Wednesday, August 23, 2006


  • Today marked a significant day in my life. I got another medal for a race. Yes, I have got other trophies before from my other events such as cross country in my secondary years, but what made it significant today is that this medal could easily be the first and the last one I receive in my time in the junior college.
  • 3rd for running the 8 x 100m race event. Relay effort, team's glory, but no doubt still a race, still I felt good about it. Well, my team, which is made up of people in my class, trained abit, specifically about 5 minutes a week after PE lessons. Well, some effort. For me, individually, I had a 9km cycling lap around CCK just 2 days before the race. Still, some effort la.
  • So on the event day itself, which is today, its time to give it our best. Well, we are definitely not fantastic runners and we certainly are far from the best runners in the school, but we want to make it worthwhile. How to make it worthwhile? Giving it our best. Last year, my class took part in the same event but a small mistake caused the whole team to fall, we were last. This time, we gave it all we had.
  • Well, details aside, we managed to make it 3rd, even after a small confusion between another person in the team and me. This means we got ourselves bronze! I was so glad, finally I get a medal in the JC, something at least for me to remember. Nothing much, comparing it to all the gold and champions in the other more exciting events, but still, it is a medal. And it is still something. And I got a box of chocolates. :)

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