Went to polyclinic this afternoon and was declared "all clear", just that the swelling will take a couple of weeks to go away.
The injury to my lips made it difficult for me to speak, with it being swollen and all. So I didn't really talk much since the accident yesterday.
I went to prayer community in the evening and found it really difficult to worship due to the swollen lips. And then, God spoke to my heart.
Many a times, we face certain setbacks and difficulties and find it hard to worship God. I'm not speaking physically (which is so in my case), but mentally and spiritually as well. I mean, its only logical isn't it? What praises can we bring when things are not going so well?
But hold on a minute here. We are missing the point. We are not praising God for the sake of praising God. Not because we are happy or because things are going real smoothly for us. We are praising because HE IS GOD.
By refusing to praise God in our difficulties, we are not seeing the fact that God is actually sovereign over our trials. This means that God is in control of our trials. Remember how everytime Satan wanted to test Job, he had to go through God first? And God also makes sure that no trials is greater than that which we can bear. Whenever there's a trial, it is surely one that we can overcome, and in overcoming, strengthen our faith.
1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will provide a way out, so that you can stand up under it."
Then you may ask, "if God is in control of our trials, why does He make us go through these trials and make us suffer?"
Well, there's a reason for everything God does. Its not just to make you suffer for no reason. God is not some sadistic person who rejoices in seeing His creation suffer. God loves us and what He does is for a purpose. I mentioned it earlier, it is to strengthen and validate our faith.
1 Peter 1:7 "These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed."
No matter how hard our trials are, no matter how difficult life has become for us, know that God is in control and He is with us always. We can always look to Him for the support and comfort we need, wherever, whenever.
Matthew 28:20B "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
So during worship today, I told God, "Its really difficult, God. Really difficult. I'm in no mood and my lips aren't helping much."
And He spoke to my heart, "Its alright. Its alright. I'm right here. I'm right here with you."
I worshipped. I praised. I wept.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Post No. 277
This is officially the 3rd time I have escaped from the clutches of death. All incidents having to do with cars. (its probably not good for me to get a class 3 licence at this rate)
It happened just 4 hours ago.
Its sickening. Sickening sickening sickening. Sickening to think that just before it happened, everybody was so carefree and relaxed and cheerful, having just completed a morning of training. I wish I knew. I so very wish I knew.
The right turn, someone mentioned there was a vehicle coming from the left side, I turned to see it coming right at us, I prayed it would miss us somehow, everything seemed to slow down around me, I looked as the vehicle slowly came into contact to my left side, "BANG!", the car tilted to the right and slammed back to the ground again, I went into a daze (the type whereby everything goes white around you and you hear this ringing sound in your ear), snapped out of it, things started to happen at normal speed again, picked up my spectacles, saw my friend unconcious, slapped her, still unconcious, "oh crap crap crap crap", I got myself out of the car and realised I would have been dead if not for God's blessing.
I injured my lips and got some bruises, some went into a shock and sat in the car in a daze, and one friend got seriously injured (if you are reading this, please do pray for her). I called the ambulance and it felt forever before it came (it took only 10 minutes though).
I do not know what else to say. Everything felt so surreal. I am wishing it was a dream, a bad bad dream. I am wishing that I would wake up and realise its Monday 6am, and I would start to prepare myself to go training and I would remind the driver to take another route for lunch after training.
This is when one really wished he has a time travelling machine.
I know, I have to snap out of it. But it completely spoiled my mood for the day, not to mention the fact that I can't bring myself to start on my essays in this situation.
I have decided to bring my laptop to the HP service centre later. The 4 phone calls I had with 4 different indians from the HP help line did not help abit.
It happened just 4 hours ago.
Its sickening. Sickening sickening sickening. Sickening to think that just before it happened, everybody was so carefree and relaxed and cheerful, having just completed a morning of training. I wish I knew. I so very wish I knew.
The right turn, someone mentioned there was a vehicle coming from the left side, I turned to see it coming right at us, I prayed it would miss us somehow, everything seemed to slow down around me, I looked as the vehicle slowly came into contact to my left side, "BANG!", the car tilted to the right and slammed back to the ground again, I went into a daze (the type whereby everything goes white around you and you hear this ringing sound in your ear), snapped out of it, things started to happen at normal speed again, picked up my spectacles, saw my friend unconcious, slapped her, still unconcious, "oh crap crap crap crap", I got myself out of the car and realised I would have been dead if not for God's blessing.
I injured my lips and got some bruises, some went into a shock and sat in the car in a daze, and one friend got seriously injured (if you are reading this, please do pray for her). I called the ambulance and it felt forever before it came (it took only 10 minutes though).
