"Hey, its my turn!", "May you excuse me?", "I wanna see this!"... well, these 3 phrases are extremely familiar, and many a times, it comes from our mouth. Yes, I admit that I always say this. All of us uses these phrases. But does it mean that we are selfish? No, I didn't even mention the word selfish untill now. In fact, many of us are just "ALL ABOUT OURSELVES".
You see, almost everybody thinks that this world revolves around them. They tend to think that people will notice them wherever they go. When they get on the train, they think that everybody is noticing them. Well, I am not blaming anybody here, it is just our nature to think this way. We are created this way. No choice.
Let me give some examples. When you go out with a friend, and have a very very wonderful day of activites, do you go home, go online, and then go to your friend's blog and check if he/she has written about the day, and in particular, about you? Lol, no need to answer, I can expect pretty much "Yes" here. You see, this proves that we really pay alot of attention to what others think of us. When we hear people talking about us, we really want to know what they talk about. We want people to think highly of us. This is alright, its great to think this way, but we need to be careful here.
IF we are not careful, we might fall into the trap of wearing masks. We are start having 2 personalities, 2 lifestyles, double standard living. One is the wonderful self that you put up front for people to see and blog about, and the other is the true you that hides in your room.
It is best if we really show our true personality to other people. If everybody starts acting to be Mr.Nice Guy in front of everybody, it would be disastrous. Everybody will be the same! The true you is still the best. Yes, flaws here and there, but its alright. We are created with imperfections, nobody is perfect. Ok, don't give me your "Nobody is perfect, I am nobody, thats why I am perfect". Thats crap. That is totally stupid. You know what we should do, we should just accept our imperfections and just improve on these flaws. We shouldn't try to twist words and try to make ourselves look like we are perfect. Keep on improving ourselves and we might just be near to perfect, not perfect. In fact, all of us has a different definition of perfection, so I don't think perfection is something that can be applied to anybody.
And oh, sorry couldn't blog these few days as the modem isn't really happy. But anyway, wish all a merry christmas =)