Friday, May 15, 2009

Out of boredom, I have created a "How well do you know your Final Fantasy VII?" quiz. It can be found at the below url.

I am determined that I must finish FFX by the end of next week as I must soon embark on my FFXII journey, but I just couldn't find the time to go touch my PS2 for the past few days! Argh.

I went for my 1st official post-ORD activity today (technically, yesterday) at Vivocity. The knight was bringing royalty out.

Dim sum buffet was good, and I did a foolish thing by opening a closed entrance when the proper entrance was just a short walk away. -_-"

Shopping was good as well, and so was the visit to National Geographic Shop/Museum. Not to mention the fact that we also went into freezing chamber, but I felt that it should be better named as the cold winds chamber instead. I was reminded of Cloud scaling the mountain at the Great Glacier place, having to constantly jump and keep his body temperature up.

I actually seriously considered the possibility of working there. Its such a fantastic job! Who cares about long standing hours when you can fill your eyes and mind with the boundless amounts of knowledge in that place, and at the same time, share it with the people who comes? Haha, well, geography and geographic history ALWAYS interest me. :D Yes, I know I should be more interested in literature, I know I know.

Hm, why am I posting these things? I don't even know who reads my blogs. What if someone is blog stalking me? Haha, whatever. I am sure no one will even bother to do that.

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