Sunday, January 18, 2009

Many a times in our walk with Christ, we face a very common and simple dilemma: To please God or to please man. For many of us, it is very straightforward; please God. But wait wait wait, before we say it too quickly, let us take a step back to observe our actions, behaviours and thoughts.

Before I start, let me clarify. I am not here to protest against authorities such as pastors, G12 leaders, our mentors, teachers or what not. No no no, don't get me wrong here please. Pleasing God does not mean we go against our G12 leaders, or our parents, or our pastors. The bible clearly states that we give due respect to people who have authority over us.

1 Peter 2:13 - 14 "Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted amoung men: whether to the king, as supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right."

These are the people, the men, who has been placed into positions of authority by God Himself. They are to be honoured and respected, but in no position higher than that of God in our hearts. Ultimately, we must know that we are serving God, and not man. The authority given is from God, for God. Therefore, we do not please man more than we please God.

Romans 13:1 "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

It is therefore important that we take a step back and observe ourselves. Are we falling into the trap of seeking to please man more than to please God? We may not realise it, especially when they are G12 leaders, our mentors, close friends, elders and so on. We may believe that all they are in fact, God inspired. After all, they are selected by God to have authority over us, ain't it?

Let us be a little careful here. They are all but man. And man fail at times. Therefore it is important that we do a little checks on our attitudes and behaviours. Are we too concerned about what others say about or tell us, more than us listening out to the voice of God? Do we care too much about how they observe the things we do, allowing them to dictate our joys and sadness, instead of feeling the peace of God in the things we enjoy doing? Do we value the approval and favor of man more than that of God's? Do we fear to displease man more than we fear to displease God?

Galatians 1:10 "Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.

The main purpose of our service is to glorify God, to serve Him wholeheartedly and then enjoy the abundant blessings He places in our lives. It is not to be too concerned about the opinions of others, it is not to let others dictate our way of life. Our primary concern should be God, and to serve Him.

Psalm 118:8 - 9 "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes."

It is important, therefore, to note that seeking to please man more than to please God is in fact displeasing to God. The moment we start to obey man more than we obey God, we are going against Him. By obeying man more than God, we are putting man on a higher level of priority in our life, serving man instead of God. This is against the commandment in Exodus 34:14 "Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God."

Jeremiah 17:5 "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord."

Therefore, let us not fall into the trap of serving man instead of God. The moment we seek to please man, we will lose our focus from serving God, as we make it our business to satisfy man more than we satisfying God. Our main business, is in fact to serve God, not man. Reflect upon your life. Are the opinions of some people placed in too much of importance in your life? Do you let others dictate the way you live your life and serve God? Let us watch ourselves, and not fall into the sin of man-pleasing, or even idolising any other things that will cause us to lose our love and devotion for God. And let us say without a hint of doubt, "We seek to please God."

Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Random post no.204

This shall be a special post because I am blogging from a very special place, on a very special laptop.

This particular laptop, according to the owner, can last only 1 hour when left to run on its battery. So I am running on AC power.

Ok, I know this is really random and totally unlike of my writing style, but it doesn't matter, I just feel like blogging from where I am.

Anyway, I am writing with no inspiration at all... so this shall be random post.

I am blogging on a black COMPAQ laptop. On a black sofa.

The person next to me is wearing a white NIKE shirt, hugging a pooh bear, reading some homework.

Theres music playing in the background, the air is cool because the aircon is on.

I am sitting on the floor.

Theres another person to left of me reading a chinese novel. Another one is busy trying to fix a computer killed by a multitude of viruses. Another one is in his room, I have no idea what he is doing.

My handphone being charged in another room.

Ok, I know this is an extremely random post. But really, it does not matter. Its good to insert some randomness here and there.

Oh, I bought myself a new watch yesterday. Ellesse. Black metal. I have been wanting to get myself a black metal watch for so so long. :D So glad for myself. I'll bring my Adidas watch to repair when I really feel like it.

This shall be the end of my random post.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

"If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."

