Monday, May 05, 2008

Getting A Tan

Recently, due to a trip to Sentosa with my platoon mates, I became very dark. Yes, its called a tan, I know. And what I am happy about is, thank God, I didn't get sunburnt. So that means no ugly peeling and white patches on my face or body. But my topic isn't "How To Get Tan", its about getting a tan. Its about patience.

Well, how do our skin get dark? We go to the sun, get a little bit of it, and we become dark, a little. And if we get too much of sun, we get burnt, sunburn, and thats when all the peeling comes. So how do we get tan without getting burnt? We take in the tan little by little.

Many people who go suntanning (if theres such a word) tend to stay under sun for hours. And when they are done, they look red like cooked lobsters and the next thing they know, they start peeling and all that lying under the sun goes to waste. Thats not how you get tan.

Those who look real dark, even darker than I am, are those who take in the sun bit by bit. Many are sportsman, canoeist, rock climbers, tennis players, soccer players. The reason why they are so tan, is because they take in the sun every single day, and not hours on a single day.

Thats how some things in our life works sometimes. We want something and we try to get it as quickly as possible. We just don't seem to have any patience. We, myself included, feel that if we don't get it now, its gonna be gone. Well, sometimes its true, but there are things that really need us to have lots of patience. Like, relationships.

You see, not everything is like instant noodles. Just pour in the water and you get to eat. Some things are like a tan. If you just lump all your energy into one effort and rush it, you are bound to have a disaster on your hand. But if you choose to take it slowly, going into the sun regularly and not for too long at a time, you might just get what you want.

Its gonna take awhile. But its better than getting nothing when you rush things. And if you want to get a tan, try to go into the sun a little more regularly, and not too long at a go to avoid a burn.

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