Monday, July 11, 2005


And Create 2005 is over. Create 2005 is an event in the church whereby many talents come together to fight it out for titles in Singing, Drama, Video, Foam Art and Missions Presentation. Much was anticipated for this event and much was shown. It was a neck to neck competition as all the competitors were extremely good, or talented I should say.
An event that spans over 2 weeks on Friday, Create has shown much talent in our church. In the 1st Friday, we were overwhelmed by all the fantastic singing of Vocal Singles and Vocal Group. All contestants really sang their lungs out and we were treated with a concert that really my breath away. Region A swept the 1st and 2nd position for Vocal Singles while Region C held 2nd and Region B 1st for Vocal Group. We were also treated with a video clip of the Foam Art competition that was held in the previous Saturday. Region C again made it to the 2nd postition with their art piece while Region B held champion with a tower of letters.
The 2nd week of Create starts off with Missions Presentation. All region did their best in showing us the needs of the Yishun community and stirred the hearts of everybody to do something for the community of Yishun. Region B got 2nd for touching the hearts of everybody while Region C 1st for putting up a fantastic presentation. We were then brought to a world of drama whereby all 4 regions showed us the life of 4 great men in the bible: Moses, David, Joseph and Abraham. Dramas came in different patterns ranging from musicals, ancient context and modern context. Region D eventually clinched the 2nd spot with their showing of the life of Abraham while Region C managed to get the 1st position with their fantastic musical of Joseph. Also, we were treated with the videos of the different regions advertising Heart.Sports. Region A grabbed the 2nd postition for their exciting video and Region C once again got the 1st position for their well thought out video.
It had been a much fun and exciting Create this year and we can all look forward to what Create 2006 holds for us next year. Untill then, much will happen. For now, its has been Create-d.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

The Living God, Finale: The True God Of Promise

Good things come in 3. Blockbuster movies like Lord Of The Rings, The Matrix comes in 3 episodes. And so of cos, my discussion comes in 3 parts.
In this final episode, I want to tell you that my God is one of true promise. The last 2 episodes tells us that God is one who is living, and is living in the past, the present and into the future. And because He is a Living God, He will SURELY be able to deliver all His promises.
The bible speaks of many promises that God had made. In the Old Testament, He promised many people different things, and all these promises were fulfilled, both the good ones and the bad ones. We all know of this man called Abraham. God promised him in Genisis 15:5 "Look up at the heavens and count the stars - if indeed you can count them. So shall your offspring be." And yes we all know that Abraham's offsprings eventually made up to be a nation of Israelites.
Also, theres one thing very interesting. In Genesis 15:13-14 "Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated for four hundred years. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possesions." That seems like a very long and detailed promise isn't it? Yes, and God did every single thing He promised. In Exodus, we know that the Israelites indeed were enslaved in Egypt. Then Egypt was punished by the plagues God sent. The Israelites and came out of Egypt and in Exodus 12:36 says "The Lord has made the Egyptians favourably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians." And in Exodus 12:40 says"At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the Lord's divisions left Egypt." Look, everything was done according to what the Lord promised. And 430 years! Thats a very very long time. No one here have ever even lived for 400 years. And yet, after such a long time, The Lord still remembers His promise.
Abraham's story is just but one of many stories about promises that can be found in the bible. But all these stories are not just about promises, its about faith too. Its about faith in the Lord our God. If you have faith in the Lord, the Lord surely will deliver His promises to you! In Genesis 22, we can see that Abraham had great faith in the Lord, and was even willing to sacrifice his one and only son for the Lord! Of cos God stopped him in time as it was only to test his faith, but because for his faith, the Lord has grant him such a fantastic promise!
You see, if you want someone to do something for you, you must believe in the person first right. This means to have faith in the person. If you don't have faith but still ask for something, wouldn't that be not right? This is similar with God. If you want God to help you, you must have faith and believe in Him! Then when you have faith, surely He will help you!
My God is a true God. He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins on the cross. He promised us in John 3:16 that if we believe in Him, we shall not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus has used His blood to wash away all our sins, now all we need to do is to believe! Is it too good to be true that people choose not to believe? Yes it is good, and it is true! Have faith! Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and SURELY, He will deliver His promises to you, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
God will deliver His promises as He is the True God, The Living God through the past, the present and into the future. My God is a great God.
Revelation 22:12 "Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he has done." John 5:24 "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believe him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life."