Thursday, November 23, 2006

Exam Day 7 - Battling Literature Part 2

This post is pretty late I would say, but I still managed to make it before the day ends. Ok ok, today was exam day no.7. The 2nd paper of English Literature that I would have to take. Today's paper is, English Literature Paper 4. Well, paper 4 is basically the topic paper. Each school chooses a topic to study and then sit for the exam. There are many different topics ranging from War Literature to Detective Literature. For my school, we take a topic called The Gothic Tradition.

So my day starts with me waking up at 6am in the morning. Yesterday slept pretty early at about 1.30am coz I needed to be fully alert for the literature papers. So I woke up, called Christine to wake up as well then went to bathe and changed up. What to study for gothic... well, I just took my note book with me and read it while I head to school. Of course, as usual, I slept on the bus. I wanted as much sleep as possible so I won't feel sleepy during the paper :)

Ok, reached school at about 7.20am. Met Izzat at the notice board and realised that our exam venue wasn't announced yet. So we jus sat down and studied together. Then a teacher came by to tell us the exam venue. F2-46. Same place as the last literature paper. Well well, so Izzat and I studied untill about 7.45am then we put our bags in the locker and headed to the classroom. Battlefield for today is: F2-46. Same old place. When I reached the classroom, there were people inside already so I just went in and sit down. Time: 7.48am

  • 7.48am: Sat down, prayed
  • 7.52am: Writing papers given out. Write name all.
  • 7.55am: Question paper given out. Check check.
  • 8.00am: Start paper. Write write.
  • 11.00am: End paper. Glad it ended.

Ok, so that basically wraps up my English Literature Paper 4. Its an average paper and I think managed to pull it off. Well, I tried my best and thats the most important.

After the exam, my friends and I went for lunch at Lot1. People present were Bright, Jonathan, Izzat, Evan, Winnie, Janice, Samantha and me. Well, I had fried chicken with rice and we just crapped in the food court over a cup of honey milk tea. Relaxation after the exam is very important. During the chat session, it is decided that tomorrow after the last paper, we will go play sports in school to relax. The guys insist on soccer, but the girls... well, we need to compromise. So tomorrow will include a whole array of sports like soccer, volleyball, handball, captain ball and touch rugby. See can play what then play what lo.

After lunch I went back home and take a nap. Went online then went out for the whole night. Details of my night out is not for viewing. :) Hehe. Then reached home and blogged already. Just before midnight I managed rush to blog. Cool huh.

Well, tomorrow is my last paper. English Literature Paper 5. That is the Open-Texts paper. Not an easy paper at all and I have never been good at it. After that. COMPLETE freedom!!!! Gosh, I can't wait at all! I can't wait for the A'levels to be conquered and the war to be over! All the way!!!

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