Monday, March 18, 2013

Hour 1

It's only been the first hour and already I am starting to miss you.

I've just been surfing around the net, wondering if you will send me any sort of message, give me any sort of indication about how you feel about all this. I thought, maybe, just maybe you will send me a message, or leave a note somewhere for me to say that, ya, something.

Absence is really something, isn't it? It makes you realize the smallest things in your life that you take for granted.

I miss wishing you a good night, and telling you that I love you.

It's these small things that matter. But we sometimes just don't see their significance, until we stop doing them.

Just like our limbs.

But you are more important than any of my limbs.

I miss you. And I love you. And I wish you will have a good night's rest even though you drank a tiny sip of my cafe latte just now.

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