ANOTHER TRIP TO MALAYSIA! WOOT! I LOVE MALAYSIA SO MUCH! (but would have loved other places if I had more money) MALAYSIA TRULY ASIA!
Okay, enough of that ecstasy.
I will be heading off to my church camp in another 11 hours time and well, am trying to excite myself.
Finally, I have packed my stuff for the 5 days stay in Kuala Lumpur. Yes, I have the bad habit of packing just the night before my trip (who doesn't? I mean everybody packs just the night before, right?) The following are in my bags. Oh yes, I decided not to bring my military pack to Malaysia and instead brought 2 bags, my XL Crumpler and XS Timbuk2 :D
- Essential stuff like money, passport et cetera
- Stuff that I wear, shall not detail
- Stuff I use in the washroom, shall not detail, as well
- Bible (I mean, its a churchcamp..)
- 'The Inheritance of Loss' (never go overseas without a novel in hand)
- iPod Nano (never go on long bus rides with no music in ear)
- Camera
- Chargers
Yes, I packed very sparingly. I do not want to get into a luggage disaster when I reach the hotel.
I actually thought of bringing my PS2. (the no watching TV rule surely doesn't include no playing games on the TV) However, I decided not to. NOT because its too heavy, no. Because I don't wanna get arrested when I return with all my 'less expensive' games... ok, because its a little bulky as well.
Jeff and I have also put our money together to buy 'The BIG Taboo' for the stay. I get a feeling that could very well be the only entertainment that a group can participate in.
So well, take care everybody. Please do pray for our (the church campers) safety. For those who are staying in Singapore to maintain the minimum population number, enjoy the week with no YCG, HOF and Heart.Sports! :D
When I return from Malaysia, I shall get Vaan and his party out of King Raithwall's Tomb. I hope Demonwall is the hardest thing I'll face in there.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I do not know what to blog because for the past few days, all I have been doing is the regular exercise thing, go church and play FFXII. Run/Gym/Swim then church then FFXII. Run/Gym/Swim, church, FFXII. Its almost becoming a routine, thank God church camp is happening on Monday.
So this is what has happened.
1. I found out that there were more reusing of the indian accented memoirs voice actor in FFXII. They are, the Marquis Ondore and his weird looking assistant. I also found out that Marquis Ondore was actually the one who wrote the memoirs, but thats nothing of significance, according to the pirate princess.
2. For the first time, I had difficulty killing a boss in FFXII (its called a Demonwall) because theres a crazy time limit, like less than a minute! So I had to go level up everybody and make everybody learn quickenings for like 3 hours, then go back to destroy the wall. I slept at 5am that night.
3. I was just surfing the net on Wednesday night after YCG and suddenly remembered about the EPIC match between Barcelona and Manchester United. I eventually spent almost an entire hour before I managed to find a reliable livestream source to watch the match online. I was very satisfied when I went to sleep that night. Or morning, at 5.30am. Kudos to Barcelona for playing so well.
4. I crashed in an event for married couples called One, organised by my church to watch a movie called "Fireproof". Its an amazing movie although I felt it could be further improved if they added more drama in it. Like er... just as the wife was about to forgive her husband, her husband got called off to a fire and got injured and... ok, never mind. Person next to me commented that an actor was reused from 'Facing The Giants' and I went "oh... ok..." I haven't watched 'Facing The Giants' yet.
5. I had a crazy argument with a close friend over sms one night that lasted for hours and I had to eventually wake up at 4am just to write a letter of apology. Friendships are just so bittersweet at times. It wouldn't be so precious if it was too easy, would it?
6. I found out that I actually have to notify the SAF that I am going overseas for more than 24 hours. I could be in real trouble if I didn't and then those green people find out when they try to contact me. Well, you can't blame me, no one told me anything when I ORD. Or... I didn't really pay much attention.
I do not know what I should pack my stuff for church camp in. Bringing a military pack to Malaysia for a church camp just seem so wrong to me. I do not want to get detained.
So this is what has happened.