I do not know what else to say. Everything felt so surreal. I am wishing it was a dream, a bad bad dream. I am wishing that I would wake up and realise its Monday 6am, and I would start to prepare myself to go training and I would remind the driver to take another route for lunch after training.
This is when one really wished he has a time travelling machine.
I know, I have to snap out of it. But it completely spoiled my mood for the day, not to mention the fact that I can't bring myself to start on my essays in this situation.
I have decided to bring my laptop to the HP service centre later. The 4 phone calls I had with 4 different indians from the HP help line did not help abit.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Post No. 276
"I have to get some sleep, I have to blog." I told myself to achieve these 2 today when I woke up for church this morning. And I did both.
Its the half way mark of the semester and I am really feeling the brunt from university. Mid-terms are over and things are only getting tougher.
What started off as a really relaxing term became increasingly difficult as weeks keep passing, readings start piling and assignments start streaming in. I'm still getting used to the system here, even though I am glad to say I no longer get lost in school anymore.
It's a system that places almost all responsibility of learning on the individual. And that I really need getting used to. YOU are the one who has to print your lecture notes and take down what the lecturer said. YOU are the one who have to kick off the discussion during tutorials, and if you don't, nothing is going to happen. YOU are the one who have to finish all your readings before class because the lecturer/tutor is not going to bother summarising the reading for you. YOU are the one who have to prepare yourself for your exams because there is not going to be tests or quizes or homework or anything of that sort, you go straight into your mid-term/term paper/assignments/exam and these are going to directly affect your grade (you don't have the time for ineffectual homework anyway).
But enough of school, now that recess week is here. I really appreciate it, this recess. There's reason why its not called a holiday (although technically it is). It's because, I'm sure every undergraduate knows, its a week whereby you (and you know you have to) catch up with all your readings and complete your assignments before the term resumes. And if you don't, you are going to have alot on your hands during the second half.
And that's what I am going to do. I am going to make sure I finish writing my lit essays, do up the draft for my politics term paper, do that twitter assignment and complete the readings for the start of school. While doing these, canoe training would also become more intensive. However, I am still not giving up hope that I will get to watch a movie (hopefully Time Traveller's Wife) or go out for a nice meal with friends. I am hopeful, I have to be.
BIG Create is over and I am glad I took a little breather from church activities in the light of heavy workload and the mid term. Despite the lack of much victory for my region's side, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. However, it won't be long before I get myself involved again.
My region is not doing well. I have to admit it. Things are not going effectively and I am not helping by folding my arms while standing on the sidelines. I had my reservations at first. I had issues with certain leaders whose lack of enthusiasm really affected me. Its disappointing sometimes, to see your region leaders treat their ministry so lightly and placing their priorities in the wrong places. I am not referring to everybody of course, just a few. Yes, its a personal issue and I have to get over it. And I promise I will.
Super Ocean Leagues closed just yesterday and I am glad my team finally won something. It was certainly a tight match at the volleyball men's finals against region D what with the score being at 25 - 20s for all 4 sets. Its been some time since I've been going for one of those 'voucher buffets' and I'm happy I'll be going for one.
I watched the Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix 2009 on TV only just now and it brought back many memories from last year's race when I was there. I still remember waking up early to prepare ourselves and then going to the site, do our rehearsals and do our 'pseudo-patrols' just so we can get the chance to walk around and even watch the race from the grand stands. It was fun shopping even at those outrageously expensive stores that sell F1 t-shirts and souveniors, of which I spent at least $100 on. It was simply amazing to enjoy the sights and sounds of the carnival like a tourist even though we were there to do a job.
My dreams. I have been dreaming alot these days. I wish I could fulfil those dreams and I want to. But with the way things are right now, how am I going to ever start on them? I wish I had an answer. There are just simply so many uncertainties that every possible step is filled with doubts and questions. Actually, there is only one question (it goes like "To be or not to be", bah), and this question I dare not ask. I dare not risk destroying something wonderful for something that might be more beautiful. Oh, the dilemma!
Oh how I wish there was some sort of divine revelation for me. Like a booming voice from heaven that says "go for it!". Yet, I know its not going to be like that.
I contradict myself, I know I do.
Its the half way mark of the semester and I am really feeling the brunt from university. Mid-terms are over and things are only getting tougher.
What started off as a really relaxing term became increasingly difficult as weeks keep passing, readings start piling and assignments start streaming in. I'm still getting used to the system here, even though I am glad to say I no longer get lost in school anymore.