This was the 1st thing I heard when I watched the movie 'Bella' in HOF last friday. Unconciously, I laughed. Its so very true. Many a time, our plans are actually like jokes to God, just as a small kid's plans of doing this and that makes us adults laugh. Thats because God knows whats best for us, and He has already planned it so we can live our best. Telling Him our own plans is like telling Him jokes.

Year 2008 has come to an end. Thats 365 days gone. And thats another 365 days coming again. How was your 2008? Was it superb? Was it tragic? Was it a "to be continued" year? Or did your 2008 end splendidly like curtains falling on a play? Did everything go as per planned? Or did surprises pop out from all over the place? Whatever it is, 2008 is over.

Bringing myself back to the beginning of the year, I really didn't expect much from it. I simply looked forward to going ORD, gain more friendships and to be a better man. But God is really someone that is full of surprises. He knew my 2008 wasn't going to be a simple one, and it certainly wasn't.

For the entire of 2008, I served in one single unit. 36SCE. Gone were the days when I had to run around mindlessly, doing trainings and trainings and trainings. Life as a commander in an operational unit is really different, and I dare say, fulfilling. I have learnt alot about work management, people management and time management. I have also had the opportunities to go to many different places that I probably would not have the privilege of entering had I been a civilian. So all in all, my time as a NSF was definitely exciting, fulfilling and eye opening.

Perhaps one of the biggest surprise to me was the fact that I did not ORD this year. I really didn't expect that. To be offered the contract, and then to accept it, sign the papers and extending my service untill May next year, these things were definitely not in my plan. They were in God's plan. God knew that I enjoyed myself in the unit, God knew that I needed a job for untill I enroll into university, God knew that I was going for church camp next year, God knew that I needed time to prepare myself for university, and God prepared this contract for my sake. Everything was in perfect planning. Under the contract, I will be serving untill May 09, draw a reasonable salary, church camp will be in June, and I have July to prepare for university, enrolment will be in August. God is just so so very wonderful, isn't He?

2008 also saw me knowing many new friends, and they are a great bunch of people. There's Sylvia who joins the "After Service Lunch" group every Sunday with Jeff, Linton and I. And then theres Dixon, Jiayan, Yinglai, Jovin, Aunt Candy, Shawn and Aik Khim who so very graciously included me in their group for dinners and many wonderful times of fellowship. Not forgetting the fact that Dixon and Yinglai always sends me back to where I stay whenever they can. Such wonderful people.

I spent the last day of the 2008 in camp, sitting in the office with 2 of my friends, not realising that the year had ended untill we noticed the massive display of fireworks on our TV screen. One of my friend commented "wah, also don't know count down finish already." Well, I knew, I was watching the 10 seconds going down and then looking at fireworks fly out from the ground and lighting the sky. And I wonder, why do we celebrate? I don't think we celebrate because 2008 was such a bad year that we are so happy to see it over. Well, it certainly wasn't a fantastic year with the economic downturn and natural disasters that happened. But I'm sure we don't celebrate its ending, we celebrate because we believe that 2009 will bring greater things, and we have so much to expect for a new year. Another friend commented "so much fireworks, doesn't even feel like theres an economic downturn loh".

A small sleepyhead brought me all smiles once again by calling me after the countdown and helped me feel the atmosphere of everybody's joy even while I was in camp. That was really really sweet. Thank God for this small sleepyhead. :D

So what will 2009 bring about? 2009 WILL be the year that I ORD, that is in May. It WILL also be the year that I enter into a whole new phase of life - university. I will be enrolling into Nanyang Technological University in August to pursue my Bachelors in English Literature. That will take me a whole 4 years, and I certainly believe that God will bring me through the 4 years with His hand.

And I just know, I just know, that God has so much more installed for the year than I can possibly imagine. Just like what 2008 has been to me, I believe that God will surely come in with surprises that fits into His perfect planning. I shall not have too much plans for 2009, I just pray that wisdom, maturity, sensitivity, friendships, faithfulness and understanding be added onto me, and that at the end of the year, I will be a better man than I am today.

Whatever else, I will leave it to God, because He knows my future better than I do.

Matthew 6:31 - 34

"So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."