. A fear I never had before. The fear of being reckless, fear of being daring. Yes, I am bounded, chained by a fear I never used to have. Its been 5 days since I got my bicycle back and trust me, I have been cycling for these 5 days. However, something is very different from the past. Now, theres a fear that wraps around me, causing me to be extremely careful. This extra attention that I give to the traffic. The slow speed that I move at on the pedestrian walkway. I know where this fear comes from. I suppose its what they call post accident trauma. Being knocked down by a car and losing a bike has certainly inserted a safety measure in me. This safety measure made me fear traffic, fear the road, fear speed. For these 5 days that I was on wheels, I hardly hit the road. Most of the time I would just cruise my way around on pedestrian walkways. I am afraid of the road. I am afraid of cars knocking me down. Even on the walkways, I cycle very slowly. Its very hard for me to go into gear 8, or even 7. I am afraid of knocking people down, I am afraid of falling. The guts that used to be with me when I cycle is gone. I feel rather lost, not knowing where to go. I do not know whether this is a good thing or not. Some might say this is good, that I pay so much care and attention to my own safety, but I don't know. I really want my guts back. I want to speed on the roads with no fear again. I want to ride down hills. I want to go off road. I want to be the biker I used to be. I want my guts back. Take away this fear from me. Release me from the bondage of trauma, break the chains of fear that lock me down.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


YES! Finally after about 8 months of waiting, the bike can hit the roads again! Yep, I have finally completed the bike restoration programme and the bike is now fully functional. For all of you who don't know, my cycle was rendered disfunctional about 8 months ago due a pathetic car accident. For 8 months, the bike laid motionless in my room. The bike restoration plan was started during late October this year. The plan was to, of course, restore the bike to back to functioning condition. It is not a simple task. I started out by going around many different bike shops and going online to look for good deals and compare different prices. All this took about a month to finish. Finally I caught a very fantastic deal online and brought my bike down to the shop to fix. I would not provide the details but the deal was really quite a bargain. The bargaining and negotiations took about 5 days to complete as there many parts of the bike to be discussed. Finally, on 21st November 2005, I brought my bike down to this nice shop to be fixed. The repair process took one day to complete. On 22nd November 2005, which is also my sister's birthday (for more information about this can go to my sister's blog at, the bike was delivered to my house. Fully functional bike. Some new parts are: Giant Yukon Disc frame, disc brakes, new rims, front derailer, gear shifters and brake levers. With my fixed bike, I immediately sped off to my friend's house. Ah, I totally forgot I had to stay home to cut cake with my family! Sorry sis! When my mum called me, it was quite late already. I had half an hour to rush home but my mum wouldn't allow it. She was worried enough since the car accident so of course she wouldn't allow me to speed home. So, I just spent the midnight cycling around Bukit Gombak neighbourhood then stayed at my friend's home to watch Man U play Villareal. After that, we cycled for lunch then went home. And thats that. Reached home and I started blogging... typing this post and posting it...

Monday, November 21, 2005

Shopping, Not My Favourite Past Time

Imagine walking and walking and walking, at your left and right side are temptations that aim to rip a hole off your wallet. You continue walking with no aim at all, just walking and throwing yourself into temptation of spending money like nobody's business... Thats a situation I don't like to be in. And more than often, I find myself in this situation. Yes, you have no choice but to go shopping when you are out with girls. My sister in particular is one person who so loves shopping that she can spend hours walking around a 1km by 1km compound. No kidding. Wait, don't get me wrong. I still likes to go down to orchard road to buy stuff, but not shopping. I don't like the idea of walking around an area with no real intention or aim, looking at items through a glass panel and not really able to afford it. No. I like to go shopping when I have the cash, when I know what I want and when I see it, I will buy it. Just recently I went shopping with my sis and some other friends. It was quite an experience. I would just follow them and they would go into almost every single shop that they see, and I will just stand outside waiting. Occasionally I will hear someone ask me, "Nice?" I will just take a look and give a short comment. This can go on for hours, around the same compound, into and out of same shops. Sure is some good leg exercise. Some tips for guys out there though. Don't ever complain outwardly to your female shopping companion that you are tired or bored, just keep it to yourself and hope that they will end their shopping trip fast. If you really can't take it anymore, suggest to go for a meal or a break. If the girls ask you for comment, give your comment. Don't try to act cool by acting indifferent. Don't give false comments coz you won't want people to waste their money buying ugly things. When shopping with girls, just stand behind and follow them, don't ask why, just follow. Don't try to get a seat at any opportunity you get, it will only create a bad impression of yourself. And lastly, if you agree to go shopping with them, go shopping with them. Don't try to excuse yourself or leave halfway no matter how boring or tiring it may be. Be a gentleman for goodness sake.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Horrible Horrible Horrible Not So Horrible Afterall

I promised I will update... and ar, forget it. I am not here because I promised so, I am here because I really feel so... argh, frustrated. Let me tell you about it. My computer, which is I think 6 years or even older, is not as obedient already. Just last wednesday, it decides to break down. Well, I did my best to revive it but to no avail. So ya, I had to call the repairman down to fix it up. Sure, fixed an appointment. Well, I felt bored so I tried to mess with the com again. That piece of chips + wire + metal then decides to work again! My goodness. I was glad and shocked at the same time. Must be God's miracle. Thank God. So well, I had to call off the appointment. That repairman named Mike sounded disappointed (one business gone). Haha, so I am real glad that crap worked again. So I was playing happily when... dang, the modem started giving me problems. It just won't recgonize the stupid cable. Pathetic. Ok, I am no expert in cable so I had to call the technicians from Starhub down. Fixed an appointment for Saturday. So saturday came and I waited. Felt bored so I went to mess with the com again. You all can guess it. The internet is up again! Glad and shocked and I don't know what to do. That guy must be on his way. And yes he is. Technician guy called me and told me he is on his way. I told him internet is up already so he don't have to come down. Technician guy sounded glad and say ok. Ya, so thats it, pathetic computer back to working order with no external help, no even help from me. Thank God. Well, all I did was format the com... and ARGH! This is my second frustration. I lost so many files in the com that I can just go and bang my head on the wall already. All my project work, my literature, school research... and even my saved game files... especially my saved game files... especially the Need For Speed Underground saved game file! All the 111 races that I completed and all the cars that I modified and designed myself... all formatted... Right, smart move Meng Hui. I didn't even have a backup copy. I searched high and low for a backup copy but no, no backup copy!!!! Argh, I don't want to replay that game anymore, I'll just play other game... nah, I'll just get my bike fixed and go cycling. Haha! Yes! My bike is getting fixed soon! I am so glad! Finally, after months without getting those wheels on the road, I can finally hit the streets again!! Woohoo! Gladness overwhelms me and I can't even go to sleep with the excitement knowing that my biking days are coming back again... HEEHEE........:)

Saturday, November 19, 2005

An Update (Obviously), About My Exams Results

Recently, I recieved complains that I did not update my little blog. Well, so here goes, an update or a new post, whatever you want to call it. Hey, did I tell you that I finished my exams already? Of course I did. But I didn't tell you the results right? Well, here goes. I PASSED! Yeah, that is really fantastic. At first when I had the setback in my economics paper, I really though I had no hope. There goes one subject. I only had geography and literature to push me to J2. Literature was definitely not my forte and you need 2 'A' Level passes and 1 'AO' Level pass to get into J2. I was desperate, but well, what can I do. Did the exams and prayed all thing would go well. When I got the results, I was overwhelmed with joy. Literature got me really fantastic results. That was unbelievable, thank God. Geography was pretty cool, and economics was not as bad as I expected. General paper was pretty cool. So the results on my result sheet (which is the combination of CA and Promotional Exams marks) are Economics (A): E, Geography (A): D, Literature (A): D, General Paper (AO): C5, Chinese AO: B3. That means 3 'A' Level passes and 2 'AO' Level passes! That also mean that I passed everything that I studied for! Praise the Lord! Of course it isn't the best of the results I could get but I am already very happy with this. Indeed I will have buck up through my J2 years in order to get a good enough results to go through to university. Well, an update, and I will update more frequently, no problem.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

