Friday, December 31, 2004

Bye Bye 2004. New Year,New Resolutions

As we step into the last day of the 365 days of 2004, I recall what happened in this year that is filled with both joy and grief. I realised how I have changed in the year and what events happen in this 365 days of my life. It started with me stepping into the life of a sec4 graduating class. Stress undoubtly started to come my way, but it didn't affect my carefree life. Love life were a part of the year as well with 2 relationships, both did not quite work out. Well, had quite alot of fun in 2004, and I also worked abit harder than I did in the past 3 years in face of the o'levels. My relationship with my friends also improved as well. Got to know many new friends too. Haha, my results also had a rather pleasant improvement, maybe due to the extra effort I put in. Then O'levels came and got myself all geared up and all, at the same time hoping that the papers will be easy and I will score well. And then a few events happened throughout the year. My birthday was not remembered by anyone, hehe, well, doesn't really matter. My friends made it up by celebrating my birthday with my buddy, Rebecca. Then, just when the year was coming to an end, 26th December, a real bad disaster struck. Earthquake measuring 8.9 on the richter scale causing tsunamis that by far, killed more than 80,000 people. And now, the year is closing, and facing all of us is the year 2005. What will happen in 2005? I don't know. It'll be a whole new lifestyle. I'll be entering polytechnic, no longer the school life which i have gotten so used to. I sure hope I can adapt to this kind of life. I'll be knowing so many new friends at the polytechnic, yet, I will still be with my favourite clique of friends whom have been with me for years. I sure hope that everything will go well in the next year. Maybe some resolutions for the next 365 days might help. And my resolution is...I sure want to do well for my studies in the next year. Make myself fitter. Have a even better relationship with all my friends. Be better at sports. Get new and better parts for my bicycle. Have alot more fun in the next year. Also, more opportunities to serve my God in the church. Most importantly, hope everything goes well for all my friends and me. So that makes my resolution. And I prepare myself to leap into the new year. So how are you going to spend your next 365 days? Everyone of us is given the same 365 days. You, me, anyone. We are all given 365 days, no more no less. But what are you going to do with it? Are you going to make it a fantastic year, such that when it ends, you will say, 'What a great year it is!' Or are you going to make a mess out of this 365 days and grief at the end. Its your 365 days, and its all up to you what you want to do with it. In the countdown, everyone is given just 10 seconds to say goodbye to the 365 days which we have all walked through. So make full use of this 10 seconds, and think back the year, any regrets in this year, dun regret again in the next.

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