Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Concluding Hours

This post is the first one that is written on my newly upgraded machine.

Well, we've talked extensively already, since the rule has been broken, so I don't really know what else to write anymore.

But still, thank you very much for this week. I think it has really allowed me to see what is important and crucial in this relationship. All the small things that we used to enjoy, and which were drowned out by the other 'big' things that we wanted to add on.

Missing you for a week (actually it is less than that) is really something. I don't know if we should do this often, but it certainly did a lot of good for a couple who has been together long enough to start forgetting the little roots that began it all in the first place.

Anyway, I am glad this all worked out for the both of us.

You must be asleep now. I hope this cheers you when you see it in the morning.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hour 97

Typing this at my cousin's place right now.

We are having an LOTRO party.

I wonder how your day has been. You know, I was so touched when I saw your sister's forwarded message today. I just wanted so much to break our rules and send you a message. When I was at school, I wanted to break the rules again to come find you. And I saw you on LOTRO just now as well, and I wanted to just come take a look at how you are doing.

But rules are rules. And I can see how this is doing good for the both of us. It's the little things now that brighten up my day, like a Tweet on Twitter, or a little message passed through a third party. I really begin to appreciate all these things so much more now.

Been staring at our pictures on my iPad too. :)

I hope you like these tiny messages in place of a phone call.

Anyway, good night for now. I can't wait to see you soon. Soon. So, so, soon. I hope you have good night's sleep.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hour 73

How was YCG?

I remember you will ask me that every Wednesday. And I missed that today.

Feels so weird, isn't it? Missing all the small things?

Been working on my FYP today. Gotta hand in a draft tomorrow. Was just kinda hoping that I would get some sort of text from you or something, although that would have broken the rules.

Didn't happen. Of course. But that's entirely fine, because really, I wouldn't want us to break the rules.

I wonder how it is all going on the other side. I have no idea.

Good night anyway.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hour 49

I'm singing a song to myself, because you were the only person who would listen to me sing.

I wonder if you know that I miss you. And I wonder if you miss me.

I scour the internet for any clue, any mention, any sort of... missing.

I wonder how your day has been. It's your only off-day of the week, and hopefully it has been pretty fruitful.

I hope you have a good night's rest. It is a blessing to have someone you can say good night to and to say good night in return to you.

It is becoming clear now. I truly... yes, I do.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hour 25

It's been a day.

Unbelievable, isn't it? How much such a short amount of time can accomplish?

I find myself fishing out my phone constantly today, wondering if I would catch a message from you or something. I check Twitter, Facebook, blogs, wondering how you are doing.

I guess technology is both a bane and a boon. It connects people together, and sometimes it connects people together too much. Technology makes things like writing letters and notes and what not seem obsolete, because it practically allows two people to constantly be talking to each other. It makes people miss each other less.

I guess this is good for us. It makes us realize the things we have taken for granted. It makes us, or at least me, miss each other (you) so much more.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hour 1

It's only been the first hour and already I am starting to miss you.

I've just been surfing around the net, wondering if you will send me any sort of message, give me any sort of indication about how you feel about all this. I thought, maybe, just maybe you will send me a message, or leave a note somewhere for me to say that, ya, something.

Absence is really something, isn't it? It makes you realize the smallest things in your life that you take for granted.

I miss wishing you a good night, and telling you that I love you.

It's these small things that matter. But we sometimes just don't see their significance, until we stop doing them.

Just like our limbs.

But you are more important than any of my limbs.

I miss you. And I love you. And I wish you will have a good night's rest even though you drank a tiny sip of my cafe latte just now.

Monday, March 04, 2013

a dream

Well I had a dream recently. I don't know where it came from, but it had one of these time-travel-defy-logic-makes-no-sense kind of narrative, which is usually very common in dreams. Since when are dreams logical, right? I found it kind of weird, and I actually like how everything gets all tied up together into a mess. So I wrote it down.

I spruced it up a little, added in names, dates and other details so that it's at least understandable, unlike dreams. So here goes. I call it The Monk and The Girl.

21 February 2001

NEWSFLASH: Girl, Daisy Rich, jumps to her death at West Town University where she studies. Friends say they have no idea why she did that, as she was a cheerful girl with no history of depression or any problems in life.

Her boyfriend, Terrence Andrews, was so heartbroken that he decided not to fall in love ever again and became a monk.

21 February 2011

Terrence meets Daisy. They spent an entire night talking about life and philosophy, and falls in love with each other. However, Terrence is unable to be with her as he is a monk.

They go separate ways.

As they sleep, both of them can’t stop thinking about each other. They wished in their hearts that Terrence had not become a monk. They wished that they could do something to change the events that led to 
Terrence becoming a monk. Their wishes were granted.