1. I found out that there were more reusing of the indian accented memoirs voice actor in FFXII. They are, the Marquis Ondore and his weird looking assistant. I also found out that Marquis Ondore was actually the one who wrote the memoirs, but thats nothing of significance, according to the pirate princess.
2. For the first time, I had difficulty killing a boss in FFXII (its called a Demonwall) because theres a crazy time limit, like less than a minute! So I had to go level up everybody and make everybody learn quickenings for like 3 hours, then go back to destroy the wall. I slept at 5am that night.
3. I was just surfing the net on Wednesday night after YCG and suddenly remembered about the EPIC match between Barcelona and Manchester United. I eventually spent almost an entire hour before I managed to find a reliable livestream source to watch the match online. I was very satisfied when I went to sleep that night. Or morning, at 5.30am. Kudos to Barcelona for playing so well.
4. I crashed in an event for married couples called One, organised by my church to watch a movie called "Fireproof". Its an amazing movie although I felt it could be further improved if they added more drama in it. Like er... just as the wife was about to forgive her husband, her husband got called off to a fire and got injured and... ok, never mind. Person next to me commented that an actor was reused from 'Facing The Giants' and I went "oh... ok..." I haven't watched 'Facing The Giants' yet.
5. I had a crazy argument with a close friend over sms one night that lasted for hours and I had to eventually wake up at 4am just to write a letter of apology. Friendships are just so bittersweet at times. It wouldn't be so precious if it was too easy, would it?
6. I found out that I actually have to notify the SAF that I am going overseas for more than 24 hours. I could be in real trouble if I didn't and then those green people find out when they try to contact me. Well, you can't blame me, no one told me anything when I ORD. Or... I didn't really pay much attention.
I do not know what I should pack my stuff for church camp in. Bringing a military pack to Malaysia for a church camp just seem so wrong to me. I do not want to get detained.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Guess who uses a rifle as well? 
I tell you, I love this guy. He's got character. Character unlike what I've seen in previous FFs. The only drawback is... its like someone missed Final Fantasy VIII so much and just made Zell carry Irvine's weapon, and then make him wear Squall's pants with abit of modification.
Oh by the way, thats Balthier, a sky pirate in FFXII. :D
"The world is always finding new and exciting ways to kill a man."
And, oh yes. I found another person who has the same indian accent as the memoirs narrator. (Shu Ting, is this the person???) Its an old indian guy by the name of Dalan and he sucks on shisha with no smoke.

I tell you, I love this guy. He's got character. Character unlike what I've seen in previous FFs. The only drawback is... its like someone missed Final Fantasy VIII so much and just made Zell carry Irvine's weapon, and then make him wear Squall's pants with abit of modification.
Oh by the way, thats Balthier, a sky pirate in FFXII. :D
"The world is always finding new and exciting ways to kill a man."
And, oh yes. I found another person who has the same indian accent as the memoirs narrator. (Shu Ting, is this the person???) Its an old indian guy by the name of Dalan and he sucks on shisha with no smoke.
Last night, which just so happens to be my birthday, was really an awesome night. Well, for me that is, and I hope for everyone else who was at my party as well.
I am really really glad that everybody who was there enjoyed themselves with the food and the games, and I had a really great time fellowshipping with everyone! :D
I guess that I didn't really have to worry about not having a plan for the party, because I had great friends who helped me with everything, on the spot. Thank God!
Well, this party has shown me one very important thing: that my family and friends will be by my side when I need them. Its really very touching, to see so many of my friends turn up; I was nearly moved to tears (yes, I was not acting) But of course, its not good to cry at your birthday party, so LAU KUI!
And to all my friends who couldn't make it for the event due to work, duties, assignments and the likes, lets go out another time! It doesn't have to be a birthday party to catch up (although it would have been a very convenient opportunity), we can always go out anytime! :D
Now everybody knows that I can't sing after listening to my debut singing performance. I couldn't even remember the lyrics. -_-" "Shi sang zi you..."