All In A Nutshell

Hey hey, been some time since my last post. Well, it always have to pass some time before I even post, but, I have just so much to say this time! I've been wanting to post some thoughts of mine so many times for the past week but just could not find the time to! It had been a pretty hectic period of time for me. Since 2 weeks ago I had been wanting to write something. That was the time my promotional exams ended and, darn, many things sure happened. I had one of the most major setbacks ever in examinations. I believe complacency caught up with me and I did not read the instructions for my 1st paper, the economics essay paper. Instead of the required 3 questions, I chose only 1 question and spent all my time on that 1 question. This caused me to lose 50 marks out of 75 for nothing. It was a hard blow for me as economics was one of my most confident paper. But I recieved much encouragement and was able to move on and finish all my paper. The exam week was 1 week of intensive continuous examinations. I was extremely stressed out due to the bad start but was still able to pull through. And after the last paper, I quietly took out a little choclate bar from my pencil case and congragulated myself... but only to find out there was still more work to do! Well, at least exams are over. But but but... there is still project work! Had hours of meeting and all even after the paper... well, then we were free! Wahahah. Enjoyed and destress the following monday at the southern island of Sentosa. Didn't get too tan though, the sun is acting weird nowadays... And after the monday... I don't want to say it but... its school again. Hours and hours of project work... and this sort of project work life just went on and on and on... and now... we are still doing project work -_-" Haiz, my CCA was announced to be closed down yesterday. The Humanities Club (which I am in) had our last meeting yesterday. Did nothing much but to give farewell speeches. Felt kinda nostalgic during the meeting, we did spend some quality time with each other anyway. I just can't wait for my results. They are going to be released next monday. I wonder if I can make it through to year 2. I really pray that everybody in the class will make it. Don't want to see anybody being held back. Don't want to see anyone leave the class. Especially all my friends. Without even a single one of them, the class wouldn't be what it is. Can't think of what it will be like if anyone should leave... the class is small enough, wonder if we will be rebanded if anyone should leave. Well then, I shall end on this note I guess. Not the best of endings I guess but its just everything over the past 3 weeks in a nutshell...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Christianity: The Whys And Hows

I am a christian. I am not ashamed to tell everyone this. In fact, I am going to shout this out and make sure everyone knows that I am follower Jesus Christ my Lord. The thing is, many people will start asking me questions like "Why do you believe in Christ?" and "Why should I believe in Christ?" First things first. Why do I believe in Christ? It is very simple. I believe in Christ simply because I know that He is the only God in the world and that He can deliver what He promises! Maybe some people might ask how do I know this. I'll tell you. I have seen miracles happen. I have seen promises delivered. And I can just feel His very presence. Jesus has certainly done a miracle in my life. Not just one miracle, miracles. I'll just take the favourite "Car accident" for example. I really don't believe that my body is that strong to take a knock from a big piece of metal that is travelling at 60km/hr. The only explanation I can give is that I was saved by God. Well, well, enough of why I believe in Jesus, lets see why YOU should believe in Jesus. Ok, let me tell you that Jesus LOVES YOU. Now don't tell me things like "How can He love me? He don't even know me yet!" Nah, Jesus already know you! He knows your name and everything you know about yourself and even more! He knows you even before you were born and He loves you even while you are in your mother's womb! In fact, He even died for you so that the sins that you commit can be pardoned! You know that sins brings you to hell don't you? But what you should know is that Jesus is here to remove these sins so that you won't have to go to hell! Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" Yes, that is why you should believe in Jesus Christ! Ok, so are you ready to know how to be saved by Jesus Christ and pardoned from your sins? Here goes! Just believe in Him! Yes, its that simple! Have faith and believe in Jesus, know that He loves you and that He gave His life for you. John 3:16 "For God so loves the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." Know this then take step number 2. Come to church! Just come and look for me and I will bring to church! After that, your steps to salvation will be go on and you can be like me, saved through Jesus Christ!

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Thats what I have been called since a few months ago, and I couldn't agree less. Mr. Accident-Prone, or the Accident-Prone Man, they mean the same thing. That is, I am someone who is very very prone to accident. Actually I didn't really believe it, but when I looked back at the number of accidents I had in just a few months, I was quite shocked. I appear to have already gotten use to these accidents that having one more accident don't matter much to me anymore.
Lets take a look at the last few accidents I got myself involved in.
Well, I believe many of the accidents I encounter had got to do with bicycle. In 2001, my friend's bicycle knocked into mine while we were going downslope at Pulau Ubin and it got really messy. I had a palmful of blood and my friend got his leg badly cut. In 2004, my friends and I went on a cycling trip, while returning back at Kranji, my bicycle hit a protruding rock while we were going downslope (yes, downslope again) and I basically had a somersault with my bike. Got my knee pretty badly grazed there.
Then I got my new bike. This new bike was cool. But it did not prevent many accidents from happening. I got it during the halfway mark of 2004. Took it out for rides and accidents start coming in. Was careful with it at first but started speeding and all as time passed. Then, accidents happen. I was going downslope(YA, its downslope again, again) along a sandy path and my front wheel got locked in a crack in the ground. This sent me flying through the air. Injured my knee and my waist. By that time, I had already learned to wear gloves, so my palms was safe.
Next was at a carpark. I was trying superspeed cycling so I was going real fast around the carpark. Was doing alright untill my cap(Yeap, I was wearing a cap) flew off my head. This gave me a shock and I lost concentration. This caused my lose balance and I went down to the ground at extremely high speed. As a natural reaction, I detached myself from the bike to reduce injuries. The next thing I knew is that my bike went flying straight at a car parked nearby. "BANG!" Chain came off, i injured my elbow and knee. Fixed the bike up and went home.
The next accident I can remember will most probably the car accident I got myself in. Was cycling home when I decide to cross over to the other side of the road. Checked the opposite road but not the one on my side. Was crossing halfway when "BANG!", I got hit and flew through the air. My knee and elbow got injured again. My bike was destroyed.
IT may appear to be "no more bike, no more accident". But not. Accidents continued to occur. Even on foot. It was raining and I decided to run to school to avoid being drenched. Was running and I just slipped. Flew through the air(Yes, even when I run) and landed on concrete and grass. Cut my elbow very badly. Got scarred bad.
So ya, i decide to walk carefully. Nah, accidents won't leave me. I was walking when a speeding bicycle(ya, bicycles again) came at me and bang into me. Bruised my waist.
I thought this would stop, but I even injured my finger while playing sports!
Well, thats what there are untill now. I seriously hope and pray this will stop. Hmph.

Monday, August 29, 2005

The English Language

Just came across this article recently, so I would like to share it with your guys. Enjoy:)
The English Language. Have you ever wondered why foreigners have trouble with the English Language?. Let's face it. English is a crazy language. There is no egg in the eggplant No ham in the hamburger. And neither pine nor apple in the pineapple. English muffins were not invented in England. French fries were not invented in France. We sometimes take English for granted But if we examine its paradoxes we find that Quicksand takes you down slowly, Boxing rings are square. And a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig. If writers write, how come fingers don't fing. If the plural of tooth is teeth. Shouldn't the plural of phone booth be phone beeth, If the teacher taught, Why didn't the preacher praught. If a vegetarian eats vegetables. What the does a humanitarian eat? Why do people recite at a play, Yet play at a recital? Park on driveways and Drive on parkways. You have to marvel at the unique lunacy. Of a language where a house can burn up as it burns down. And in which you fill in a form by filling it out. And a bell is only heard once it goes! English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race (Which of course isn't a race at all) That is why when the stars are out they are visible, but when the lights are out they are invisible, and why it is that when I wind up my watch it starts, but when I wind up this observation, it ends.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Prayer and Prayer and Prayer

Today, lets talk about prayer. To pray, according to the Oxford dictionary means to speak to God or a god in order to give thanks or to ask for something. Prayer is the most powerful thing in the world. With prayer, we can work wonders and miracles by the strength of God. In Christianity, prayer is the most important aspect. It can be said to be the backbone of the faith. This is basically because prayer is the only way we can speak our God Jesus Christ. It is like a telephone that is directly connected to Him and everytime we phone, it will be answered. No prayer will be left unheard. All prayers are heard, no matter by who. Anybody's prayer, be it young or old, male or female, pastor or not pastor, ANYBODY, their prayers will be heard. In the bible, even Jesus Christ our Lord needs to pray regularly, what makes us think that we do not need to pray? 2nd Chronicles 15:2 tells us that "If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you." Prayer is very important as it keeps us close to God. Prayer is sort of like an armour to protect us from doing evil. If we do not pray regularly, trust me, we will fall into doing evil. Matthew 26:41 says "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." Also, in 2nd Chronicles 12:14 "He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the LORD."
As you can see, prayer is so so so important. If we pray, we will enjoy peacefulness from God. This is seen in 2nd Chronicles 14:7 "we sought him and he has given us rest on every side." In fact, in the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1st and 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, we can see that any king of Israel or Judah that seek the Lord enjoyed peace and victory, but any king that turned from God lose out in one way or another.
We as Christians pray for almost everything under the sun. Some people might think that we are kiasu, but that’s not the case. Thats because we believe that everything under the sun needs a prayer. When people are sick, we pray. When people are taking exams, we also pray. When people are going on a trip, we pray. When we eat, we pray too. Everything needs a prayer. For me, every and night when I wake up or sleep, I will pray. This is so that the day will be successful one.
Just last Monday, on 8/8/2005, my church had a prayer session to pray for the nation of Singapore. Prayer is extremely extremely important.
Sometimes our prayers are answered instantaneously, sometimes God decides to take it slowly. But do not lose patience! Continue praying and it will surely one day be answered! I know of someone whose parents are both unsaved. Every day she would pray for her parents. It is only after what seemed like 10 years before her prayers are answered and her parents came and know Jesus! Let me give you yet another example. The other time I had sports with my friend and we were waiting for a cab home. We were both in an area where the road is extremely busy and no cabs would stop for us. We prayed to God for a cab. Almost instantly, a cab pulled over by our side for a passenger to alight. We thanked God and boarded the cab.
You see, the power of prayer is immeasurable. If you have not started praying, you should start now.
James 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Oh How I Love You Please Don't Run (By Don)