It's a system that places almost all responsibility of learning on the individual. And that I really need getting used to. YOU are the one who has to print your lecture notes and take down what the lecturer said. YOU are the one who have to kick off the discussion during tutorials, and if you don't, nothing is going to happen. YOU are the one who have to finish all your readings before class because the lecturer/tutor is not going to bother summarising the reading for you. YOU are the one who have to prepare yourself for your exams because there is not going to be tests or quizes or homework or anything of that sort, you go straight into your mid-term/term paper/assignments/exam and these are going to directly affect your grade (you don't have the time for ineffectual homework anyway).
But enough of school, now that recess week is here. I really appreciate it, this recess. There's reason why its not called a holiday (although technically it is). It's because, I'm sure every undergraduate knows, its a week whereby you (and you know you have to) catch up with all your readings and complete your assignments before the term resumes. And if you don't, you are going to have alot on your hands during the second half.
And that's what I am going to do. I am going to make sure I finish writing my lit essays, do up the draft for my politics term paper, do that twitter assignment and complete the readings for the start of school. While doing these, canoe training would also become more intensive. However, I am still not giving up hope that I will get to watch a movie (hopefully Time Traveller's Wife) or go out for a nice meal with friends. I am hopeful, I have to be.
BIG Create is over and I am glad I took a little breather from church activities in the light of heavy workload and the mid term. Despite the lack of much victory for my region's side, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. However, it won't be long before I get myself involved again.
My region is not doing well. I have to admit it. Things are not going effectively and I am not helping by folding my arms while standing on the sidelines. I had my reservations at first. I had issues with certain leaders whose lack of enthusiasm really affected me. Its disappointing sometimes, to see your region leaders treat their ministry so lightly and placing their priorities in the wrong places. I am not referring to everybody of course, just a few. Yes, its a personal issue and I have to get over it. And I promise I will.
Super Ocean Leagues closed just yesterday and I am glad my team finally won something. It was certainly a tight match at the volleyball men's finals against region D what with the score being at 25 - 20s for all 4 sets. Its been some time since I've been going for one of those 'voucher buffets' and I'm happy I'll be going for one.
I watched the Singapore Formula 1 Grand Prix 2009 on TV only just now and it brought back many memories from last year's race when I was there. I still remember waking up early to prepare ourselves and then going to the site, do our rehearsals and do our 'pseudo-patrols' just so we can get the chance to walk around and even watch the race from the grand stands. It was fun shopping even at those outrageously expensive stores that sell F1 t-shirts and souveniors, of which I spent at least $100 on. It was simply amazing to enjoy the sights and sounds of the carnival like a tourist even though we were there to do a job.
My dreams. I have been dreaming alot these days. I wish I could fulfil those dreams and I want to. But with the way things are right now, how am I going to ever start on them? I wish I had an answer. There are just simply so many uncertainties that every possible step is filled with doubts and questions. Actually, there is only one question (it goes like "To be or not to be", bah), and this question I dare not ask. I dare not risk destroying something wonderful for something that might be more beautiful. Oh, the dilemma!
Oh how I wish there was some sort of divine revelation for me. Like a booming voice from heaven that says "go for it!". Yet, I know its not going to be like that.
I contradict myself, I know I do.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Post No. 275
You reach the dead end, the cliff's edge. You spent everything in you. You find that you have run out of options. No where else to go, the situation seem hopeless. And then you hold on to that thin thread of faith, and step over the cliff's edge, the void, the unknown, the intangible. That's when you realise you have stepped right into a miracle.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Post No. 274
I went to the Army Open House 2009 and I truly enjoyed myself.
Tried to ask for at least 1 more person to come with me as I won myself a pair of tickets to ride the chinook but to no avail. Everybody was either too busy, simply not interested or just couldn't be bothered. Some even doubted that the chinook ride would be in the air, that it was just a stationary tour in the chinook on land. -_-"
Regardless, I went by myself anyway. Met up with some old friends from the unit and took some time to tour around as well. There was really ALOT to see and ALOT to do. The whole open house was so big that I couldn't visit all the areas. But I enjoyed myself nonetheless.
Chinook ride was superb. It was a first for me and I really loved it. As we approach the chinook, you can really feel the downwash (wind coming down from the helicopter's blades) and the heat from the exhaust. And then when it takes off, well, it was exhilarating. You can feel the chinook's every turn and rise and fall. Simply amazing. Putting it in words is simply doing the experience injustice, and I shall not try any further.
After the ride, I went on to visit the other exhibits. Met up with more old friends from the unit and messed around here and there. I asked alot ALOT of questions, like I'm some sort of tourist. I tried everything I could try and took pictures of almost everything I saw. I even tried the combat rations! Yes, I know its horrible. But the open house played a cheat. They went to heat up the rations and it turned out pretty nice. NOTE: WE DO NOT HAVE A CHANCE TO HEAT RATIONS WHEN IN JUNGLE. DO NOT BE TRICKED!