Lastly, let me thank everybody for the gifts. :D Thanks for the
- Cards with lovely messages on them, both BIG and small, and with the drawing of Cloud wielding a weird looking sword
- The love offerings $D
- The books (indian literature :D , christian books, and a guide to the working world called "Dilbert and way of the weasel", must read)
- The T-SHIRTS, many many T-shirts. This is a good indication that my sense of fashion is really not up to mark (I told you I am not metrosexual) and as a result, I have ordered 2 more T-shirts from this online place.
- The chocolate, mind you, good chocolate
- Wallet, thanks, I love it
- A good pen, which I can probably keep until I have my own cheque book to sign
- A cup. Thanks, I'll drink more water, promise.
- Music CD. :D
I hope I have not downloaded those songs online...NO, I DON'T DOWNLOAD THINGS ONLINE! Piracy is bad. Don't try it at home. - A musket! MUSKET! Live size replica! Muahaha, I was immediately reminded of Irvine from FFVIII, although its not a musket that he's holding :P (Vincent Valentine's guns are cooler!)
- And er... a Rubik's cube from Mind Cafe..
- Also.. some vouchers from Mind Cafe which I probably will not be using (they are vouchers to hold 21st birthday celebrations, so if anyone wants to hold your 21st at Mind Cafe, quickly let me know! Oh, 1988ers only, it expires 30th November 2009 -_-")
- Most importantly, everybody's presence at the event! :D :D
Alright, I am 21 now. I can finally vote. PAP, you have my vote, so please don't screw it up before the next elections, thanks.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
This is such an amazing short film! The emotions displayed... are just simply wonderful. Presenting, winning film of the NFB Cannes Short Film Corner Competition, Sebastian's Voodoo :D
And! Check out this trivia: The Guinness-recognized record for remembered digits of π is 67,890 digits, held by Lu Chao, a 24-year-old graduate student from China. It took him 24 hours and 4 minutes to recite to the 67,890th decimal place of π without an error.
I can't imagine myself reciting numbers for ONE ENTIRE DAY..
Oh yes, Happy Birthday to me. 21 years of dreams, hopes, aspirations, loss, gains, troubles, worries, victories, defeats, miracles, trials, patience, faithfulness, disobedience, forgiveness. 21 years of friendships, character building and God's loving mercy. 21 years of life. 21.
And! Check out this trivia: The Guinness-recognized record for remembered digits of π is 67,890 digits, held by Lu Chao, a 24-year-old graduate student from China. It took him 24 hours and 4 minutes to recite to the 67,890th decimal place of π without an error.
I can't imagine myself reciting numbers for ONE ENTIRE DAY..
Oh yes, Happy Birthday to me. 21 years of dreams, hopes, aspirations, loss, gains, troubles, worries, victories, defeats, miracles, trials, patience, faithfulness, disobedience, forgiveness. 21 years of friendships, character building and God's loving mercy. 21 years of life. 21.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Its finally over! The region event, Hide and Seek. Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief.
This event, is among all the other events that I have participated in, the most tense, and most rushed event ever. At least thats how I feel.
I got my script 2 weeks before the event, and it was really crap. So we tried for one week to rehearse it, and then just 1 week before the event, we decided to heavily amend it. Can you believe it? With just one week left, we are still doing MAJOR amendments?! I remember during Split Second, which was our event last year, the final rehearsal was already done by this time.
So we spent Monday, and Tuesday going through lines after lines, matching emotions and words, amending almost every single thing. Sometimes, in the heat of discussion, voices were raised and it seemed so hostile. And we still had to work into the midnight on Thursday to tie up all the loose ends. You would be amazed, that what happened on Sunday during the walk through, it was completely different than on Friday, which is the main event. I remember on Sunday, I thought to myself "What a joke.."
All I have to say is, THANK GOD! Even during the final rehearsal which was 2 hours before event hour, things were still not up to standard. Emotions were not expressed properly, people were still forgetting lines. And the best part, some were still trying to make their way to church even 10 minutes before event hour. Simply amazing.
During the worship, I was worried to the max. I was so worried that something might just go wrong somewhere, and its not that we were very very well prepared. So there I was, half worshipping, half praying. "God, its all You now."