This is a poem by me, an assignment by my literature teacher on the topic of "Love". Just sharing it with you guys.
Oh How I Love You Please Don't Run (By Don)
Oh how I love you please don't run
The way you look oh so special
The way you feel oh so tender
Oh how I love you please don't run
Oh how I love you please don't run
The softness I feel when I bite
The taste you have and should not hide
Oh how I love you please don't run
Oh how I love you please don't run
The milk which oozes as i squeeze
The kind of pleasure I can't bear to leave
Oh how I love you please don't run
Oh how I love you please don't run
The sugary sweetness as I lick
The sweetness which comes from your sugar-coated skin
Oh how I love you please don't run
Oh how I love you please don't run
I must put you inside of me
I must do so you will not leave me
Oh how I love you my sugar-coated milk bun

Another poem 友情与爱情 by Lee Zihao

友情与爱情 (Lee Zihao)
爱、友 双者从不合
Translation By Meng Hui

Could love and friends be together

No, they have never conciled ever

They have been ever distinct

Never have they been one thing

Oh, such struggle

Leave one not and keep not the other

My eyes is thus filled with tears

Neither love nor friend is easy, i fear

Why can't both be together?

Will it only be a dream forever?

Losing either will cause agony

Yet i find no help to such misery

Both thus shall not exist

Leaving me thus to weep in this mist...

朋友 (A Friend)

I shall share a poem by Mr Lee Zihao, a friend of mine who studies chinese literature, and also the translations of the poem.
朋友(By Lee Zihao)

A Friend (Translation By Meng Hui)

I walk down the road of life,

Hoping to find someone to call friend.

So many people pass me by,

Yet no one could truly understand.


Little did I realize who was beside.

Someone I have not met or known.

Yet he was one I could confide.

For we have much in common I know.

He was someone who could understand,

To sit down and listen to me he will.

Time, I hope our friendship can withstand,

Or perhaps time should just stand still.


A pity distance separates us both

Or the day could be spent to chat.

To blame who could us both,

For a pity wish was never fact.


Thus I would just pray to heavens above,
That forever this friendship we will love

Monday, July 11, 2005


And Create 2005 is over. Create 2005 is an event in the church whereby many talents come together to fight it out for titles in Singing, Drama, Video, Foam Art and Missions Presentation. Much was anticipated for this event and much was shown. It was a neck to neck competition as all the competitors were extremely good, or talented I should say.
An event that spans over 2 weeks on Friday, Create has shown much talent in our church. In the 1st Friday, we were overwhelmed by all the fantastic singing of Vocal Singles and Vocal Group. All contestants really sang their lungs out and we were treated with a concert that really my breath away. Region A swept the 1st and 2nd position for Vocal Singles while Region C held 2nd and Region B 1st for Vocal Group. We were also treated with a video clip of the Foam Art competition that was held in the previous Saturday. Region C again made it to the 2nd postition with their art piece while Region B held champion with a tower of letters.
The 2nd week of Create starts off with Missions Presentation. All region did their best in showing us the needs of the Yishun community and stirred the hearts of everybody to do something for the community of Yishun. Region B got 2nd for touching the hearts of everybody while Region C 1st for putting up a fantastic presentation. We were then brought to a world of drama whereby all 4 regions showed us the life of 4 great men in the bible: Moses, David, Joseph and Abraham. Dramas came in different patterns ranging from musicals, ancient context and modern context. Region D eventually clinched the 2nd spot with their showing of the life of Abraham while Region C managed to get the 1st position with their fantastic musical of Joseph. Also, we were treated with the videos of the different regions advertising Heart.Sports. Region A grabbed the 2nd postition for their exciting video and Region C once again got the 1st position for their well thought out video.
It had been a much fun and exciting Create this year and we can all look forward to what Create 2006 holds for us next year. Untill then, much will happen. For now, its has been Create-d.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Living God, Finale: The True God Of Promise

Good things come in 3. Blockbuster movies like Lord Of The Rings, The Matrix comes in 3 episodes. And so of cos, my discussion comes in 3 parts.
In this final episode, I want to tell you that my God is one of true promise. The last 2 episodes tells us that God is one who is living, and is living in the past, the present and into the future. And because He is a Living God, He will SURELY be able to deliver all His promises.
The bible speaks of many promises that God had made. In the Old Testament, He promised many people different things, and all these promises were fulfilled, both the good ones and the bad ones. We all know of this man called Abraham. God promised him in Genisis 15:5 "Look up at the heavens and count the stars - if indeed you can count them. So shall your offspring be." And yes we all know that Abraham's offsprings eventually made up to be a nation of Israelites.
Also, theres one thing very interesting. In Genesis 15:13-14 "Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated for four hundred years. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possesions." That seems like a very long and detailed promise isn't it? Yes, and God did every single thing He promised. In Exodus, we know that the Israelites indeed were enslaved in Egypt. Then Egypt was punished by the plagues God sent. The Israelites and came out of Egypt and in Exodus 12:36 says "The Lord has made the Egyptians favourably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians." And in Exodus 12:40 says"At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the Lord's divisions left Egypt." Look, everything was done according to what the Lord promised. And 430 years! Thats a very very long time. No one here have ever even lived for 400 years. And yet, after such a long time, The Lord still remembers His promise.
Abraham's story is just but one of many stories about promises that can be found in the bible. But all these stories are not just about promises, its about faith too. Its about faith in the Lord our God. If you have faith in the Lord, the Lord surely will deliver His promises to you! In Genesis 22, we can see that Abraham had great faith in the Lord, and was even willing to sacrifice his one and only son for the Lord! Of cos God stopped him in time as it was only to test his faith, but because for his faith, the Lord has grant him such a fantastic promise!
You see, if you want someone to do something for you, you must believe in the person first right. This means to have faith in the person. If you don't have faith but still ask for something, wouldn't that be not right? This is similar with God. If you want God to help you, you must have faith and believe in Him! Then when you have faith, surely He will help you!
My God is a true God. He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins on the cross. He promised us in John 3:16 that if we believe in Him, we shall not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus has used His blood to wash away all our sins, now all we need to do is to believe! Is it too good to be true that people choose not to believe? Yes it is good, and it is true! Have faith! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and SURELY, He will deliver His promises to you, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
God will deliver His promises as He is the True God, The Living God through the past, the present and into the future. My God is a great God.
Revelation 22:12 "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done." John 5:24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believe him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."

Thursday, June 30, 2005

The Living God Part 2: The One Who Was And Is And Is To Come

In the last part, I discussed about a Living God, one who is resurrected and can live up to His promises. In this part, I will discuss about a God who is living in the past, the present and even into the future.
Revelations 4:8 says "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come" Revelations 1:8 also says "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty." What does all this mean? "Who was" would mean that God is of the past, "who is" would mean that God is of the present, "who is to come" mean God is of the future. Alpha means the beginning, and Omega means the end. So our God is one who spans through all time, existing from the beginning to the very end.
We can also see from these verses that indeed God is definite about this, He is sure about what He said. He did not say "who may come". He said " who is to come". The mere use of the word "is" ensures that He is sure to come.
"Who was". Our God is one of the past. Even though He is one of the past, He is still the Living God. Matthew 22:32 "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead but of the living." Our God is one of the living. He is the God of the forefathers, God of past. You may ask how this will be as we will all die eventually and that the forefathers are dead. Indeed our earthly body dies, but when we believe in Christ our Lord, our soul is revived and lives eternally through the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Who is". Our God as one of the present. Matthew 28:20 "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" Hey hey, look at this verse. God says, "I AM with you always" He said I AM. "Am" is present tense if you know english. This clearly means He is the God of the present, NOW. And look, "to the very end of the age". This is a promise that He will be with us till the end, as the above have shown, to the Omega. This eventually leads me to the next point.
"Who is to come". A God of the future. Joshua 1:5 "As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." Look at this. The use of all the "will". "Will" is a future tense. He WILL be with us, WILL never leave us, WILL not forsake us. When someone says that he will, he is making a promise. If I say, "I will come to have lunch with you", I am making an appointment, a promise that I will come and have lunch with you. Similarly, God is promising that He will never forsake us, and we can be assured that God never fail in His promises.
Indeed, our True and Living God lives through the past, the present and the future. He was with us in the beginning, is with us now, and will be with us in the future, all the way through to the end. And rest assured, He will not fail in His promises to be with us all the way.
Revelation 22:13 "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."

