Thursday, August 24, 2006
Count On Me Singapore
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
- Today marked a significant day in my life. I got another medal for a race. Yes, I have got other trophies before from my other events such as cross country in my secondary years, but what made it significant today is that this medal could easily be the first and the last one I receive in my time in the junior college.
- 3rd for running the 8 x 100m race event. Relay effort, team's glory, but no doubt still a race, still I felt good about it. Well, my team, which is made up of people in my class, trained abit, specifically about 5 minutes a week after PE lessons. Well, some effort. For me, individually, I had a 9km cycling lap around CCK just 2 days before the race. Still, some effort la.
- So on the event day itself, which is today, its time to give it our best. Well, we are definitely not fantastic runners and we certainly are far from the best runners in the school, but we want to make it worthwhile. How to make it worthwhile? Giving it our best. Last year, my class took part in the same event but a small mistake caused the whole team to fall, we were last. This time, we gave it all we had.
- Well, details aside, we managed to make it 3rd, even after a small confusion between another person in the team and me. This means we got ourselves bronze! I was so glad, finally I get a medal in the JC, something at least for me to remember. Nothing much, comparing it to all the gold and champions in the other more exciting events, but still, it is a medal. And it is still something. And I got a box of chocolates. :)
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Mr Strong Words

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The Whole Idea Of FAITH
- A friend and I had a chat during one of the breaks when I was in college about a week ago. Both of us being christians, we started discussing about our religion and God. Then she asked a question which I might have thought of, but never really taken note of. She asked me, "If God already know the future, and that He know what is in stored for us, why does He still want us to go through life, why can't He just place us all in the future, coz its gonna happen anyway, isn't it?" I was shocked for a moment. She was right, at least partially. God does know our future, how we will be like and where we will all be. She was right in saying that God has the ability to just place us all in where we were supposed to be. God can do everything. God can even brainwash all of us and turn us all into christians, serving Him with no complains. God can do all these. Why didn't He?
- This set me thinking. And soon after, I began asking God these questions. The answer? Faith. Faith is what christianity is all about. According to, faith is: Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. Thats faith in the eyes of the world. To have trust for something. To trust that this post will be posted on the internet is faith. But thats according to the world. To christians, what is faith? Well, I copied this from my outreach programme: Faith is not mere intellectual assent, Faith is believing that Jesus Christ is our key to salvation, Faith is the Key that opens the door to heaven.
- Yes, faith = trusting Jesus Christ for salvation. If God brainwashed all the humans and made them all christians, we won't have faith, coz it is built in us, it is not faith. What God wants in all of us is real faith that He is real, that He will be able to save us all, thats why He gave all of us a free will. A will to choose.
- You see, Ephesians 2:8 says "For it is by grace that you have been saved through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" It is through faith that we have been saved! Faith is the key to salvation. Believing in Jesus Christ is the key to salvation. And to see the faith in us is the reason why God does not brainwash people, it is the reason why God does not skip the process of living on Earth for us. It is to see the faith built in us, to see the faith in us that we can trust and believe something which we cannot see. In John 20:24-29, it is said that Thomas did not want to believe Jesus rose again unless he see Jesus. Eventually, Jesus appeared to him and said "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Yep, that is exactly what faith is all about.
- Then you ask me, why bother about faith? Why is God so concerned about people having faith in Him? Well, all I can say is, that God is concerned about our heart. He loves us all and wants all of us to go to heaven to be with Him. But we need to deserve it. Thats where faith come in. Faith is the key to heaven, as I have said earlier. When we have faith in God, we can be in heaven coz God knows our heart. Faith is the best thing that we can offer God, thats why it is the key to heaven.
- Why is faith the best thing we can offer? Matthew 8:5-13 tells us about the faith of a centurion, who has so much faith in Jesus as he told Jesus that Jesus need only to say the word so that his servant can be healed. This is so great that in verse 10, it said: "When Jesus heard this, he was astonished..." Wah, Jesus astonished leh! Can you make the son of God astonished? Only by faith can you do that! Faith is such a wonderful thing!
- That is why we as Christians focus so much on believing. It is because only by truly believing in your heart that Jesus can provide you with salvation that you can truly receive slavation and go to heaven. It is not just the mere act of accepting Christ as your Lord and saviour, faith is a very important component afterall!
Monday, August 14, 2006
- BIBLE = Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
- God always answer our prayers, but sometimes, His answer is "No".
- God's methods are man, and man's method should always be God.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
A Nation Celebrates
9th August 2006, Singapore celebrates its 41st year of independence. Perhaps
many Singaporeans has already been desensitized by all the seemingly identical
and repeated celebrations that happen on this day, such that 9th August holds no
significance at all to the people of the nation. But we must think, know and
remember the significance of this day, of this independence, in order to fully
understand why many people, including yours truly, hold this particular day
close their hearts.9th August 1965, thats exactly 41 years ago. A time of turmoil for an island
of people. Led by then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, Singaporeans faced a period
of time that could easily mean the end of an entire nation. Singapore, a part of
Malaysia at that time, faces seperation from the peninsula due to differences
that could not be resolved by both parties. Lee Kuan Yew, knowing that Malaysia
would be vital to our survival, could only weep as he announces this seperation
to the nation. No one thought good of Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew himself probably
foresaw what problems could come in the way of the country now that it is by
itself, but he had one thing in mind - he was not going to admit defeat.So after that fateful day on 1965, the prime minister then and minister
mentor now set plans to work things out. Everybody looked at how Singapore
struggled to climb out of the pit that we were in. Unemployment, a lack of a
defence force, lack of investments, poor housing, poor education, high crime
rates, poor organization of the city, lack of health services, lack of food etc.
Everything that a poorly managed country can face. It was definitely a deep low
for Singapore. But no, Lee Kuan Yew won't take it this way, the rest of
Singapore won't take it lying down as well. Singapore, as a nation, was
determined to pull themselves out of it.So the problems were tackled one by one. The HDB was set up and all
Singaporeans were housed up in their flats. National Service was made compulsory
and Singapore had its own defence force. Primary education made compulsory and
we saw ourselves educated. The plans just rolled out and we see the knot in our
nation getting untangled.Right now, look at ourselves. 41 years later, from being looked down and
trying to save our own lives, Singapore has grown to be world class, being
leaders in industries, and helping others in need. And now, we are becoming a
global city. This didn't come easy. It came with trials, turmoils, and
difficulties. And this is the reason we celebrate.What makes a nation? Is it the place? Is it the government? Is it the
resources? No, its the people. We, Singaporeans, make Singapore to be what it
is. A nation cannot function if it is not united. That is why we have these
celebrations. To remind us of where we come from, and to celebrate our success
today. To keep us united, for it was unity that helped Singapore from becoming a
3rd world country to a 1st world country.I love my country. I love Singapore. I am proud to be Singaporean. And 9th
August always have a special place in my heart.