Monday, July 20, 2009

Post No.261

I'll be off to orientation camp in like... 6 hours, so please pray for me (safety, food, anything you can think of). Needless to say, there's going to be no need to click on this blog for the next 5 days because there's no way I could blog while in camp.

I think I must be playing FFXII too much, because I just keep on blogging about it! Okay, this shall be the last (I hope), because I will not be playing for the next 5 days.

A little trivia -

Vaan and Penelo are 17 years old, which is quite okay. Balthier is a good 22 years old. Ashe is actually 19, and Basch is... 36 years old! And here I was all along foolishly thinking Ashe and Basch could be together... -_-" The difference is actually 17 years! I cannot imagine myself being with someone 17 years younger, she would be... 4 years old. Oh yes, I do not even know how old Fran is... but considering that she left the woods 50 years ago... *gulp*

I strongly strongly believe that the story director of FFXII is a Star Wars fan. Not only because of airships and "pew pew pew", there's also the 'Empire' and 'Resistance' factions, similar to Star Wars!

Besides, the Judges always give this Darth Vader feeling minus the heavy breathing. Also, they hardly take off their helmets (Darth Vader and his storm troopers also don't take their helmets off)! Which prompts all sergeants in the Armed Forces to say "Eh, your helmet got air-con ah?!"

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