Sunday, March 06, 2005

It Takes A Team

Today I just strolled down from the MRT station all the way to my home, mp3 plugged in my ears, my mind plugged into some other thoughts. I don't know why, I seem to think alot. Hey, don't come telling me that I am mad. I suppose many people who finished their O'levels and are enjoying their long awaiten break think alot too. I am saying, you can't possibly stop thinking for months, you will lose the ability to use your brain properly! Oh well, back to topic, teamwork. So I got myself thinking and I just thought of teamwork. Yes, teamwork is very important, although many people try to deny this fact. Many people think that they live by themselves all alone in this world, that they can do their job alone, play alone etc etc. Well, theres a little problem here. No one can do anything alone, they need a team. You need 22 players to play a soccer game, 10 players to play a basketball game, a team of architect and engineers and construction workers to build a building, you need teams for almost everything! You know, a single tile can't do much, but if you put many tiles together, you get a little floor. And maybe if you put these floors together, you get a courtyard. One drop of water can't help much, but if you put many drops of water together, maybe you get a drink, then maybe even a whole reservoir. Haha, you see, when you go in teams, you really can achieve alot. And if you try to be solo, no matter how good you are, you can't achieve as much as a team can. Yet, you need teamwork to work in a team, sounds simple huh. Teamwork means to actually coorperate. That means to do what you are supposed to do, sometimes even sacrifice a little. Say a tree, if all the different parts, the leaves, the trunk, the roots all decide that they want to be in the open air to let everyone see, and the roots doesn't want to be in the ground, and they quarrel and quarrel, then the tree will simply die because the root ain't doing its part, the team will simply die if you don't do your part. This society, this nation, this world is a whole team of people, and you have your part to play. It may be a small part, an unrecgonised part, but it is still important. Roots had to touch the soil and get dirty and all, but it still did its part, and thats how trees live.

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