And then as I was touring some exhibits concerning BMT and asking some questions, the corporal asked me
"When are you going to enlist in the army?"
*Shocked* "Er? Er... soon.. soon...."
This became the joke of the day. A NSF Corporal asked a NSman 2nd Sergeant when he is going to enlist. But I shall not blame him, I did not wear my uniform, and most importantly, I look YOUNG! *maniacal laughter*
Oh, but I couldn't find the bomb disposal game! Doesn't matter.
Happy day :D :D

Tried to ask for at least 1 more person to come with me as I won myself a pair of tickets to ride the chinook but to no avail. Everybody was either too busy, simply not interested or just couldn't be bothered. Some even doubted that the chinook ride would be in the air, that it was just a stationary tour in the chinook on land. -_-"
Regardless, I went by myself anyway. Met up with some old friends from the unit and took some time to tour around as well. There was really ALOT to see and ALOT to do. The whole open house was so big that I couldn't visit all the areas. But I enjoyed myself nonetheless.
Chinook ride was superb. It was a first for me and I really loved it. As we approach the chinook, you can really feel the downwash (wind coming down from the helicopter's blades) and the heat from the exhaust. And then when it takes off, well, it was exhilarating. You can feel the chinook's every turn and rise and fall. Simply amazing. Putting it in words is simply doing the experience injustice, and I shall not try any further.
After the ride, I went on to visit the other exhibits. Met up with more old friends from the unit and messed around here and there. I asked alot ALOT of questions, like I'm some sort of tourist. I tried everything I could try and took pictures of almost everything I saw. I even tried the combat rations! Yes, I know its horrible. But the open house played a cheat. They went to heat up the rations and it turned out pretty nice. NOTE: WE DO NOT HAVE A CHANCE TO HEAT RATIONS WHEN IN JUNGLE. DO NOT BE TRICKED!
And then as I was touring some exhibits concerning BMT and asking some questions, the corporal asked me
"When are you going to enlist in the army?"
*Shocked* "Er? Er... soon.. soon...."
This became the joke of the day. A NSF Corporal asked a NSman 2nd Sergeant when he is going to enlist. But I shall not blame him, I did not wear my uniform, and most importantly, I look YOUNG! *maniacal laughter*
Oh, but I couldn't find the bomb disposal game! Doesn't matter.
Happy day :D :D
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Post No. 273
God is humorous. I asked for something BIG to happen and I got recalled back to the army for a briefing.
Speaking of army, I am planning on going to the Army Open House 2009!!
Well, yes, I do miss the army a little, despite of all my complaints and whines about it. I miss the action, I miss the fact that I am doing stuff that not many people get to do. I miss all the gadgets and state-of-the-art technology. I miss the excitement one gets when something really HAPPEN.
Its quite exciting, really. It just becomes not so exciting when you have to go for a briefing on a school day, missing a lecture, 4 days before your examinations.
I just read Bryan's blog and realised he actually played a bomb disposal game in the Army Open House. I also want to play the bomb disposal game! I want to win a goodie bag too. :D :D
Speaking of army, I am planning on going to the Army Open House 2009!!
Well, yes, I do miss the army a little, despite of all my complaints and whines about it. I miss the action, I miss the fact that I am doing stuff that not many people get to do. I miss all the gadgets and state-of-the-art technology. I miss the excitement one gets when something really HAPPEN.
Its quite exciting, really. It just becomes not so exciting when you have to go for a briefing on a school day, missing a lecture, 4 days before your examinations.
I just read Bryan's blog and realised he actually played a bomb disposal game in the Army Open House. I also want to play the bomb disposal game! I want to win a goodie bag too. :D :D
Friday, September 04, 2009
Post No. 272
2 different videos, from 2 different parts of the world, talking about the same issue.
Sometimes, in our fast paced and busy life, we might have forgotten how much our parents have done for us. Being caught up in our own successes, we feel that our parents just cannot keep up and we go on ahead, leaving them behind. But we never realise, our parents do not have to keep up. It is us who should keep them in mind and bring them along.
They have brought us up from when we were born, dependent and crawling, to become what we are today, independent and successful. Its not just a matter of days, or even months. Not even years. Its a matter of decades after decades before we can stand for ourselves. And yet, all these times, though we may have caused them to suffer or be in distress, they have not asked for anything in return. Isn't it only the right thing to do, to appreciate, if not repay this love and hard work put into us?
The love that our parents showed and still showing us is second only to God's.
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Post No. 271
The problem with time travelling is, if you let everybody travel back in time so they can correct mistakes and live their life with no regret or failure, you'll find that there'll be no more old people in the world.
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