Acting in the 1st Act was quite a daunting task. Its what sets the mood for the other acts. So as I was standing at the back, ready to dive into my character, I was still praying "God, its now or never, its now or never, be with me!"
And God is faithful. As the spotlights threw itself onto the stage and the pair of us go darting into the show, I completely forgot who I was. I was totally in character! It was amazing. I do not know if I performed very well, but I know that it was the best show among all the rehearsals. To me, thats enough. And so did the rest of the actors/actress, all of them put up the best show on event hour. It was just, marvellous.
I am happy. For I have witnessed how God rescued us and have done such a miracle. And one thing is for sure, I feel very relieved now. All thats left to think about is Sunday's party, which I really have no idea how its going to be like, and what planning I must perform. Gosh, I am never good at these things. Maybe someone could give me a helping hand? :D
This event, is among all the other events that I have participated in, the most tense, and most rushed event ever. At least thats how I feel.
I got my script 2 weeks before the event, and it was really crap. So we tried for one week to rehearse it, and then just 1 week before the event, we decided to heavily amend it. Can you believe it? With just one week left, we are still doing MAJOR amendments?! I remember during Split Second, which was our event last year, the final rehearsal was already done by this time.
So we spent Monday, and Tuesday going through lines after lines, matching emotions and words, amending almost every single thing. Sometimes, in the heat of discussion, voices were raised and it seemed so hostile. And we still had to work into the midnight on Thursday to tie up all the loose ends. You would be amazed, that what happened on Sunday during the walk through, it was completely different than on Friday, which is the main event. I remember on Sunday, I thought to myself "What a joke.."
All I have to say is, THANK GOD! Even during the final rehearsal which was 2 hours before event hour, things were still not up to standard. Emotions were not expressed properly, people were still forgetting lines. And the best part, some were still trying to make their way to church even 10 minutes before event hour. Simply amazing.
During the worship, I was worried to the max. I was so worried that something might just go wrong somewhere, and its not that we were very very well prepared. So there I was, half worshipping, half praying. "God, its all You now."
Acting in the 1st Act was quite a daunting task. Its what sets the mood for the other acts. So as I was standing at the back, ready to dive into my character, I was still praying "God, its now or never, its now or never, be with me!"
And God is faithful. As the spotlights threw itself onto the stage and the pair of us go darting into the show, I completely forgot who I was. I was totally in character! It was amazing. I do not know if I performed very well, but I know that it was the best show among all the rehearsals. To me, thats enough. And so did the rest of the actors/actress, all of them put up the best show on event hour. It was just, marvellous.
I am happy. For I have witnessed how God rescued us and have done such a miracle. And one thing is for sure, I feel very relieved now. All thats left to think about is Sunday's party, which I really have no idea how its going to be like, and what planning I must perform. Gosh, I am never good at these things. Maybe someone could give me a helping hand? :D
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Finally finally, I managed to start on FFXII, and the first thing that struck me when I watched the opening (which is so visually satisfying) was "This sure looks like Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King, maybe a more technologically advanced version!" Especially the whole
thing... I am paraphrasing abit here. Kinda reminds you of Gondor isn't it? And and and, why is it that the narrator for the memoirs has such a heavy indian accent?!?!
Anyway, if you are reading this blog, then I have most likely invited you to my birthday party happening on 24th May 2009. If not, please quickly quickly let me know so I can quickly quickly include you in my guest list. I believe that if someone is interested to read my blog, then he/she has got to be a friend. :D
It will be happening at the Mind Cafe @ Purvis Street, which is 2 streets behind Raffles Hotel, next to Nationl Library, 1 street behind Middle Road which is next to Parco Bugis Junction, or you can just simply refer to the map below.

Its going to start at 6.30pm, food should be served by then. Please don't be too late as the food will get cold.
I don't know if I am going to get a cake to cut or not, but if theres a cake, I'll cut it at around 9pm. Then everyone can just stay and hang around until the place closes, which is around 11pm.
Theres no theme or dress code for this party, so just wear whatever. Although, I must stress, please dress appropriately.
There won't be any alchohol, pork or lard in honour of God and my dear muslim friends.