Saturday, June 25, 2005

A Living God

Once again I feel like talking about my God, so if you are sensitive to religious issues, just kindly move your mouse the the "X" at the top right hand corner of your screen and click it.
Ok, my God is a living God. Meaning, He is not dead. This is the most wonderful thing in christianity. Jesus isn't dead. He came down to this earth, died on the cross for all our sins, and ROSE AGAIN. Ok, the reason why I capped the "rose again" is because this is real important! 1 Corinthians 15 of the Bible tells us that if Christ has not risen from the dead, all of our faith would have been wasted, Christianity wouldn't even exist! This "rose again" is so important because it shows that the God which we believe in has actually beaten death! Some of you might ask why is this so important. Well, it is important because, Jesus has promised all of us, that if we believe in Him, we will have eternal life. And the only way to have eternal life is to beat death. If Jesus did not rise again and beat death, wouldn't the promise be a fake? Jesus told His disciples that he would rise from the dead after 3 days and He did. Imagine if He did not rise from the dead, wouldn't His disciples just walk off and not continue Christianity? So yes, indeed Jesus has rose again, beaten death and we can be assured He can give us eternal life. I'm not critisising other religions but Christ is the only God that rose again! Buddha did not rise from the dead, neither did whatever gods there are. No other gods that are worshipped has ever risen again except Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ rose again to prove that He is the Son of God, that He has power over death, that He can give us eternal life, that He is the Living God. I wouldn't want to worship a dead god, neither do I worship dead ancestors, as all these are dead, buried somewhere or are even in ash, they can't help me to achieve eternal life when I die, coz they can't even do it themselves! I worship a Living God that can speak to me, one that can help me. A Living God that has beaten death and will surely be able to grant me everlasting life. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Turn Left Turn Right: Review

And I watched the VCD I bought. Nice show I would say. A spoiler of the story here, I just like telling people stories. Haha.
The story start off with this 2 person, a man and a woman, both just beside each other, but do not know each other. Many a times they are close, but never once they met. The whole story revolves around a poem. This poem talks about a man and a woman who always are close, but never meet. Get the link?
Alright, this 2 people just live next to each other ok. Only a wall seperates both of them. Yet, because of something that they are afraid of, the lady goes left whenever she leaves her house, and the man, right. So they hardly have any chance to meet.
Yet, as if the story is developing at last, the 2 characters come to a fountain. As all of us know, this fountain is round. And when u put 2 parallel lines around a circle, they meet right? So yes, at last even though they were going opposite directions, they met.
The 2 characters spent quality time with each other, and fell in love at 1st sight. In fact, not at 1st sight. Thats because when they were very young, they met and fell in love too. Regconizing each other by their student ID number, as they did not know each other. At a train, the girl asked the boy for number, but lost it. That was long time ago, and now, they meet again, wonderful isn't it. Both then got to learnt the wonderful poem which this story is revolved around.
So they spent time with each other, untill it rains. They quickly exchanged numbers and rushed home, one going left, another going right. However, just when I thought the story is developing, ah, the piece of paper which their numbers were on got wet, and the numbers gone! So they went on guessing the number, untill both fell sick.
Ya, so they went on like this. Always getting just next to each other, but never meet. Untill one day, both of them recieved a package of photos that were taken of them, so close, yet never meeting. The 2 characters said the same thing: "Without the other person, its like a person without a shadow" So nice isn't it.
Ok, and they still continued with their life, guessing numbers. Then, people who once liked them gave each of the 2 characters a number. And guess what, the number is actually the number that they were guessing all along! But they did not know.
The man, a violonist, got admitted to go to Venice for a music thingy. The woman, a script translator, got a job in America. Both of them will be leaving each other, but still, they can't guess the number. So forget it, the man decided to call the number which he got from the person who once liked him. And the woman did the same thing. An answering machine took the call, and both of them just talked to the answering machine. Now I hope that you all remember that the number they called is actually each others number.
So yes, they were talking into each other's answering machine. They did not know at 1st, untill both read out that very poem which they shared! They knew immediately that it was the other party. Both then immediately ran out of their house, opposite directions and began shouting frantically each other's student ID number(they did not know each other's name). The shouting was a failed attempt. Both returned to their houses to pack the things they needed for going overseas the next day. It seems all hope is lost.
Both were at their homes, and I thought the story would just end like that, forever not getting to meet each other. Yet, indeed, good things do happen in the end. Just when both were about to leave, the guy decided to try again to call the number, and the lady decided to wait just a little while before leaving. The call got through, the lady picked up the phone.
Yet yet yet, at that very moment, an earthquake shook the whole apartment, and call go cut off! Ah! What a waste isn't it. However, thats not the case. The earthquake not only cut the lines, but also brought down the wall that were seperating both of them all along! They see each other, and knew immediately that they would never leave each other again. The End, how nice.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Thanks God

Yo, this post is totally dedicated to my God. You see, many a times, God helps and blesses us but we don't see it that way. We sometimes know its a blessing but we forget to thank Him. It is very important to know that God is blessing us and thank him! Let me give a real life example. I once had a bicycle. There was this time I took it out for a ride and left it outside my friend's house, with me being in the house. It was stolen. Gone. I was very sad. So I went on my knees and prayed to God. In an hour time, as I was walking about looking for the bike, I found it lying by a firehydrant, full with no parts missing! I thanked God there and then. But God told me to give a testimony about this to my cell group. I failed to give the testimony. One month later, the bike was stolen from outside my own house, and gone forever. This happened before I was revived and on fire for God. It is very very important to thank God, so here goes, I am gonna thank God for all He had done for me as far as my memory can bring.
The first thing I want to thank God is for bringing me to come and know Him. Through my parents I got to go church, and got baptised. However I left God when I was young, that is so wrong of me. But, thank God once again for forgiving me! And not giving up on me for all those years that I did not serve him, then bringing me back to Him again! And now, I have dedicated my heart to serve Him. Next, thank God for all my great friends. They have been very fantastic and have lightened up my life. Next thanks is very important. Thank God for preserving my life in the car accident I got. I believe that had it not been God interception, I would be in the hospital. It is truely a miracle and I believe that it is God's grace that I had been saved at that very time. Then, thank God for all my friends and family who helped me celebrate such a wonderful birthday. Thank God for all those wonderful gifts from Steph, Trina, Zihao and my sis. And also thank God for helping me to go to the church camp this year. And lastly, blessing me so wonderfully with such a fantastic church camp! Yes, thank you God, you have been a great God, and I will surely and truly serve you with all my heart.

Friday, June 10, 2005

6th June ~ 10th June: Evangel Family 32nd Church Camp

Yes, so how have you spent this week of yours? I don't really need to know how you spent your week but I'll just tell you how I spent my week. For many people, its the holidays, but to my friends in poly, sorry its not. So that means no school. Thus, as the title suggests, I went to the Evangel Family 32nd Church Camp, in simple words, I went to my church's camp in Malaysia. So let me bring a little details about this wonderful experience I had at Sunway Pyramid, PJ, Malaysia.

6th June: I woke up and took the stuff I packed the night before and left home. Upon reaching the MRT station, I realised that I did not bring my EZ-Link card, BIG MISTAKE. So I had to buy a single trip ticket which cost alot more than the usual fare and boarded the train. My destination is NEWTON, but due to my blurness, I alighted and exited the station at NOVENA. 2ND BIG MISTAKE. Therefore, I had to buy another single trip ticket to go Newton, wasting time and money. Reached Newton, I was late by a little. So everything went as planned and we headed for the Second Link Tuas Checkpoint. TRAFFIC JAM! My goodness. The bus stayed motionless for about an hour. Then we went through the packed Singapore checkpoint and into Malaysia. Had lunch on the way to KL at some place called Yong Peng. When we were nearing Kuala Lumpur, 2ND TRAFFIC JAM! Ok, nevermind, we still reached Sunway Pyramid at 5pm. Then I went according to the timetable, having prayer, service then sleep. Had a mini wrestling in the room. End of Day 1.

7th June: Woke up, washed up and went for prayer. Had devotion then breakfast. Found out that the waiters are pretty friendly. Then service and after that lunch. Went out to Subang Parade for a shopping trip but bought nothing. Had an Earthquake at Swensons then went back to hotel. Bought a Adidas shirt at the hotel mall for RM50. Had dinner then prayer then service. Walked about the mall a little then sleep. Had another mini wrestling in the room. End of Day 2.

8th June: Again, woke up, washed up and went according to the timetable. During breakfast, I decided to be a waiter myself and poured myself some tea. During the afternoon free time, my friends and I went to the theme park and played. Got ourselves wet and had a great time. One of my friend even lost her slippers. Then as usual dinner and prayer and service. Became a waiter again during dinner. Went around the mall a little again, tried some shorts but decided not to buy them. Then went room to sleep. Had another mini wrestling. End of Day 3.

