Saturday, July 11, 2009

Curtains drawn. Lights fade. A round of applause. Cameras flash. The final act of my pre-university life has finally come to a close. A grand finale, at least that's how I feel.

ZHONG HUA YING XIONG. No, its not that chinese movie featuring a chinese hero in the 1990s. Its an event organised by my church and one which I found myself being very heavily involved in. 2 weeks of props preparation, booth building, costume hunting and drama rehearsing all came down to one single night - and a wonderful night it was.

It was the first time I tried putting on contact lenses. What a crazy ordeal I had to go through. Spending half hour in front of that mirror in the church toilet trying to poke my eye with a small plastic film on my finger.




I did it eventually, I do not know how, but I did it. The contact lenses somehow made contact with my eyes without me finding out how I could stop my own eyes from wanting to protect themselves. As a way to show their anger for having their privacy intruded, my eyes were extremely red when I was worshipping.

Taking them out out was a worse experience than putting them on. It was midnight and I had to poke my eyes with TWO fingers. Again I could not stop them from blinking (contact lens users, please tell me the secret). I just put my fingers into my eyes at the fastest possible speed, hoping to take out the contact lens before the eye shut itself. I think I spent an hour doing that.

Imagine the horror when half a contact lens came out. I was like "OH CRAP. CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP." What happened then involved touching raw eye and hoping I manage to find the other half. Thank God I actually managed to find it. My right eye wasn't too pleased after all that.

Left eye was worse. I was just poking it when suddenly my vision blurred, meaning the contact lens was not on my eye anymore. I went "THANK GOD" but then I realised its not on my fingers! I searched the basin and floor for it but its not there either. So well, I don't know where it went to. It could still be at some hidden corner of my eye right now as I am typing this.

And why all that contact lenses trouble? You may ask. For the event of course. I was dressed as a general from ancient china, and had to play this hero called Yue Fei, and I believe neither Yue Fei nor any other chinese general had glasses on. So, the contacts.

The mini-dramas were all very fun to watch. I had a really good laugh watching everyone of them. And surprisingly, even when I was lead this time round, I did not feel as stressed as the previous drama. I think I, if not the whole cast, actually took on the "lets not do this to win, lets do it in the name of fun" mentality.

I think camwhoring (I don't like using this word, but I used it) time was pretty wonderful. Everyone in their different colours. Blue like the sea, orange like the blazing sun, green like lush forest, red like a burning flame, all melt together on the floor into a crazy mixture of colours and culture.

There were generals, princesses, maids, emperors, soldiers, nobles, rich men and women, convicts and even a beggar. But of course, that beggar was the sect leader of the beggars sect so he didn't get much sympathy from the rest. Besides, he had a PAU in his begging bowl!

There was live guzhen performance as well but one had to strain his ears to listen to the music because the multitudes of sound and laughter and chatter all around were very close to completely drowning out the music from the two very soft and gentle instruments. Still, kudos to Shu Ting and I don't his name boy for the fantastic performance.

Achieving the best dressed gentleman came as a pleasant surprise for me. I didn't really expected it. I was just talking to Andrea when I heard my name, and it only hit me that I won when I heard the applause. What a surprise indeed. Now I can go Ding Tai Feng with Dixon, the best dressed YCG leader, another general as well!

Of course, the different generals had a spar with each other, creating photo moments for everyone to take pictures of.

I must say, it was indeed a superb night. And a fantastic way to bring my pre-uni life to a close.

In less than 2 weeks, it will be my orientation camp and then school will start. Its another chapter in my life, another play, another role.

And well, the fact that I will be studying with people 2 years younger than me just hit me in a very weird way.

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