Saturday, December 08, 2007

Waiting Patience

Patience is a virtue. Very common phrase which almost everybody seem to be familiar with. And so is waiting. Well, in fact, to have patience means to be able to wait. Wait for anything. It can be minutes for a friend, hours for that event to start, days for that holiday to come, months for that birthday gift, or even years for that promised gift.

But seriously, who likes waiting? If I can get a cab now, why would I bother to wait for another cab to come? If I can get to ORD now, why should I wait untill next year before I get my civilianhood back? Nobody likes waiting, for many of us, we wait only because we have to, not because we want to. We get onto the MRT station platform and see the time of arrival: 9 mins. We wait because we have to wait for the train to come. If the train could come in 1 min time, it would have been all the more better, isn't it.

However, somethings are better when patience is put into it. Like, a promise, or something we look forward to. Somehow, by waiting, it makes the reward appear to be sweeter, or rather, the reward is actually sweeter. Take for example, instant noodles vs a well cooked meal. Instant noodles takes only 3 mins to be prepared, while a meal will take possibly hours of hard work, shopping, preparing, cooking. Yet, most would rather have a good proper meal than to opt for that cup of instant noodles.

Or a promise. Promises are made to be tested through time. When we apply patience to promises and wait for them to be fulfilled, it is then that we will realise the full value of the promise and learn to appreciate them when they are actually fulfilled. A promise that is fulfilled prematurely many a times loses its value in our eyes. We tend to take things for granted even.

How about friendships, relationships? They take time to be nurtured. Do you still remember that puppy love relationship you got into when you were young? Becoming each other's boyfriend/girlfriend after knowing each other for only a few weeks? Most of these relationships didn't last I suppose. If they did, then good for you. But for many of us, we know full well how these puppy love thing works. They hardly last. Thats because we didn't even wait for the roots of friendship to grow deep enough for any flowers of relationship to grow properly. In fact, if we had waited patiently and allowed the friendship to develop, knowing each other better, at the end of the day, we will have a well developed relationship, stronger, and best of all, we will learn to appreciate one another even more because of the time we have waited for the relationship to be fulfilled.

So lets all just apply a little more patience in our lives. Perhaps when a certain promise is made to you. Wait for it to be fulfilled. If God say He's going to grant something in your life. Wait for it. Don't start to try pushing God around and demand for something not ready to be given. God knows the perfect time for which He should give you His promises. Like how seasons work, God knows the best time for which season. Imagine if summer was earlier, or winter, or autumn, or spring, it would have been quite bad right. Just have faith in the promises that God has given us, and that is also how He tests our faith. For all we know, God's promise for us could be just around that corner.

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