9th June: Once again, I do the things I do every morning. Continued being waiter during breakfast and got called waiter Ang. During afternoon free time, went to really shop around the mall. Bought a pair of board shorts at last for RM41. Then dinner and got called waiter Ang again. Prayer and service. Then went out to a market place opposite to have supper. Had Cuttlefish with KangKong Veg, chee chong fun, fried kway teow, some noodles and chicken wing. Bought fried kway teow and chicken wing for my room mate. Then I went back to room. Packed my things to leave tomorrow. No wrestling tonight coz we want to be peaceful. Chatted with each other in the dark about many things. Slept at about 2am. End Of Day 4.

10th June: Was supposed to wake up at 6.30am to soak in the bathtub and pray with my room mate. But the alarm failed us and we ended up waking at 7.50am. Designated time to have breakfast: 8am. So we rushed through the washing up. Then we prayed. We took our bags and said goodbye to our room. Had breakfast and waited for our coaches to come. Took some photos while waiting. Coaches came and we went off. Had lunch on the way to Malaysia Checkpoint, same place where we had lunch on the first day, Yong Peng. Went through Malaysia and Singapore Checkpoint. The coach brought us back to Newton. I bought another single trip ticket and took the train home. Did all the unpacking and stuff. And now, I am blogging.


Monday, May 30, 2005

Turn Left Turn Right

After scouting around for this movie, I finally found it at North Point in Yishun. I tried Lot1 in Choa Chu Kang and Bukit Panjang Plaza in BP, but just can't find it. So at last, I got it for S$8. Pretty cheap. And yes, i suppose it is a nice movie. Just have this good feeling about it. I like the song very much, Yu Jian, I suppose thats what they call it. It means to "meet by chance". Well, and the show is pretty touching I heard, no idea, I haven't watched it yet. It talks about 2 people who live right next to each other but have never ever met before. This is because this guy likes to turn right, and the woman likes to turn left. Well, just like parallel line, they just never meet. However, they met at a fountain, probably because the fountain is round. So they had this love at first sight experience and really got along well. Then, it rained. They quickly exchanged phone numbers and ran off, each to the direction they like to go, left, right. And sad enough, their numbers which were written on paper, was smudged. And whats left was just a few numbers. And the story goes on about how they try to find each other and like any story goes, they finally found each other. So thats basically the story but I haven't watched it yet. Oh ya, holidays is here, so happy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Poem To Share

I find a particular interest in this poem and would like to share it with you guys. Enjoy.

A Satirical Elegy (On the Death of a Late Famous General) by Jonathan Swift

His Grace! impossible! what, dead!

Of old age, too and in his bed!

And could that Mighty Warrior fall?

And so inglorious, after all!

Well, since he's gone, no matter how,

The last loud trump must wake him now;

And, trust me, as the noise grows stronger,

He'd wish to sleep a little longer.

And could he be indeed so old

As by the newspapers we're told?

Threescore, I think, is pretty high;

'Twas time in conscience he should die.

This world he cumbered long enough;

He burnt his candle to the snuff;

And that's the reason, some folks think,

He left behind so great a stink.

Behold his funeral appears,

Nor widow's sighs, nor orphan's tears,

Wont at such times each heart to pierce,

Attend the progress of his hearse.

But what of that, his friends may say,

He had those honors in his day.

True to his profit and his pride,

He made them weep before he died.


Come hither, all ye empty things,

Ye bubbles raised by breath of kings;

Who float upon the tide of state,

Come hither, and behold your fate.

Let Pride be taught by this rebuke,

How very mean a thing's a Duke;

From all his ill-got honors flung,

Turned to the dirt from whence he sprung.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The 17th Birthday

It is the 536112000th second, 8935200th minute, 148920 hour, 6205 day, and 17th year of my life. Ok, looks pretty heavy right, its just my 17th birthday. Some people say the 17h year is the sweetest year in your life. The sweet teen, or even a magazine called "Seventeen" would suggest this. But why is this so? I don't know, and I don't feel like thinking about this. Well, thats cos I am so happy today. Why? Not just cos its my birthday. Its cos people actually remember my birthday. They sent me short messages through the phone wishing me a happy birthday. And they wish my happy birthday in school. Thats just so great. Some people say its great only when you recieve presents. But I say its great when people actually remember that its your birthday. It takes effort to remember someone's birthday, ok? I mean, its hard to know this kind of joy untill you get a year when no one even remember its your birthday. Thats sad. Well, this year, a whole bunch of people remembered the date, so that really made me glad. Birthday is a day that happens only once a year, and each time you celebrate your birthday, you get older. That means from the last birthday till now, I am older by a year. I mean thats the obvious, but many people still don't realise it. They just spend their birthday like its just a normal celebration. They just see it as a day when you get good food and lots of gifts. The real meaning of a birthday is the growing up, and thats why every year, your gifts will be different. When you are like just 3 years old, people would give you little toys, or bears or whatever. When you are 17, thats a totally different thing. People would give something else like a shirt, shoe, or handphone. I mean, if someone give you a baby toy at your 17th birthday, wouldn't that be way too absurd? It would seem like a joke to you, wouldn't it? And as you get older, like reaching 60s or 80s, people would hold real expensive dinners for you, buy tonics as gifts. See the difference? I am sure you can. Well, for today, not much celebration with my friends, they wished me a happy birthday afterall. It was at night when I celebrated with my family. My sis bought me this pretty tight T-shirt... I am sure she didn't meant it to be tight, just maybe she overlooked the size. Well, my family and I had dinner then had this birthday cake and song. And thats all. Had a happier birthday than last year, I wonder what next year will be, when I am 18...

Monday, May 23, 2005

A Day Before Birthday

And its a day before my birthday and I am already feeling so very happy. This year's birthday, I suppose, is so much better and meaningful and the last year's one. Last year, if my memory does not fail me, no one even remembered my birthday except for my family members. At least my friends made it up to me by bringing me to dinner some days after. This year, quite a number of my close friends have my birthday in their mind. I am so happy. Whats better is that they actually give me present before my birthday! Heeeee, I am so glad. The first present I got was this nice cross that I could hang on my phone, reminding me that Jesus is with me always! Thanks Stephanie! And the second was a nice photoframe which I could put the happy memories that are captured on photos in! Thanks Trina! And the third was this super expensive Adidas shoe which I could wear to replace the old rugged Adidas shoe which I had been wearing for years! Thanks Zihao! Oh my, its so hard to even to even put my happiness in words. And its not even my birthday yet! Gosh, I wonder what will happen on my birthday. Already today we had this nice little meal at Billy Bombers. Heeee. And I think back my last 17 years. Well, I don't keep a diary so I basically don't have much to recall from. I can only grab hold of vague memories of when I was just in primary school and secondary school. Other memories would come from the many photos which I had taken. Memories are things that goes very fast. They come and they go. You either capture them, or you lose them forever. Thats why taking pictures is so important. And thats why a photoframe like the one Trina gave me is so important. Keeping memories will surely add much meaning to life. Haven't you taken a picture of when you were 1 years old, then 5 years old, 10 years old, 15 years old, 17 years old and compared all of them together and realised how much you have grown and you didn't even realise it? Imagine if you have n0t taken the photo at that time, wouldn't it be impossible to find out how you looked like in past and even know how much you have changed? So its always good to take up a camera and snap some meaningful memories so that these memories can be captured and be kept with you always.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Top 10 Most Crazy Song In My MP3

Yes, I have 34 songs in my mp3 which most people will know, some are in chinese and some are in, of course, english. Today, I shall rank them up to the 10 most crazy songs! What is crazy? It cannot be defined, coz crazy is about disorientated, not straight, not normal. A crazy song could mean the rythm, the tone, the content, the beat, or whatever is crazy. Songs in my mp3 are usually not crazy, so if you find these songs not crazy enough, thats coz they are alr the most crazy ones. So let us hit into the top 10 crazy songs in my mp3!!
10- My Immortal(Evanesance): From the lyrics, I could almost feel that she is becoming crazy. Not a strong point, thats why it is number 10.
9 - Brand New World(V6): No idea, not a real crazy song, but japanese, I just can't understand.
8 - Change The World(V6): Once again, its japanese, I can't understand the language, and to change the world? Thats a little crazy to think about.
7 - Heart Of Sword(Rurouni Kenshin): And its japanese again. I really cannot understand it. And the rhythm really beats me up, thats crazy.
6 - Everybody's Changing(Keane): Ok, this is abit crazy. The guy is kinda depressed or something. And the music is like making me go through deep thoughts... brr....
5 - Lemon Tree(Fool's Garden): Ah, everybody knows this classic. The rhythm, the beat, the music is just gives me this weird feeling. Feels depressed, sad, but at the same time cheerful... just weird....
4 - Welcome To My Life(Simple Plan): "Do you ever feel like breaking down?" Thats the lyrics. Doesn't that mean crazy? The rock, the rhythm, just spices it up. Welcome to my life.
3 - Unwell(Matchbox 20): Oh my, this is my favourite. The music is just so turning you into the mood of the song. This guy is obviously paranoid. And the lyrics "I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell..." Obviously you are.
2 - Hey Ya(Outkast): This is one crazy song. The rhythm just makes me want to jump and go mad. And the lyrics just doesn't make sense! This is one crazy song, just releases all my stress.
1 - Weet Weet(A pro-guitarist who is possessed by a perverted duck): And yes, the ultimate number 1 crazy song in the world! A song with no words, crazy rhythm, crazy beat crazy everything. Listen to this straight for 1 hour and you will turn crazy. The crazy song! Discovered by Mr Huan Jian... Oh ya, i suppose you can't find a way to download this, so ask me for this song if you wan to listen by posting a comment.
A note: All songs are in my mp3 and if you want any, just post a note and ask me. Also, all comments are by me and does not represent any professional view.

