Thursday, August 20, 2009

Post No. 268 (My First Post On My Laptop)

It is with my greatest pleasure to announce that I have bought my laptop and this is the very first post that I have crafted on the laptop.

I know I have stated my interest in procuring a Macbook Pro in one of my previous post, but I regret to inform that I have purchased a HP laptop instead. Well, I did not regret getting a HP laptop, but regret having to inform... never mind.

Anyway, one of the main reasons why I decided not to go for the Mac, despite having found out about its capabilities and usefulness, was because I am not confident of using a Macbook myself. The Mac OS, even though I had a short crash course with Jeff on its functionalities, was still extremely unfamiliar to me. And because of the need to use it in lectures and for my work, I felt that it was safer for me to go for a system that I was more familiar with instead.

I certainly do not wish to make a fool out of myself by opening my Macbook in lecture and not know how to use it! (although I was close to making a fool of myself when I took out my laptop for lecture and then realised that I did not have MS Office installed yet!) Of course, not to mention, the price was also a major factor in my decision making.

That said, the HP laptop took me awhile to get familiar as well. One thing being that it uses the Windows Vista OS, which I am not familiar with as I am one of those few who have been left behind in time and was still using the Windows XP OS on my desktop. Also, this is my first laptop and there was many many things that I had to go discover.

And if you have been wondering where I have been and why I have not been updating this little space of mine (please do not confuse with myspace), here's the reason:

Everyday, I will be at school. If I was not at school, I would be out with my friends. If I was not out with my friends, I would be at home. If I was at home, I would be in a crazy race to complete my readings and being capable of completing it only the night before it is required. For the first time in a long time, I found myself having no time to blog and its not because I was glued to my TV and playing FFXII.

And its not like I am out with my friends alot. Yes I admit that the dinner and movie that I went to did take up some time, but its not alot. Most of the time, its readings and more readings. Beowulf, William Blake, Anne Bradstreet, Walker Percy, John Smith... just some of the readings that have been completed in the week, and not to forget, my communications textbook. And oh yes, Lee Hsien Loong's rally speech for my Singapore govt and politics class which is happening tomorrow. School life is so wonderful. I hope I won't burn out. God please help me!

Oh well, maybe you are wondering why I am not doing my Lee Hsien Loong's rally reading now and is blogging these mundane things instead; it's because continuous reading can get a little tiring, and writing helps as it is something different. Actually, it is more than different, it is technically the complete opposite of reading and yet at the same time, it is the same as well, but a different kind. Haha, just some food for thought for you people.

I got a feeling today during comms lecture (and while learning about quantitative research) that if I take on communication studies in the higher level, I might have to face statistics and certain math as well, something I most certainly dread. But nevertheless, I still like comms studies. Its pretty interesting to learn something so basic and casual in such an advanced and formal way. For example, and I shall end with this, something which I found to be so very basic and yet so very true in relationships:

"Although dramatic moments affect relationships, it is our unremarkable, everyday interaction that sustains the daily rhythms of our intimate connections"

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