Saturday, November 01, 2008

Today, something interesting happened at Heart.Sports. And it caught my eye.

Basically, brief of situation. Some guys were playing basketball and this guy had a little tumble and fell over in pain. Ok, not so very interesting, it always happens. But what caught my eye was that his girlfriend (I am not sure if she is or not, but she looks like she is his girlfriend) ran over and held his hand while other people were treating his sprained ankle. And she held his hand all the way when he was screaming in pain. This caught my eye.

Its been awhile since I saw this. This innocent act of love. And this basic foundation of a relationship - to be there for your loved one when he/she needs you. To be honest, it touched my heart. Even though she knew nothing about how to treat a sprain, or how relief her boyfriend of the pain, she held his hands and ensured him that everything is ok. And even if its not ok, she'll be there for him.

And as the rest carried him to the side and went on with their game, she was still with him at the side. Ensuring him that everything will be fine.

I stood at one side and pondered about it. How sweet. Don't you wish there will be someone who will be there for you when you are in need? Who will hold your hands and tell you everything is going to be alright? Sweet.

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