Monday, July 03, 2006

Pasar Malam makes you fat

Yes they do. Pasar Malam (I hope I spelled this right, not malay literate here) refers to open market, carnival, or a fair. Basically, they just make people fat. Why do I say so? The food there is tempting, and you feel like you need to eat them. Personally, I have just eaten 2 Ramly burgers, 1 chicken wing and 2 chicken chops, all in one go. Thats crazy, and I feel very fat all of a sudden. There is no "ask for more vegetable" or "ask for less sauce" stickers at the store there and health is definitely last on the list for the vendors. The food there is fantastic, they look good, smell good, and the vendors make it in front of you (especially for Ramly burgers). They are also not stingy on the ingredients, and the food is hot when you place it in your mouth. Great. And they are very cheap as well. A burger would be $2.50 while chicken wing is $1, chicken chop would be $3.50 each. Compare this to Macdonalds and you will know why it is cheap. Now with all this unhealthy food in me, a few more extra sit ups and push ups will be needed to work them off. Especially since army is 6 more months away.

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