Saturday, January 16, 2010

Receiving mail.

I love to receive letters. Because I always feel that there's some sort of a surprise waiting for me inside those white envelopes. Most of them are just bank statements and bills, but sometimes they can really be quite a surprise.

I saw a white envelope on my bed when I got home this evening. A plain white envelope with only my name and address, the kind that has the greatest potential of containing a surprise. (those with POSB or M1 on them have no surprises at all. the ones with "On Government Service" might have some surprises)

I picked up and opened it. And then I saw...

NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC ---> "huh? okay, maybe they still want to invite me for their open house or what. some people never give up one."

*my name and address*

Dear Sir/Mdm,
Common Test Results and Attendance Record of ......, ANG PEI YI (my sister's name)
.... A copy of your child/ward's common test is attached for your attention....
Hope you will have a satisfying discussion with your child/ward on this matter. We believe your partnership and continual involvement will motivate your son/daughter to put in the extra effort needed for him/her to do well.
*end of letter*

Now, talk about a surprise. How on earth did this letter end up having my name on instead of my parents' totally evaded me. I read for a while, amused, surprised, confused, before bringing to my parents.

Dad: "What's in the letter?"

Me: "Just mei's results and attendance lo. And some information on examinations." *proceeds to read off the letter*

Dad: "How come will have your name one? (tells my mum) Call Pei Yi and ask her what happen."

Mum: "(on phone with sis) Your father change name already ah? Become kor's. You better go and update okay."

Apparently everyone thinks its too much for a mistake like that. I find it rather amusing though.

I am impressed with my sister's results. A+. Still need what discussion.

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