Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Its 1/8 done.

Yeah to me.

My exams are finally over. I feel... light.

Its my 1st time taking exams in university and I must say, its been rather difficult. I do not know if its because its been too long since I last had any academic exams, or if its just because university exams are just different from 'A' levels and 'O' levels. I just didn't know how to go about preparing for them.

In the end, after asking a few friends and looking at the scope of the exams, I did find out and defined my own method of studying. I must admit though, it wasn't easy.

For the papers itself, I have to say that its definitely manageable. But I cannot grasp even the slightest hint of how well I am going to do, because all the questions are so general and subjective, with lit being lit. So don't ask me. I am not thinking about it anyway.

Okay, enough about that. But I must mention that I went for sushi buffet today to celebrate. :D

I was reading my archives, those first few posts in my blog (yes my own archives, call me narcissist) and I really enjoyed them. Haha. *ALERT - Self-praise happening* I felt that my writing style was really cute, despite of some funny grammar and lack of paragraphing. More importantly, I really liked my own content. Its so different from what I am writing now. Something's changed in me over the past 5 years and its all recorded on this blog. Isn't that amazing? Oh my. I shall entertain myself with what I wrote for the next few days.

On a side note, I feel extremely proud that I mentioned Sigmund Freud in my paper today even though I didn't study him! That would give the examiner the illusion that I have such overflowing knowledge that I can use something that is not covered. But the fact remains that I studied him in JC. :P

And... oh yeah! Its 1/8 of my university done! That's one-eighth. Is that how you write it in english? I think so.

I am currently considering if I should switch anime or follow another manga/anime because Bleach is getting really stupid. Am considering Naruto but, geez, I am soooooooooooooooooooooo faaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr behind if I just start now. Maybe I should just go read its manga. Heard that Naruto's anime is 2/3 fillers. -_-"

Anyway, Bleach 247 just showed that Ichigo's power ranges from Getsuga Tenshou to Ultimate Getsuga Tenshou.

"He's been waiting for..." "Ichigo-kun's ultimate attack..." "GETSUGA TENSHOU!"

*bangs head on wall*

Am going to return the FFXII but then... what am I going to play?!?! Maybe FFX-2, or Kingdom Hearts, or FFVII (if I can find a PS1 Memory Card or get my PS1 back), or FFIX. Or maybe, just maybe, I might buy myself a PS3 for Christmas and then play... hur hur. :P

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