Thursday, April 07, 2005

I Am

totally stressed out to the point that I can break down anytime now and die on the spot. And yes, I am exaggerating. I am just a little stressed than what I had been in the past 4 months. I just had to wake up at 6.30am every morning instead of the 12pm in the past 4 months. Actually, I shouldn't even complain about this, I have friends who wake up at 4.50pm and 5pm simply because they live as far as Tampines and Johore Bahru. For the benefit of people who don't know why I say its far, Tampines is at the other end of the island from my college and Johor Bahru is on another country. I have not ended yet. For the first time in 4 months, I had to do homework. Yes, homework, work that is to be done at home. Although it is just very light work, but the thought of bringing work home to be done really bore me. And also, I have to stay at school untill 5pm? Not everyday, but staying in one place for so long really is boring. And now, I shall say that all the above things are not valid... er? No, I did not tell lies to you, I am only saying that theres something else that discounted all these complains. Friends. My new friends in college literally removed all these stressful complains. Going to college no longer becomes a strenous thing to do every morning, staying at school no longer is a boring thing to be done. Lessons no longer become a bore. All these due to my friends. And I thank God for this wonderful class of friends. Helpful, fun to be with, full of humour. These are enough for me to enjoy college life. A life with no friends really won't make it. Ok, I have work to be done, homework. Some literature anybody? Maybe geography? You can even have the choice of general paper if you like...

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