What you could bring for this event:
1. A warm smile
2. A genuine heart to celebrate my 21st birthday with me
3. An open mind to have fun and enjoy the night
If you still insist on getting something tangible for me, then get me this.

Haha, if you can't figure out what that is, then its alright, You probably won't be able to find it. Just bring yourself and the 3 things mentioned above, I believe that friendship is valuable enough. :D
And, check out the view next to me as I am typing this.
"Your majesty, Nabradia has fallen"
"What! If Nabradia falls, then we will be next in the Archadian invasion! We must perform a counter attack and take it back!"
Prince Rasler, who just married Princess Ashe of Dalmasca stands up. "Your majesty, I will go!"
Prince Rasler, and this other guy whom I can't remember his name, then led a whole army to Nabradia, only to suffer an absolute defeat.
thing... I am paraphrasing abit here. Kinda reminds you of Gondor isn't it? And and and, why is it that the narrator for the memoirs has such a heavy indian accent?!?!
Anyway, if you are reading this blog, then I have most likely invited you to my birthday party happening on 24th May 2009. If not, please quickly quickly let me know so I can quickly quickly include you in my guest list. I believe that if someone is interested to read my blog, then he/she has got to be a friend. :D
It will be happening at the Mind Cafe @ Purvis Street, which is 2 streets behind Raffles Hotel, next to Nationl Library, 1 street behind Middle Road which is next to Parco Bugis Junction, or you can just simply refer to the map below.
Its going to start at 6.30pm, food should be served by then. Please don't be too late as the food will get cold.
I don't know if I am going to get a cake to cut or not, but if theres a cake, I'll cut it at around 9pm. Then everyone can just stay and hang around until the place closes, which is around 11pm.
Theres no theme or dress code for this party, so just wear whatever. Although, I must stress, please dress appropriately.
There won't be any alchohol, pork or lard in honour of God and my dear muslim friends.
What you could bring for this event:
1. A warm smile
2. A genuine heart to celebrate my 21st birthday with me
3. An open mind to have fun and enjoy the night
If you still insist on getting something tangible for me, then get me this.

Haha, if you can't figure out what that is, then its alright, You probably won't be able to find it. Just bring yourself and the 3 things mentioned above, I believe that friendship is valuable enough. :D
And, check out the view next to me as I am typing this.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
In a bid to go play FFXII, which HH Eleanor so graciously lent me (thank you, your highness), I spent last night (which happened to be the only free time I get to sit my butt in front of the TV and PS2 in a week) killing Sin and going into its body. And then this afternoon killing Seymour, the Jecht-Final Aeon thingy, all the aeons, and the pathetic looking Yu Yevon.
And yes, I gave up trying to avoid 200 consecutive thunder bolts.
I have to say, its kind of sad, replaying the game and knowing that Tidus is going to fade away at the end. Its almost like when I play FFVII and knowing that Aeris is going to die before her wish of going on the Highwind will come true.
The ending is mega sad. Especially when you think about how the story and characters have developed. Even though FFVII is my favourite game, FFX's ending has to be the best. No other Final Fantasy ending has made me feel so much emotions, except maybe FFIX, or Crisis Core.
Did Tidus really come back in FFX-2? I sure hope he did.
The people and the friends we've lost, and the dreams that have faded... never forget them.
FFXII shall start tomorrow, I hope.
And yes, I gave up trying to avoid 200 consecutive thunder bolts.
I have to say, its kind of sad, replaying the game and knowing that Tidus is going to fade away at the end. Its almost like when I play FFVII and knowing that Aeris is going to die before her wish of going on the Highwind will come true.
The ending is mega sad. Especially when you think about how the story and characters have developed. Even though FFVII is my favourite game, FFX's ending has to be the best. No other Final Fantasy ending has made me feel so much emotions, except maybe FFIX, or Crisis Core.
Did Tidus really come back in FFX-2? I sure hope he did.
The people and the friends we've lost, and the dreams that have faded... never forget them.