They were both transported back to 21 February 2001.

21 February 2001

West Town University – Terrence is looking for Daisy Rich. He sees her, laughing and smiling with her friends. He wanted to go up to her and talk to her, just as they will do 10 years from now. But he remembers – Daisy from 10 years ago does not know him. He walks away quickly.

Daisy Rich sees Terrence. She remembers what she came back to 2001 to do – to tell him not to become a monk. But Terrence is walking away now. She chases him.

Terrence sees Daisy chasing after him. He is afraid. He does not know what to do. He jumps off a ledge, dropping nearly 100m to the ground. But he lands safely, because he is a monk.

Daisy sees him jumping off the ledge. She hesitates. But she does not want to lose sight of Terrence now. 
She takes after him. She steps off the ledge. She jumps. But she is not a monk.

It was a long fall to the ground.

Terrence looks up and sees Daisy falling. He jumps towards her in martial arts style, got her in his arms and safely drops to the ground.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

On Music

I was at the Laneway Festival Singapore 2013 last Saturday with my girlfriend. Just to put it on record, it was not the first music concert that I've been in my life, but it certainly was the first one that I had to attend under a blistering hot sun and endure a horrible weather of overly powerful sunshine, suffering bad sunburns as a result of listening to music 'live'. I enjoyed the concert, but certainly not the weather.

I'm not exactly a music fan. I mean, I like to listen to music but to pay $120++ to stay under the sun while listening to multiple artiste beat out their tunes from 12pm to 12am is not exactly my kind of thing. I know of people who are fanatics enough to actually enjoy that, but I'm certainly not one of them. Not forgetting to add, of course, the kind of money-grubbing mechanisms in place at the festival - no food and drinks allowed in (and I even see people get their brollies confiscated at the gate, I mean, woh!), and then selling overpriced food and drinks (kebabs at $10, drinking water at $5!). I spent nearly $50 on food and drinks that day, and I didn't even buy much. I can imagine the organisers earning big bucks, with the weather being such a killer and the organisers monopolising the supply of drinking water in the area.

That said, I enjoyed myself at the festival nonetheless. The artistes were good, the fans were really excited, and the overall atmosphere and mood was a generally excitable one. As the artistes were singing, and the people dancing around me, I could feel a little of the groove going into me. Alright I'll make a note here: if you know me well enough, you will know that I am a rather stiff guy. I don't dance much, and I haven't visited any clubs since 2005 (wow, 8 years?). I don't listen to much music either. But hey, during Laneway, I could really feel the groove. My girlfriend even said I grooved more than her, but I didn't think that meant much (she's a huge fan of music, but I can't say the same about her tendency to dance). Everyone was happy (well mostly, except for a few rather 'conservative' audience who did not expect Laneway to be a major dancefest dominated by Caucasians, or what we call "Ang Mohs"; what, did they think there would be seats and everybody was gonna just sit and listen to music or something? Lol, I just loved their faces when they stared at the others dancing as if that was not the thing to do at a music festival).

I have this funny theory. Funny little theory about music. Okay, maybe I shouldn't say funny. I have this theory about music. You know how everything in this world has a certain vibration? It's like physics, you know. Everything in this world vibrates to a certain frequency. So if I can use some way to match the vibration of a certain something to the vibration of another thing, the thing that is matched will break apart. For example, you know glass shatters when sound waves of a certain frequency matches that of the glass? Yeah, same principle. So everything has a certain vibration - physically.

I think the same thing applies to music as well. I believe music has a certain vibration as well. And it comes in so many parts. I was just thinking about it when I was at Laneway and standing right in front of the speakers that were trying to turn me deaf (my ears were ringing as I tried to sleep that night). There's the vibration coming from the speakers, and the bass, and these resonates with our bodies. Its as if my body was feeling the music, not just my ear listening. I could feel my heart move with the bass. It was such a strange sensation. But you see, that's physically - the 'physicality' of the music resonating with the physicality of my body. But there's something else as well.

The soul. You know when you hear really good music played 'live' in front of you, you feel this attraction to the music. You fall silent, everybody fall silent and the feel the music in their hearts, no, their souls. It's just such a rare and amazing moment if you ever hear good music that connects with you perfectly. At that moment, it feels as if that piece of music is vibrating with your soul, and you are so ready to just fall apart. Its as if a piece of good music reverberates with the soul. You are connected to everybody, and all the audience with the artiste are connected and vibrating together with their souls. You can sense the sadness, misery, happiness, excitement, anger or whatever emotions that the artiste is working into that piece of music.  And that is amazing.