Sunday, May 17, 2009

With the high frequency of arguments happening on the Super Captain's Ball pitch, I am beginning to feel that its an appropriate time to build a Parliament House on the field.

Well, anyway, I have never let what happens at Heart.Sports spoil my mood. Its just not worth it.

I watched the Manchester United vs Arsenal match last night with my soccer pals, and some of other friends. Well, Arsenal played really well, despite the fact that the referee was obviously not very fair. Giving yellow cards for almost every single of Arsenal's fouls and not a single card for Manchester United's. No exaggeration, it was 5 yellow cards to 0 yellow cards.

Relised that soccer is to us like how Blitzball is to Spira. It bonds everybody together, and we just simply forget what happens in the real world. All of us, just packed into that one corner of the cafe, eyes glued on the screen, screaming, cheering, jeering. All we talk about is soccer, as if its all thats happening in our lives. As if we were living in the television where all the action was happening.

And then when the final whistle blows, all of us gets thrown back to reality. We foot the bills, get back onto the streets, into our lives, talk about university, about our future, about our uncertainties. If it was in Spira, its like stepping out and seeing Sin stare at you in the face. Except this time, its reality, and its not as easy to master as Sin is.

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