FFXII shall start tomorrow, I hope.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
With the high frequency of arguments happening on the Super Captain's Ball pitch, I am beginning to feel that its an appropriate time to build a Parliament House on the field.
Well, anyway, I have never let what happens at Heart.Sports spoil my mood. Its just not worth it.
I watched the Manchester United vs Arsenal match last night with my soccer pals, and some of other friends. Well, Arsenal played really well, despite the fact that the referee wasobviously not very fair. Giving yellow cards for almost every single of Arsenal's fouls and not a single card for Manchester United's. No exaggeration, it was 5 yellow cards to 0 yellow cards.
Relised that soccer is to us like how Blitzball is to Spira. It bonds everybody together, and we just simply forget what happens in the real world. All of us, just packed into that one corner of the cafe, eyes glued on the screen, screaming, cheering, jeering. All we talk about is soccer, as if its all thats happening in our lives. As if we were living in the television where all the action was happening.
And then when the final whistle blows, all of us gets thrown back to reality. We foot the bills, get back onto the streets, into our lives, talk about university, about our future, about our uncertainties. If it was in Spira, its like stepping out and seeing Sin stare at you in the face. Except this time, its reality, and its not as easy to master as Sin is.
Well, anyway, I have never let what happens at Heart.Sports spoil my mood. Its just not worth it.
I watched the Manchester United vs Arsenal match last night with my soccer pals, and some of other friends. Well, Arsenal played really well, despite the fact that the referee was
Relised that soccer is to us like how Blitzball is to Spira. It bonds everybody together, and we just simply forget what happens in the real world. All of us, just packed into that one corner of the cafe, eyes glued on the screen, screaming, cheering, jeering. All we talk about is soccer, as if its all thats happening in our lives. As if we were living in the television where all the action was happening.
And then when the final whistle blows, all of us gets thrown back to reality. We foot the bills, get back onto the streets, into our lives, talk about university, about our future, about our uncertainties. If it was in Spira, its like stepping out and seeing Sin stare at you in the face. Except this time, its reality, and its not as easy to master as Sin is.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Out of boredom, I have created a "How well do you know your Final Fantasy VII?" quiz. It can be found at the below url.
I am determined that I must finish FFX by the end of next week as I must soon embark on my FFXII journey, but I just couldn't find the time to go touch my PS2 for the past few days! Argh.
I went for my 1st official post-ORD activity today (technically, yesterday) at Vivocity. The knight was bringing royalty out.
Dim sum buffet was good, and I did a foolish thing by opening a closed entrance when the proper entrance was just a short walk away. -_-"
Shopping was good as well, and so was the visit to National Geographic Shop/Museum. Not to mention the fact that we also went into freezing chamber, but I felt that it should be better named as the cold winds chamber instead. I was reminded of Cloud scaling the mountain at the Great Glacier place, having to constantly jump and keep his body temperature up.
I actually seriously considered the possibility of working there. Its such a fantastic job! Who cares about long standing hours when you can fill your eyes and mind with the boundless amounts of knowledge in that place, and at the same time, share it with the people who comes? Haha, well, geography and geographic history ALWAYS interest me. :D Yes, I know I should be more interested in literature, I know I know.
Hm, why am I posting these things? I don't even know who reads my blogs. What if someone is blog stalking me? Haha, whatever. I am sure no one will even bother to do that.
I am determined that I must finish FFX by the end of next week as I must soon embark on my FFXII journey, but I just couldn't find the time to go touch my PS2 for the past few days! Argh.
I went for my 1st official post-ORD activity today (technically, yesterday) at Vivocity. The knight was bringing royalty out.
Dim sum buffet was good, and I did a foolish thing by opening a closed entrance when the proper entrance was just a short walk away. -_-"
Shopping was good as well, and so was the visit to National Geographic Shop/Museum. Not to mention the fact that we also went into freezing chamber, but I felt that it should be better named as the cold winds chamber instead. I was reminded of Cloud scaling the mountain at the Great Glacier place, having to constantly jump and keep his body temperature up.
