A friend of mine once asked me, "What made you leave behind the joys of the world and choose the path of christianity, which poses so much restrictions on your lifestyle?" Well, it probably wasn't the exact words he asked me but the meaning is around there. It took me awhile to reply him. It was something I had to ask God. And God gave me an answer.
In fact, this questioned birthed from the fact that I was a backsliden christian. Well, I wouldn't say I was completely backslided as by God's grace, I was still having contact with people whom I knew in church even during my secondary school days, a period when I hardly even went to church. I have well, experienced what the world could provide, although, again by God's grace, I managed to keep myself from the addictions of cigarettes and alchohol and premarriage sex due to my own convictions. Other than that, I must sayI have quite an experience with what the world could provide, a world free from christian restrictions.
It was only at the end of 2004 when I was led into a revival with God again through a youth camp with the church which a dear lady I knew brought me to. I never regretted attending that youth camp, and up untill now, I am still serving in the church.
So back to the topic. What actually made me leave behind the joys of the world? Well, there wasn't much to leave behind anyway. Except for a few naughty things here and there, my personal convictions was tying pretty close to what God intended for all of us. The christian path isn't so full of restrictions as one might put it. In fact, God never intended for us to feel all miserable and bored on this christian walk. There are still so many things that we can enjoy, while at the same time walk closely with God. The things that God forbids us from, are always things that are not good to our lives, and will destroy us ultimately.
Have you ever wondered why they always say "The Kingdom Of God"? Well, kingdoms are pretty rare now, maybe left for the United Kingdom. But in the past, Kingdoms are a little like countries, cities, under the rule of a king, or a queen. Whatever that is outside the kingdom, are pretty much the wilderness. Inside the kingdom, there are rules and regulations set by the King, so that there can be order and peace in the kingdom. This allowed for prosperity to flow in the kingdom and people would have a good life in the kingdom. This is in contrast to the wilderness, whereby no one could have a good life despite of the lack of rules. Why is that so? Its because of the King's wise rule.
The King doesn't make rules in his Kingdom for his people to suffer. He doesn't really restrict them to make them miserable. He doesn't want for that to happen. He's not a warlord or dictator. He makes rules so that everyone can be happy in the peace, order and the prosperity in the kingdom. The rules doesn't take away the good things that can be found in the wilderness, it only takes away the bad things. Things that will bring damage and destruction to the prosperity of his Kingdom.
The Kingdom of God works the same way too. God sets rules not to make us feel miserable and trapped in the christian walk, but to protect us from the evil and bad things that can happen to us if we were not in His kingdom. God knows whats best for us thats why He sets those rules.
A good example that can be taken from the bible would the Israelites that was going into Exodus led by Moses. Just for your information, the Israelites were leading a life that was miserable and torturous when they were in Egypt. God heard their cry and made Moses lead them into Exodus, to move to a promised land that would flow with milk and honey. The Israelites did follow Moses. But while on the way there, even though God was providing for their needs, the Israelites still missed the life they had in Egypt, when they would eat meat and wheat from the labour they provided the Egyptians.
What the Israelites did not see was the promise that God had for them in the future. Yes, no doubt there was meat and other food in Egypt that they could have when they were in labour to the Egyptians. But what they did not realise was that God didn't intend for them to in labour to the Egyptians, God intended for the Israelites to be free, and yet at the same time enjoy the good things in life at the promised land.
Sometimes we are like the Israelites. And the worldly lifestyle is like Egypt. Sometimes we just want to go back to the lifestyle we used to lead when we met a little problems while on the way to God's promises. Yes, the worldly lifestyle is no doubt attractive, but we must know the master behind that. If we should return to the worldly lifestyle, its the same as us going back into the bondage of sin again. God sent His son Jesus Christ to free us from the bondages of sin and theres no reason why we should go back there again. Let us look towards the promise that God has given to us and move towards it despite of the problems that could be on the way. When such problems come, just look to God and He will provide, just like how He provided Mina and water to the Israelites when they cried for Him.
To all my friends and my special friend who have asked me the question and could be reading this, I sincerely hope it helped.