Friday, May 06, 2005

My Tooth Aches

Yes, I got a toothache right now. Not a sharp pain, but this stupid feeling as if I got a bruise inside my mouth. I ain't gonna see a dentist, and will never see a dentist unless my teeth are in critical condition. The reason? I have this phobia towards the 'doctor of the mouth' ever since a very bad experience with a dentist in primary school. This dentist in primary school is extremely "not good". Ok, she made me spit mouthfuls after mouthfuls of blood. Thats sick. I hate dentists ever since. Oh well, enough crap about this. You don't have to see a dentist if you take care of your teeth and brush it well, right? And let me thank Phebe for actually reading this crap. I wonder if there are other people who reads this. And well, lets talk about what happened to me on 2 May 2005. Well, my friends and I went to Sentosa to relax, have a volleyball game and just slack around on the beach. Ok, so we went, brought along food to eat. The sun was so hot nobody needed an oven. Man, the moment I stepped barefoot on the sand, I wanted to fly away. The sand can really cook your feet. I am serious. It is extremely hot. So my friends and I basically wore slippers to play volleyball, to prevent the "cooked feet syndrome". And well, for the 1st time in my entire life, I got sunburnt. Not really serious, but it feels stupid. That healed the next day. I became very tan. A little red too. Now, my nose is starting to shed skin, no idea why though. And ok, I think thats enough. Man, I am bored...

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Choices: To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question

Let me start of with this: Does anybody still read this stuff anymore?! Ok, enough. I just made a choice. And that choice is to come and post on the blog, instead of doing something else. And this is called opportunity cost, in which case I believe that posting on the blog is the best option... ok, enough economics. Well, we make choices everyday, don't we? To choose to take the bus or take a cab. To choose to wake up early, or just lay in bed. Or so on and so forth. It is endless. We make so many choices everyday that we decide to stop counting the choices we make. Now thats a choice too. Man, this is crazy, I can go non-stop about this. And it is a choice that I wrote the last sentence. Argh, this is making me mad. Whatever. Ok, every choice will have a consequence. Be it minor choice, or major choice. How do you define minor choice and major choice? Well, minor choice have minor consequence, and major choice have major consequence, its that simple. Minor choices include, to take bus instead of cab, to use spoon or chopsticks etc. Ok, major choices include to convert to a religion or not, to tell someone "I love you" etc. Then theres medium choices. These include to go school or not, how much you decide to spend etc. And its real important that we make the right choices. Be it minor, medium or major, it is very important to make the right choices. To make right choices means to make the choice that will bring the most benefits and the least damage. And these benefits need not be for you. It can be for other people too. Just make sure the damage is minimal or best none. Ok, I suppose that I will have to make a choice to stop writing now. Choice made. Haha...

Thursday, April 28, 2005

I Don't Know

It just seems like so long since I last wrote anything at all on this page. And I am wondering if anybody reads this stuff anymore. I just feel so tired nowadays. I just suppose its the insufficient sleep I am getting. No that I am rushing homework or what, its just that I love to sleep late. And having to wake up early is quite a torture, for me at least. Academic wise I suppose I still manage, but I don't know when I will no longer be able to. Also, I just feel so weak nowadays. 2.4km is tiring already. I am not getting good results for fitness. I didn't use to have these problems. 2.4km run was pretty alright for me. But now... well. Pullups no longer is an easy thing anymore. From the 7 pullups which I could easily come up with, I could come up with only 5 now. In the past when I was being "tekan" by scouts senior, 20 pushups was not much of a problem, but now, I had to really push to make 10. I suppose all these is happening cuz I became very slack. And theres many reasons for these. First, ever since I became a scout venture, I did not do much pushups, instead, I order people to do pushups, which in turn meant that I am becoming weaker. And, after my bicycle spoiled, I did not go cycling anymore. My stamina, leg strength all deteriorated. And overall, I have become much weaker physically, and I could feel it myself. Napha is just around the corner. I cannot afford to get anything less than a silver. And with my current condition, it will not be easy to achieve a silver. Thus, I must start to work my body up so that it will be once again toned back what it used to be! 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2....

Thursday, April 07, 2005

I Am

totally stressed out to the point that I can break down anytime now and die on the spot. And yes, I am exaggerating. I am just a little stressed than what I had been in the past 4 months. I just had to wake up at 6.30am every morning instead of the 12pm in the past 4 months. Actually, I shouldn't even complain about this, I have friends who wake up at 4.50pm and 5pm simply because they live as far as Tampines and Johore Bahru. For the benefit of people who don't know why I say its far, Tampines is at the other end of the island from my college and Johor Bahru is on another country. I have not ended yet. For the first time in 4 months, I had to do homework. Yes, homework, work that is to be done at home. Although it is just very light work, but the thought of bringing work home to be done really bore me. And also, I have to stay at school untill 5pm? Not everyday, but staying in one place for so long really is boring. And now, I shall say that all the above things are not valid... er? No, I did not tell lies to you, I am only saying that theres something else that discounted all these complains. Friends. My new friends in college literally removed all these stressful complains. Going to college no longer becomes a strenous thing to do every morning, staying at school no longer is a boring thing to be done. Lessons no longer become a bore. All these due to my friends. And I thank God for this wonderful class of friends. Helpful, fun to be with, full of humour. These are enough for me to enjoy college life. A life with no friends really won't make it. Ok, I have work to be done, homework. Some literature anybody? Maybe geography? You can even have the choice of general paper if you like...

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

And College Life Kicks Off

Hey hey, its the 5th day in PJC and the orientations have ended. Notice that I did not use the word "finally" because I really missed the orientations. Just hoped it could be a little longer. The orientations were really fun and I really enjoyed myself. My new class has such a fantastic bunch of people, and thank God some sniffing stucked up guy decided that PJC was too low for him he decided to go to AJC. Good riddance. So my new class has, of course, new classmates! And they are all great. Really interesting and enjoyable people. And we have... hm... 4 boys in the class, 21 girls. Er, so you can really see the ratio is... off balance. Alright, its fine, none of the boys in my class has problems with girls, so we mixed in real well. Ok, today, lessons officially begin. Starts off with an hour of break as we just slack around in the canteen. Had a good chat then went for lit class. Lit class was pretty cool, theres this funky teacher who teaches and it really makes the lesson interesting, although note taking was not easy at the speed he was going. This teacher cracks jokes and all, and, he's the first male teacher I see who tucks out his shirt, like some factory worker. But he's fun, really fun. Then comes geography. Woh, this geo teacher was really on jet mode. He just goes so fast. He doesn't even gives an introduction to whats he's teaching. First thing he said was something about hydrology then went on babbling about floods and all and showed us pictures of some Britain towns that were hit by floods, and its all Britain. He has this heavy british accent and he just talks so fast, goes through slides so fast. He just goes on and on and on and I just have to keep writing and writing. I don't even understand some things he talked about. But well, never mind. Then comes project work time. This time, the teacher was on super sonic mode. She was really really really fast. I thought geo time was bad enough, I was wrong. She just go slide after slide after slide and don't even give us some time to take down notes, promises to give us some notes but did not. Then comes assembly. Ah, funky teacher again, remember my lit teacher? He gives a talk, pretty interesting. I had time to write notes properly, at last. Very motivating and logical, shows us that we have only 13 months left to study(maybe thats why the teacher go so fast) and gave us this manual of surviving in JC. Cool. Now I can survive in JC. *Jumps up in joy and cheers*

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Following The Mob?

Today, after a long and tiring race of the amazing east, my friends and I went for dinner then sat down outside a macdonald restaurant and started chatting. One of topics we talked about revolved around "love". This love refers to boy-girl relationship love, not your innocent mother-son or whatever love. And it set me off thinking. Many a times, we see our friends going out with their girlfriends or boyfriends, and we actually get this peer pressure that maybe we should get a girlfriend or boyfriend for ourself too? And many a times, this is pretty wrong. Before we get into a BGR, we shouldn't just follow the mob. We should put into thinking many of the things that will be involved in this relationship. Like the sacrifice of time, the attention, the money, and on and on and on. And we still have to consider whether we can cope with what we are doing or not. Theres so many things to consider because this relationship is one heck of an important thing in our life. We shouldn't just jump into a relationship just because our friends are doing so. Not that I am against having a girlfriend or boyfriend nor am I being high above the rest or anything, I am just trying to say that there many things to weigh out before we do something so serious it could probably impact our life. And we shouldn't follow the mob for every other things as well. Like if many people smoke, it doesn't you should too. If many people drink, it doesn't mean you should too. If many people commit adultery, it doesn't mean you should too. If many people decide to go to hell, it doesn't mean you should too. We shouldn't always follow the mob all the times, althought sometimes, the majority could be right, but that doesn't mean the majority is right all the time. In a race, there is always only one winner and a mob of losers.