I actually seriously considered the possibility of working there. Its such a fantastic job! Who cares about long standing hours when you can fill your eyes and mind with the boundless amounts of knowledge in that place, and at the same time, share it with the people who comes? Haha, well, geography and geographic history ALWAYS interest me. :D Yes, I know I should be more interested in literature, I know I know.
Hm, why am I posting these things? I don't even know who reads my blogs. What if someone is blog stalking me? Haha, whatever. I am sure no one will even bother to do that.
Monday, May 11, 2009
The young man sits on his little blue chair in front of his black Samsung LCD screen, fingers on his black Logitech keyboard, staring into a little white box on, trying perhaps to write something into it. The pink little card was sitting quietly on his desk, yet at the same time, shouting out at him, "YOU'RE FREE, YOU'RE FREE, YOU'RE FREE!" His identity card.
As his fingers moved independently on the keyboard like little dancers on a black dance floor (tic tac tic tac), his mind began to wonder back some 2 years and 4 months ago. 12th January 2007. That was the last time he saw his pink IC, and also a big part of his freedom.
To anyone else, 12th January 2007 wasn't a day worth taking note of. Its not a special day, nothing much happened, there wasn't a bomb explosion, or a tsunami, or earthquake. It was just a normal day. Yet, on this normal day, this young man's life took a big turn. He still remember he was wearing white. A white polo-T and a pair of jeans. In the morning, he was with someone he loved. And that someone he loved accompanied him on a bus (a long bus ride which he wished had lasted forever) to Pasir Ris. They said good bye at the train station and that was the last time he was allowed to love anyone.
He met his family at the shopping centre nearby and then together, made their way to the island also known as Pulau Tekong. And that was where he last saw the pink card until 2 years and 4 months later. "Put your IC in here and we will give it back to you later." From then on, he turned green.
Recruit, Private, Corporal, 3rd Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant. Lets do a little fast forwarding here. The life of a green man can get a little boring at times, and besides, there are other people who don't like green men to talk about their green lives. They say its a secret. A secret that all men in this nation knew.
So this green man went about doing his green things for 1 year and 10 months. And just when they were about to give him back his pink, he decided to stay green somemore. The other green men he worked with went about getting back their colours, and he just simply stayed green. Quite a number of people were surprised. They say its a crazy thing to do. But somehow, the green man seemed to enjoy his green life. Because to him, it was not so green afterall, other colours managed to sneak their way into his life.
A multi-coloured man on the inside, a green man on the outside. Thats what you can call him. He stayed on, for another 6 months. And during this 6 months, he thoroughly enjoyed himself. Green didn't seemed like a bad colour afterall. Thats when he slowly realised, green is a colour. Like pink, yellow, blue, orange, green is actually a colour as well.
Today marks the end of the 6 months for this man. Today is the day this man got his pink back. But he didn't feel too much of a difference. Perhaps, just perhaps, he has discovered that pink and green are just a part of a million colours there are in this world. And he is glad that he was green once.
However, one thing is for certain today. He is free. Freedom has found its way back to him, or he has found his way back to freedom. There was no longer the need for him to wake up at 4.50am to go to the green place, or have his phone by him 24/7 in case other green men needed him (although it became a habit for him to have his phone by him 24/7).
A free multi-coloured man, jobless. He has another 3 months before becoming a not-so-free multi-coloured man, and he is intending to do the following in this 3 months:
As his fingers moved independently on the keyboard like little dancers on a black dance floor (tic tac tic tac), his mind began to wonder back some 2 years and 4 months ago. 12th January 2007. That was the last time he saw his pink IC, and also a big part of his freedom.
To anyone else, 12th January 2007 wasn't a day worth taking note of. Its not a special day, nothing much happened, there wasn't a bomb explosion, or a tsunami, or earthquake. It was just a normal day. Yet, on this normal day, this young man's life took a big turn. He still remember he was wearing white. A white polo-T and a pair of jeans. In the morning, he was with someone he loved. And that someone he loved accompanied him on a bus (a long bus ride which he wished had lasted forever) to Pasir Ris. They said good bye at the train station and that was the last time he was allowed to love anyone.
