Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In a bid to go play FFXII, which HH Eleanor so graciously lent me (thank you, your highness), I spent last night (which happened to be the only free time I get to sit my butt in front of the TV and PS2 in a week) killing Sin and going into its body. And then this afternoon killing Seymour, the Jecht-Final Aeon thingy, all the aeons, and the pathetic looking Yu Yevon.

And yes, I gave up trying to avoid 200 consecutive thunder bolts.

I have to say, its kind of sad, replaying the game and knowing that Tidus is going to fade away at the end. Its almost like when I play FFVII and knowing that Aeris is going to die before her wish of going on the Highwind will come true.

The ending is mega sad. Especially when you think about how the story and characters have developed. Even though FFVII is my favourite game, FFX's ending has to be the best. No other Final Fantasy ending has made me feel so much emotions, except maybe FFIX, or Crisis Core.

Did Tidus really come back in FFX-2? I sure hope he did.

The people and the friends we've lost, and the dreams that have faded... never forget them.

FFXII shall start tomorrow, I hope.


Anonymous said...

Actually, i was disappointed with FFX's characters. =/ I only cared about Tidus, Yuna, Tidus&Jecht, Auron...

but i agree. it has a fabulous story (i'm glad we both appreciate it even if it's a critique of 'religion') and one of the best endings. heartbreak!

(CC ending was nice meh? =p i watched it. And um. FF9 one was perfect.)

The FMV with Yuna performing the sending is one of my favourites.

Btw, they opened up another show for Distant Worlds again very, very recently, but I didn't hear of it until the seats were sold out. eep.

~ st

The Jellydrink said...

I actually liked the relationship that the characters share with each other. :D The friendship they shared is so heartwarming! And its without this "leader" feeling.

Hm, Crisis Core ending was nice leh... maybe I am abit bias because its FFVII, haha :P FFIX's was perfect because its a happy ending! Haha.

Hm, which sending? The sending of the Aeons, or the 1st sending we saw early in the game? My personal favourite is the one that Tidus crashed the weddding. :D

Ah? They opened another show? Geez, where do you people get these information from?? I must really really pull my antenna a little higher.

Anonymous said...

Haha, the relationships? Not as rich as those in previous FFs leh. At least, in my personal opinion la. xP I found a lot of characters slightly one-dimensional.

FF9 also had fabulous ending lines. The Vivi (?) soliloquoy and the insight we get into the characters' lives 'some time later'! So touching. It really makes things come full circle.

I loved the first sending. So haunting la. First time I watched it I had these goosebumps.

With regards to your FF12 post: I agree about the voice actor with the indian accent. It's funny cause they reused the same voice actor for plenty other roles. you'll find out later..and honestly ff12's graphics and voice dubbing is top-notch, you won't be able to find anything to complain about like, at all...

i um found out from my friend. Who keeps tabs on esplanade stuff. I don't really keep that much up toodate with these things either.
