Sunday, September 03, 2006

Don's 10 Rules To Good Leadership

  1. Lead by example. Do what you want your followers to do. Don't do what you don't want your followers to do.
  2. Put yourself on the line. Take all the shit when it comes. Don't ever try to push the blame.
  3. Share the rewards. When theres a reward, share it with your followers, don't enjoy it yourself.
  4. Serve. Being a leader is to serve the followers, not the followers serve you.
  5. Never focus on the position. Don't focus so much on you being a leader, focus on how you can serve out your duties.
  6. Be proactive. Thats how you lead a group. A passive leader is basically dead.
  7. Sacrifice. Your time, your resources, sacrifice, you know you need to.
  8. Always be the first to try things out. If you have something new to try, don't make others do it for you.
  9. Do the most work in the group. Thats how you can make the group work.
  10. Leading with a whip works only on the outside. Leading with a heart works on the inside.

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