Thursday, April 30, 2009

Well, check out these exciting photos!

I was just watching "Slumdog Millionaire" in my room on a very lazy Thursday afternoon, and just when Jamal was telling the police officer about how he couldn't find Latika and thats why he got onto the show, I smelled smoke in my room.

First thought "Crap, did my tv or dvd player or computer just short circuited itelf?!?!" I did a check and that was not true.

It must be from the outside. So I opened the window (I was having my air conditioner on) and true enough, it was smooooooooooooooky. Someone was having a little too much cigarettes to puff on. Kidding.

So I was thinking "Ah, those joss sticks and incense paper burners!" Then I thought "Wait, is it even hungry ghost festival yet?"

On a closer look, the smoke was actually pouring out of a flat. And there was quite a crowd gathering downstairs. "Crap" was the first word in my head. I opened my room door and alas, the living room was all smoke. So I went out of my house, snapped a few pictures, breathed in the excitement (and smoke), went downstairs and watched the heroes of our civil defence do their thing.

This is probably one of the most exciting things that had ever happened to my sleepy little town of Yew Tee since the opening of the shopping mall, Yew Tee Point.

Oh yes, this is the 2nd time I have witnessed a fire while slacking in my own room. The last one was... in 2006. Before I was enlisted in the army. That was a big bad fire. Lets take a look at some of the pics and I shall end.

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