Sunday, February 14, 2010

the things we miss

The reunion dinner this evening turns out to be a little more meaningful than usual, for me at least.

I always look forward to reunion dinners because they are ALWAYS so heartwarming, and not to mention stomach-warming as well.

This year's reunion is a tad special, because so many things happened in the past year, so many things that one would wish have not happened. This reunion dinner, compared to last year's is simply so different.

It's almost a reminder for me to pay attention to the smaller things in life.

This is the first time in a really long time that I am eating the reunion dinner in Clementi. Clementi is the hometown of my childhood and it really feels nostalgic to be having reunion dinner at the block where you used to stay. That was the time when the entire extended family stayed within walking distance from each other.

Over time we moved out, another family moved out, and only one lone auntie of mine stayed behind in Clementi, as if to keep the nostalgia intact when we should come back. And in the end, we did come back.

It's a small house, 3-room, the ventilation is rather poor and the fact that we were having steamboat didn't really help. Some of us young ones had to sit on the floor. But still, it's cozy. Cozy. I know its a cliche to juxtapose cozy with comfort. I know, but it really is.

There isn't anything to do but to eat and watch tv. Still, that always seem sufficient for CNYs. Partly it's because I hardly watch the tv with anybody because I have one in my room, and partly it's because its CNY and there's always nice shows on. Just sitting there, crapping with my cousin and sipping green tea and then white chrysanthemum tea, that's enough for me.

My auntie suffered a condition that caused her to lose her eyesight only about a year ago. And my uncle's dedication and support for her has always been an inspiration to me. Just this evening, I spotted him reading to her all the 4D winning numbers shown on the TV screen.

"First prize: 1234... 2nd prize: 4321.... Consolation prize: 2314, 2431..."

Not that it really mattered whether she wants to know the 4D numbers or not, it's just my uncle wanting to continue giving her a glimpse of the world around her even if she cannot see. He is her eyes. And he will tell her everything she would have seen. What's on the table, who's at the table, what's on tv etc etc.

(it's so moving that I am tearing even as I am typing this, so I shall stop)

And then when I went to the kitchen, I spotted this staff/stick thing that we use to put bamboo poles up in the ceiling when we want to dry them indoors. I'm not sure what they are called, but the ones we use now is made of either plastic or aluminium. The one I saw, is made completely of wood! And not just made of wood, the stick itself is a branch! Someone obviously just cut it off from some tree, used it to hang clothes and here it is! According to my parents, that particular stick has been around even before I was born. Can you imagine? The history of the stick and the different types of clothes it has seen and has helped to hang dry?

Nostalgia, memories, history. These things always have a special meaning for me. Old house, old things, old relationships, old people. Some times we simply detach ourselves from them and live our lives on the fast track. Achieving, getting what we want, becoming so different. And when we come back to these places to find that these things are still there, you begin to wonder.

What have these people, places and things gone through while I was gone?

What have I missed?

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