Saturday, April 30, 2005

Choices: To Be Or Not To Be, That Is The Question

Let me start of with this: Does anybody still read this stuff anymore?! Ok, enough. I just made a choice. And that choice is to come and post on the blog, instead of doing something else. And this is called opportunity cost, in which case I believe that posting on the blog is the best option... ok, enough economics. Well, we make choices everyday, don't we? To choose to take the bus or take a cab. To choose to wake up early, or just lay in bed. Or so on and so forth. It is endless. We make so many choices everyday that we decide to stop counting the choices we make. Now thats a choice too. Man, this is crazy, I can go non-stop about this. And it is a choice that I wrote the last sentence. Argh, this is making me mad. Whatever. Ok, every choice will have a consequence. Be it minor choice, or major choice. How do you define minor choice and major choice? Well, minor choice have minor consequence, and major choice have major consequence, its that simple. Minor choices include, to take bus instead of cab, to use spoon or chopsticks etc. Ok, major choices include to convert to a religion or not, to tell someone "I love you" etc. Then theres medium choices. These include to go school or not, how much you decide to spend etc. And its real important that we make the right choices. Be it minor, medium or major, it is very important to make the right choices. To make right choices means to make the choice that will bring the most benefits and the least damage. And these benefits need not be for you. It can be for other people too. Just make sure the damage is minimal or best none. Ok, I suppose that I will have to make a choice to stop writing now. Choice made. Haha...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeshh ,, i'm readiingg it . =))