Tuesday, December 28, 2004

A Tribute To The Victims Of The Tsunami

Giant waves crashing onto beaches, washing off cars and whatever there is that stood in its way. Roads were suddenly in flash floods and fishing boats were washed ashore. People rushing for their lives and racing to safety. Waves rushing into the groundfloor of buildings. This may seem like a scene from some movie which you have watched recently, but it was what happened on 26 December 2004, one day after the merry of the Christmas, an earthquake measuring 8.9 on the richter scale shook the seas off Indonesia. Yet, it was not this earthquake that caused destruction. Tsunamis, giants waves as high as 4 storeys, caused by the sudden jolt of this super quake, was the one that caused the ultimate destruction. "More than 10,000 people are feared dead or missing and millions displaced"(Straits Times). Places hit by the tsunami include Indonesia with over 4,200 dead, Malaysia with 42 dead, Thailand with over 300 dead, Myanmar with 10 dead, Bangladesh with 2 dead, India with about 2,400 dead, Maldives with 15 dead and Sri Lanka with 3,500 dead. I suppose such quakes are very rare as the last super quake was on 1960, measuring 9.5 on the richter scale. The worst thing is, it happened during the holiday season, at holiday hot spots. That is totally crazy if you think about it. And it makes me wonder, human may seem so strong with all their infrastructures, inventions, super structure, whatever they boast of.Yet, just one single shake and some waves caused all these destruction in just minutes. What can we as humans do when God decides to punish us humans? Sorry to say, nothing. We are created from God, we create things from the God's wisdom, and when God decides to punish us, we can do nothing. Human is just simply too small. Ya, we are the dominant race on this planet, but does it matter, we are still part of this planet, we are not all great. This brings me to another point. We shouldn't pollute our Earth. Come on, we are Earthlings, and we are destroying Earth, are we crazy? Who the hell would dirty their own house? This is the same logic. Earth is our home and we have better protect it. If there are other alien spieces outside of Earth, and saw what Earthlings do to their one and only planet, they would die laughing. Well, it also makes me feel happy and blessed that I am living in Singapore. Protected by the land masses that surround it, Singapore is very safe. I mean come on, the epicentre of the super quake is at Indonesia, so near our home Singapore! Yet, only a minority felt just a little tremor! When some guy told me that Singapore will not be hit by natural disaster, I did not quite fully understand why, but now I know the exact reason of how blessed I am to live in this little island of Singapore. Small it may be, but safe it definitely is.

1 comment:

Repentence said...

We are made By God not from the earth. Mother nature does not exist but God who controls all things. The wave happened because He wanted it to happen. Dont warp the truth. You yourself have heard why God sent that tsunami to strike those countries.