Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Argh, I am feeling ooooooooh so terrible at this moment. Flu, cough, headache and a not so good stomach! I mean, I totally don't feel good at all.

It all started last week. I was already feeling abit weak, but not entirely sick yet. Well, I just held on, staying healthy, praying and preparing myself for the blood donation. You CANNOT fall sick before blood donation. NO NO.

Last week was bad stomach. Due to an overdose of milk. Kinda drank milk like crazy for the past few weeks, and for no apparent reason. It was not as if I wanted to grow taller or what. I just felt like drinking milk. And then thats all. Was alright all the way till blood donation on Saturday.

I successfully donated my blood and was pretty happy about it. Then things started to happen. I went to watch Cloverfield that night with some secondary school friends. And all the camera shaking and movement gave me a big headache. Then on Sunday, my nose was starting to give me problems. And on Sunday night, I went back to camp to do some work, and my whole body was like totally giving up on me. Head felt like it was more than a ton, I couldn't stand properly. And worse still, had to work all the way untill like around 1am. Was so tired.

So Monday morning, woke up to go study. Felt totally crap. My nose turned into an open tap. I had to use alot of tissue paper. Actually, its not really an open tap. More like a choked tap. Nose kept on getting stuck, couldn't breathe properly. Came back home and was coughing like mad.

And then here I am. Feeling totally like crap. And I didn't mention, stupid leg of mine is having these blisters which I don't even know where it came from. Hurts whenever I walk. Sigh, really pray that God will heal me.

Monday, January 21, 2008

1st Post Of 2008, after 21 days...

Hm, seems like a pretty long time since I updated this little page of mine. Not like anyone is looking forward to an update or even reads this page constantly for something new (to those who actually do, you have my greatest appreciation, you people drive me!) Ok, so I guess I'll just do a post about what happened to me in this year so far. Well, these 21 days...

Basically, work. Lots of work. Had my different duties and all the other side jobs piled on me even when the year just started. Got made to rush back to camp once for an emergency that actually appeared on papers! (I shan't give any details in fear of something called Military Security Department, oops, did I say too much?) And of coz, alot of my personal issues with friends and people relations.

I don't know what people mean by 'a good start to a year'. Do you have to go on a holiday and relax in some unknown corner of the world to have a good start? Or would just doing your normal everyday work at the start of the year count as well? But well, for me, any start of the year is a good start. At least the old year's gone and theres something new to coming up.

Ok, a few things. My G12 (which is a cell group of some sort), CCK3, got certified last year. We got some T-shirts and some vouchers. Well, anything works. And then, I made a resolution of not getting *&#$% more than 100 times in this year by my superiors, which I have a very bad feeling I am not going to fulfill. I am also being very encouraged by my superiors who keeps on insisting that I must go and learn driving before I ORD from the army. Ok, I guess I will have to get my lazy bum up and put more effort into that. And, I also made plans to change my outlook and fashion sense, with the help of a few friends, get some new shirts and jeans for myself. I don't mind putting some money into it.

Ok, paragraph got too long. I am also embarking on a very secret mission which only a few of my friends know (and no, its not military related), and I am sincerely praying this mission will be a success. And, and I am pulling up my socks and putting in more effort to reading. This is in preparation for university which will be happening next year. Been slacking a pretty bit on my fitness, so I guess I will have to be bucking up on that as well.

Well, I guess thats about it. I have been on course since last wednesday and will be untill this friday. Kinda like a break from all the work in camp. All I do is just go and study at the course, learning some law crap and security stuff. And I get to stay at home and sleep as well! And of course, no more rushing back to Changi in the night to book in. I can find some friends and hang out with them at night. Pretty cool. Yeah... yeah...