Friday, July 17, 2009

I've not been blogging lately, largely due to the fact that there hasn't been anything interesting going on other than the fact that the regular exercise and gaming routine has resumed itself.

A little about gaming, well, FFXII in particular. ST was right, Pharos Tower was one SICK place. I have no idea how long I spent in there but it was pretty long. And then after you go through all that nonsense and reached the top where the Sun Cryst was, you find out that Judge Gabranth and Dr. Cid are there as well. That's when you start to think, "Wait, couldn't I have taken the Strahl and fly to the top like how the Judge and Cid probably did?!?!" Oh well, its all part of the game I guess. I still can't get over the fact that all my favourite summons in Final Fantasy series got turned into airships though, including my favourite Bahamut :(

I have been gaming too much. FFXII is a time-consuming game, definitely. I have clocked a good 96 hours on the game and I haven't even completed it! Blame it on all the mark hunting. I hope the game doesn't hang on the 99th hour.

My region's webcreate website was a disappointment. The article which I spent days writing couldn't be up because of all the web mojo technical problems with font at the last minute which I have no idea why the webcreator didn't rectify earlier. And then the photo gallery (by saying gallery, it means a display of various photos) had only 1 photo of me pointing at some A&W sign in Malaysia! Such awkwardness...

Still, credit is due to all the creative web flash gizmo with the paint brush moving about and stuff. I couldn't have done that.

Maybe I can post the article on the blog. Its about the church camp anyway.

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