Thursday, December 30, 2004

Everyone Is Special, Thats What Makes Us Ordinary

I don't think theres a need to explain the title. It is just as it is. Indeed, I find this very true. Everyone on this planet Earth is special in their own little way. There is no one who is totally like you. Not even clones can be totally the same. Some people might look the same, but they don't think the same. Some people might think the same, but they don't look the same. In this way, we are all special. Yet, this is what makes us ordinary. Ordinary means to be the same as the majority. And in this case, this 'specialness' is what makes us the same as all other people who are special. Do you get what I mean? I sure hope you do because if you don't, then there is nothing I can do about it. Sometimes, some people think that they are so much special than other people that they feel that others are looking up to them. I find it strange. They feel as if they are some superstar or they have something that no other people have. I don't know how to explain it to you but its just that. Say for example when I sit on the MRT train, I look at the facial expression of the people around me. Sometimes, I get this look on some people's face as if everyone is below them and that they are the only ones who are 'standard'. Still, if you do not understand me, then I can just say sorry mama lo mo tata. As I type this post out, I feel as if I had spelled the word 'special' wrongly, but I had not. It seems so strange to me. Well, it doesn't matter. As I had just said, all of us are special in our little ways. I have a few friends who are very close to me. I realised that we are all special. Different in a nice way. And thats good. Thats how we form a diversity amoung our clique. Thats why I like my clique so much. There are some people, who actually spoils this 'specialness' in themselves by copying the attitude and personality of some people who is quite well-liked, in an attempt to make themselves as well-liked as that person. This really spoils the whole thing. By doing this, it does not make you special, it makes you a copy cat. Special means to be different from others, yet by doing this, the person is being the same as other people. I don't know, maybe it works for some people, maybe their speciality is to be a copycat, a ditto. So what I suggest is, just be yourself. Copying other people won't help. Surely there will be other people who will like your personality and wants to be your friend. So just wait. For me now, I am very happy being myself. My friends accept me for who I am, as I accept them for who they are. So just let yourself be yourself.


jennohgoh said...

heyo`. hah. i love your blog. love the way you blog ! hah. stay happy. =D


Enid said...

just thinking about the same the title.i try to google the sentences like that and found here.nice article!