Friday, March 25, 2005

College Life - Not Too Much Of A Nightmare, Not A Dream Either

And thats it, I am in college and there ain't a thing I am going to do about it. Appeal options are available in every poly but I am not going to trouble myself, despite of all the advice from some of my friends that perhaps I should appeal for poly. Ok, for two days I was in Pioneer JC and life don't suck there. I really appreciate what they do for the orientation. They try very hard to make the new peeps feel welcomed in the JC, and I can say they pretty much has succeeded. I actually felt this sense of being lost again, the same feeling I felt everytime I get into a new institution. The first day I was in JC, I didn't talk to a single person except for my friends from secondary school who were with me in PJC. The second day, I talked to a boy in my orientation group, and that led us to talk to another boy in the same orientation group. Then thats it, there were only 3 boys in our OG. The rest were all girls. So ok, we talked to the girls, and the girls talked to us. Then our whole OG started talking. Thats great, I have new friends in new college, yeah. Ok, the 1st day in JC was extremely boring, so was the start of the 2nd day. They did nothing but admin stuff, that means speeches after speeches after speeches. I actually paid attention, afraid that I might miss something important that I needed to know in the JC. And then we started opting for subject combinations. The rest could opt, but not me. On my form was "Please see Vice Principle For Subject Combination". And I did as the paper told me. I was posted to a class that has econs, geo, eng lit, general paper and chinese AO. I could not opt, they gave me only one choice and I was approved straight away, great-_-" And the games, helped to know each other. And the dance, pretty interesting. Well, I guess JC life isn't so much of a nightmare afterall.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

An Island Tale and The Start Of A College Nightmare

Yesterday, 21 March 2005, 5 people, 4 guys and a girl, went on board a ship and went to an island, a sparsely populated island. They bought a camera, went on this bumper ship, then snapped many many photos. When they reach the island, they decided to rent some 'high-end' bikes, but when they found that these bikes cost $10 each, they decided for the more lousier ones, which cost $5 each. So they sped off into the island on a road that has seen less cars than people. They went and went. Then the 5 people became 3 people. The reason being that 2 of them decided that they wanted to rest in some hut. So the 3 people continued their cycling journey around the island, with no clothing for the upper body, leaving it all vulnerable for mosquitoes to attack. They cycled and cycled, sometimes offroad, sometimes on road, sometimes up slope, sometimes down slope. Then there came a point when the 3 peeps were going offroad downslope, when one of them peep's bike got into a problem and he flew out of his bike, landing onto rocks and stones and sand. But that doesn't matter, it didn't stop the 3 crazy boys from cycling. They went on and on, taking photos, looking at quarries, passing by cemetries and feels scared, and getting chased by mosquitoes. When they decided that they had roughly covered most of the island they decided to return to the village as the sun was about to set. So they got back to 'town', or the only village on the whole island, rendevous with the other 2, returned their bikes, looked at people take wedding photographs, then waited a long time for a boat. Then they took a boat and returned to the main island, Singapore, from the sparsely populated island, Pulau Ubin. So the gang of 5, were in this Changi place and they had dinner. Then they went to this Bugis place to watch movie. Then they went home, after such a long day. The next day, one of the boys, Meng Hui went to check which place he got posted to after his O'level exams, hoping he might get into Singapore Poly, which was his first choice. So he logged on, and checked. He almost got a heart attack and died on the spot. To his horror, he realised that the screen read "Posted Institution: Pioneer JC" He almost killed himself. Pioneer JC was his fourth choice, the last of all his choices. But well, nevermind, he shrugged it off and decided that this might be God's will for him. Then he prepared himself for school, the start of his college nightmare.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Aftermath Of A Crash

Its been more than a week since I got my first experience with bike meet car. The wounds have healed extremely fast, and the aches that were all over my body have disappeared. Surely this is the work of God. And now, my bike still remained as it was after the bang. I did not bother to repair it, as the repair works basically could mean changing a whole big part of the bike. It would proabably cost hundreds near a thousand dollars, and I wouldn't go for cheap replacements. So I guess I would just leave it there untill I save enough money for a new frame. The accident is now a past experience, but I still cannot stop thinking about it. Its really a miracle that nothing happened to me except that few grazes. However, I somehow got traumatised by this experience. I get scared by moving cars which are near me nowadays. I prefer to be on the pedestrian walkway rather than on the road. I become very cautious of the traffic. Is it good or bad, that now I am more concious of traffic rules. Haha. I am not going to leave biking life though. Although my bike is now unworkable, I still want to go biking like how I used to be. I'll one day get my bike fixed up and go biking again. My passion for biking ain't gonna get quenched by this crash, its gonna be the same. However, something will definitely be changed. I'll become extra extra careful of the traffic whenever I decide to go on two wheels again. As the chinese saying goes "The Road = Tiger's Mouth", very crude translation, but I suppose you guys can understand.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Car Vs Bicycle

Today is a day when the car actually meets the bicycle. Yes, my bicycle. If you have guessed already, a car hit my bicycle today. By God's grace, I am still alive and kicking. It seems so weird to be just in front of the face of death at that time. I didn't even know I was knocked down by a car. Well, it all starts from yesterday when I cycled to my friend's house for a night of soccer watching. And after the tv session in my friend's house, I proceeded home on my bike. Oh did I mention that it was an overnight at my friend's house, so I didn't get any sleep at all. So I just cycled home, thinking of what wonderful sleep I will get when I reach home. I realised that there were many people on the pedestrian walkway, so I decided to turn into the main road to cycle. I looked for cars, clear. So I went out, and, "BAM!" The next thing I knew I was flying through the air. In my mind was "What the heck just happened?!" Then I dropped on the ground, my bike some metres away from me. I cleared my mind and realised that I was hit by a car. So I stood up and looked at the car. Smashed windows, dented front. Looks serious, I inspected myself, grazed knee and elbow. So I took my bike to the pedestrian walkway, where it is now packed with many pedestrians, of course. They start shooting me with questions like, "Are you all right?" Basic procedure. I told them I was all right and they insisted that I go see a doctor. Ok, so I went with the driver to the doctor. He covered my medical fees, how nice. I was confirmed to be alright. So I took my bike and walked home. The bike is no longer in a workable condition, although it looked fine on the outside. And I reached home. This time, I really want to thank God for saving my life like this. He really protected me this time. I thought I was gonna die but God actually helped me to escape with only extremely minor injuries. Thank You so much God! Damage Report: Car with smashed windows and dented front, $2000 to repair. Bike with broken frame and deformed brake handles, don't feel like repairing. Meng Hui with grazed knee and elbow, $44 of medical fees. Meng Hui with a blue black on his butt, some medicated oil. Winner: Meng Hui And His Bike, Plus the help of his God!!

Sunday, March 06, 2005

It Takes A Team

Today I just strolled down from the MRT station all the way to my home, mp3 plugged in my ears, my mind plugged into some other thoughts. I don't know why, I seem to think alot. Hey, don't come telling me that I am mad. I suppose many people who finished their O'levels and are enjoying their long awaiten break think alot too. I am saying, you can't possibly stop thinking for months, you will lose the ability to use your brain properly! Oh well, back to topic, teamwork. So I got myself thinking and I just thought of teamwork. Yes, teamwork is very important, although many people try to deny this fact. Many people think that they live by themselves all alone in this world, that they can do their job alone, play alone etc etc. Well, theres a little problem here. No one can do anything alone, they need a team. You need 22 players to play a soccer game, 10 players to play a basketball game, a team of architect and engineers and construction workers to build a building, you need teams for almost everything! You know, a single tile can't do much, but if you put many tiles together, you get a little floor. And maybe if you put these floors together, you get a courtyard. One drop of water can't help much, but if you put many drops of water together, maybe you get a drink, then maybe even a whole reservoir. Haha, you see, when you go in teams, you really can achieve alot. And if you try to be solo, no matter how good you are, you can't achieve as much as a team can. Yet, you need teamwork to work in a team, sounds simple huh. Teamwork means to actually coorperate. That means to do what you are supposed to do, sometimes even sacrifice a little. Say a tree, if all the different parts, the leaves, the trunk, the roots all decide that they want to be in the open air to let everyone see, and the roots doesn't want to be in the ground, and they quarrel and quarrel, then the tree will simply die because the root ain't doing its part, the team will simply die if you don't do your part. This society, this nation, this world is a whole team of people, and you have your part to play. It may be a small part, an unrecgonised part, but it is still important. Roots had to touch the soil and get dirty and all, but it still did its part, and thats how trees live.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Something For Nothing

