Thursday, January 27, 2005

Work Work Work

Today, 27th January 2005, I worked for the 1st time in my whole life. Not that I never work before, but its just that this time I am working for money. Well, started off the work with waking up at 6am, something that I had not done for the past 2 months or so. So it feels very tiring and all... then the friend whom I am suppose to meet for work was late for about 45 minutes... good training for my patience, something that is needed for this job. Oh ya, I am giving out leaflets. What a job... -_-" At first I thought it was an extremely boring job, but as I continued on giving out the leaflets, I discovered the "fun" part to this job. Haha, first of all, I get to see many people, with different faces, sizes, colour, and expressions. Thats interesting. Some people look the same, are extremely fat, gives weird expressions. Well, you never know untill you really experience it. Then throughout the time I was giving out leaflets, I discovered a few interesting things. About 98% of indians will take the leaflets, 2% are those whose hands are full or didn't see me. 50% of chinese will take the leaflets, another 50% simply wave no and give me a stuck up face, don't care about me, hands are full, simply walk away pretending they didn't see me. 40% of malays will take the leaflets, and most of this 40% are malay women who wear tudung. The 60% left simply walk off pretending they didn't see me. Only 10% of caucasians will take the leaflets, the other 90% will simply wave no or didn't see me. Haha, in this job, I also get to see many things. Say while I was giving out the leaflets in Choa Chu Kang, there was this woman selling fried popiah near the MRT station. She was a vendor with no license, so if police come, she's in trouble. So I was giving out leaflets near her, and this was what happened. 7:50:30, woman was sitting down shouting "popiah popiah popiah!!!" 7:50:31, woman holding on to chair and pot running away. If you understood the above, you would discover that it took only 1 second for her to run away. If I had blinked or turn around at that time, I would have thought that she was abducted by aliens. Oh ya, that woman came back and continued selling popiah after half an hour, and seems as if nothing had happened at all. Haha, and I did pretty well too, finished the leaflets pretty fast. Haha, 1st day work experience...

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