He met his family at the shopping centre nearby and then together, made their way to the island also known as Pulau Tekong. And that was where he last saw the pink card until 2 years and 4 months later. "Put your IC in here and we will give it back to you later." From then on, he turned green.
Recruit, Private, Corporal, 3rd Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant. Lets do a little fast forwarding here. The life of a green man can get a little boring at times, and besides, there are other people who don't like green men to talk about their green lives. They say its a secret. A secret that all men in this nation knew.
So this green man went about doing his green things for 1 year and 10 months. And just when they were about to give him back his pink, he decided to stay green somemore. The other green men he worked with went about getting back their colours, and he just simply stayed green. Quite a number of people were surprised. They say its a crazy thing to do. But somehow, the green man seemed to enjoy his green life. Because to him, it was not so green afterall, other colours managed to sneak their way into his life.
A multi-coloured man on the inside, a green man on the outside. Thats what you can call him. He stayed on, for another 6 months. And during this 6 months, he thoroughly enjoyed himself. Green didn't seemed like a bad colour afterall. Thats when he slowly realised, green is a colour. Like pink, yellow, blue, orange, green is actually a colour as well.
Today marks the end of the 6 months for this man. Today is the day this man got his pink back. But he didn't feel too much of a difference. Perhaps, just perhaps, he has discovered that pink and green are just a part of a million colours there are in this world. And he is glad that he was green once.
However, one thing is for certain today. He is free. Freedom has found its way back to him, or he has found his way back to freedom. There was no longer the need for him to wake up at 4.50am to go to the green place, or have his phone by him 24/7 in case other green men needed him (although it became a habit for him to have his phone by him 24/7).
A free multi-coloured man, jobless. He has another 3 months before becoming a not-so-free multi-coloured man, and he is intending to do the following in this 3 months:
- Finish FFX, FFX-2, Kingdom Hearts, FFXII (if Her Highness Eleanor the Graceful decides to lend it to him)
- Get his fitness back and this includes: Swimming, Soccer, Cycling, Running, Gym.
- Read ALOT.
- Catch up and fellowship with his friends.
- Help his region with the region event.
- Hold the biggest (and probably the only) birthday party in his life.
- Maybe teach tuition in case he runs out of money to spend.
Friday, May 08, 2009

Anyway, I saw a dead guy today. Like, er, a real dead man. Nope, not a dead cat. A dead man.
Death seems to be lingering around my life. Sounds like a paradox. Never mind.
I was half right. He was dead. Drunk or not, I do not know.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
You have been living in this house for nearly 7 years.
One night, as with any other nights, you wanted to close your windows and switch on the air-conditioner before retiring for a good night's sleep.
You pull the window's handle and the handle breaks off from the window. Now you have to close your window by pulling on that little tab thing where the handle used to be with a pair of pliers.
My castle is falling apart. How sad.
One night, as with any other nights, you wanted to close your windows and switch on the air-conditioner before retiring for a good night's sleep.
You pull the window's handle and the handle breaks off from the window. Now you have to close your window by pulling on that little tab thing where the handle used to be with a pair of pliers.
My castle is falling apart. How sad.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
I feel stupid. I can't believe anyone playing goalkeeper in Super Captain's Ball has the possibility of getting injured. And here I am with a sprained ankle. I simply can't believe myself.
Anyway, Jeff, Matthew and I concluded today that Super Captain's Ball is a very political sport.
Matthew: I read the rules. What I did wasn't a foul.
Me: You missed out the last line. It probably reads "The above rules are subject to changes without informing you." That was probably the 1st version of the rules you read, I think we are playing the 101st version of the rules in our game.
Jeff: Its just like politics, things just keep on changing and we keep debating about it and theres no end to it.
Anyway, Jeff, Matthew and I concluded today that Super Captain's Ball is a very political sport.
Matthew: I read the rules. What I did wasn't a foul.
Me: You missed out the last line. It probably reads "The above rules are subject to changes without informing you." That was probably the 1st version of the rules you read, I think we are playing the 101st version of the rules in our game.
Jeff: Its just like politics, things just keep on changing and we keep debating about it and theres no end to it.
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