Today I realised something pretty interesting. I typed the word "jellydrink" into the Yahoo search box due to the torture that boredom has made me endured, making me retarded. And I saw the word "youknowlife" amoung the search results. If you are thinking, "Haha, idiot, thats the name of your site, of course it will come up as a search result!" Haha, ya, I am quite an idiot. Hey, you can try this with your blog as well, type in your domain name in the search box and see if your blog comes up. Maybe thats how many strangers come to your blog...haha. Well, it doesn't prove anything but I guess if anyone wants to know how to make a jellydrink, they might accidentally come into my blog, haha! Ok ok, today I feel abit nonsensical, most probably due to all the boredom. Oh ya, I forgot to mention that one of my friend's blog came up on the Yahoo search results when I keyed in "jellydrink", basically because he slightly mentioned the website of my blog in his blog... well that makes 2 blogs in one search. Haha. And I registered for my courses today. Finally completed my registration after days of thinking and praying and waiting. I felt that the choices I made are basically what I wanted, but I am just afraid that I am unable to get into those choices and I get posted to some stupid JCs or some stupid course in some poly. Ah, surely prayer will help. Yesterday, my church had this J-culture event, and I wore this kimono-like costume, which basically means that I wore a dress for the night, not forgetting the clogs. The dress and clogs combination meant that I had a hard time walking around the church. The dress sort of kept me from walking in big steps and the clogs made me lose my balance. But the costume didn't keep me from having fun the whole night. It was really worth it and I had lots of fun. And the best part is my friends came. My buddies actually came! I was so glad. Oh, as for the title, it doesn't really mean anything. Something? Nothing.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

The Day I Got My Paper

Well, yesterday, I got my 'O' Level results. Yes, the day of the 'O'. Many of you might be thinking "How much did you get?" Well, I can only say honestly I got 18 points for the 6 subjects I took. Quite an average grade for many people I suppose. Some people might have done alot better and some might have done worse. Then you might ask "Are you disappointed? Happy?" Hm, I didn't really expect much from the day I handed the exam scripts over. When there are no expectations, there will be no disappointments right? Well, i suppose that is very true. I just wanted a grade less than 20 points, criteria for JC admission, so that I am open to many more options, to go JC or to go polytechnic. And I got it. So I am pretty glad with this rather average result. Ok, you don't need to ask me whether I am going to JC or poly, I can only answer that I am still thinking about it. It is a tough choice which I hardly expected myself to face at all. So I am given 5 days to make a choice as to turn into which direction at this fork on the road of my life. If I make no decision, I seriously do not know what to do. No JC, no poly, not even ITE. So I better make a good decision, and fast. To those of you who did very well, good job to you. But don't slack off and think this is the end. No! This is just the beginning of your studying life! Make a wise decision and continue to work hard. And to the rest who met a little problem in this part of your life, don't fret. Don't feel down. Pick yourself up and plan the road ahead. Don't just sit down and cry about this. Everyone faces their down times. Press the play button and move on. Like I said, this is just the beginning, there are so many more stages in your life in which you can perform! I believe that if you believe that you can do well and work hard for it, surely you will succeed! God gives everybody the same chances, it just depends on how you use these chances. So don't give up these chances. Do your best, and God will do the rest. Don't give up, OK?!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Day Of The 'O'

The day of the 'O', thats what I call the day I get my 'O' Level results, and that day just happens to be coming soon. Haha, just a few more days before I know how I did in this major exam which I attempted months ago. What a big part of my life it is huh. Recently people have been asking me, "Hey Meng Hui, you are getting your 'O' Level reseults soon right? How do you feel? Nervous?" My straight reply is usually "Ya, kinda nervous." Actually I am. In the past few months when I just finished the papers, I don't feel nervous or edgy at all. I just feel all the joy and freedom. Holidays that last for more than 3 months is something I had not experienced in my last 10 years of schooling, and I am excluding the kindergarten days (I did not attend nursery as my mother sent me to kindergarten straight when I was just 4, making me spend 3 years in kindergarten) So I was really happy and didn't think about the results. But now, I can feel the nervousness set in. When I am alone thinking, I would think "What if the results turn out so bad that I simply can't get into polytechnic or junior college at all?" What if this and what if that. Many what ifs came bombarding my little mind. But, actually, whats there to be nervous about? Even if I am nervous, what can I do about this result of mine, which have already been printed and is now on its way from Cambridge to Singapore, or is already in Singapore. Well, being nervous sure won't change a single thing on that paper. But I don't just quit being nervous and stop there. I pray to my God. You know, praying is really powerful. I tell my God that please, let my result be this good. I may not be able to do a thing to change anything on that paper, but God can. I don't know how He is going to do it, but I just have to put my trust in Him. My God can do everything. And if my results ain't so good, it does not mean that God didn't hear me, it just means that God has something else planned for me, and I am gonna follow it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Simply Simple Love

Today I plug into my mp3 and this song came from the earphones, "Jian Dan Ai ("Simple Love" from my Chinese-English translation). Then this thought popped in my mind, "Can love ever be simple at all?" As the lyrics go "Hold your hands and never let go...", can that ever be possible? "Love that is innocent with no sorrows", will it ever be? I have no idea. According to my experience, it has never happened. But is it ever going to be possible, at all? Yes and no, according what you believe. Well, the love basically depends on both parties. If both parties say yes to simple love, then yes, simple love is possible. However, take note that BOTH parties have to say yes, if one says no, then forget it. Its a couple effort, one person can't change things. Well, you may say, "It is so simple to have simple love." Er, not so easy. We are always very complicated, we think things in a very complicated way. I personally have no idea why, maybe its because of the way we were all brought up. In this very complicated environment that made our minds complicated. You know, many a times, love can start off simply, very innocently. But for some reason, it will turn complicated. Some people call it taking an extra step. Well, I don't know what you call it, but this extra step is surely a dangerous one. When things get too complicated, they simply say that they are pressurized by the relationship. Then this pressure will break the relationship (pressure always break things). Well, it sure looks simple, so simple to lose the love. Why do people take this extra step and lose their innocent and simple love, you may ask? Well, because people around them are all caught in complicated love, people in the movies, people they know etc. This problem may seem like a big and complicated problem, but it actually very simple to solve. The solution is simply that both parties simply believe and hold on to this simple love.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Red Packets, Roses, Horror, Woman And More Horror

Yesterday which was Valentine's Day, was such an eventful day that I felt that I had to talk about it. It has got nothing to do with a valentine as I never had one. Well, my buddies and I were supposed to meet at 11 and go to Rebecca, my other buddy's house. However, Rebecca decided that she didn't want us to go her house so early, therefore the whole thing was pushed to 3pm, and in the process, a trip to the zoo which was planned earlier was cancelled. So the gang of Kent, Ben, Huan Jian and Me were scheduled to be meet at 3 at the platform of the MRT station, then take the MRT to Becca's house. So we met up and were about to go and take the train when Becca said she was in CCK and we were to go down and out of the station to meet her, 60 cents wasted. Well, doesn't matter. So we met and ate, then went to her house. Miss Rebecca actually got cut by a glass on a road while we were on our way, how unfortunate. But it doesn't matter, as I got my "everything that is needed packed in one" bag with me, so we did a little first aid on her toe and took out the glass piece. And then we just stayed at her house and did some vandalism on the wall and got some red packets. After that, Miss Becca gave us roses! My goodness. I was shocked for a split second but recovered after that. We didn't prepare anything for her, so immediately, a thought popped up in all of our minds, no words were spoken, we had meeting using our minds only. So we went out and were supposed to have dinner at Causeway Point, but it turned out to be a movie trip instead. I was captured by an indian lady who wanted me to buy bear for $20, but Becca rescued me. Then they went to buy tickets while I excused myself to the toilet, to buy some roses. Then we gave her the flowers and Becca bought us all chips. Well, so I ate chips and watched this supposed-to-be-horror film. The film turned out quite lame. Talking about a stupid mirror which would kill people or something. I would have watched other films if I had a choice. And I had to listen to some weird language for about 2 hours. Kent acted like he was scared but I knew he was not. The film could scare nobody, it was total lameness and is total piece of crap. My "everything needed packed in one" bag came into use again as there was a jacket for Miss Rebecca, who had a little problem with low temperatures. Then we went out and chatted at the MRT station. It was normal chat untill I realised weird expressions on Kent's and Ben's faces. Then everyone in the group had weird expressions and the whole group fell silent. I realised something was amiss and they were all staring at me. So I just turned back and there was this lady standing behind me who looked like she walked out of the film I just watched, and she was staring blankly into the air. So I thought she needed some help and said "I'm sorry?" She just held her handphone and ignored me. After a few seconds, she turned and walked off. I was wondering if she even saw us or heard me or not. Well, after that, we took the last train home and that was it. Oh ya, Huan Jian told me he saw the same woman again today at Bukit Timah, what a coincidence... or is it?